Osborn fa19
William Peeris (fl. 1520), Metrical Chronicle of the Percy Family.
The manuscript also contains "De Treugis inter Reges Angliae et
Scotiae," "Memorandum de Obsidibus Scotiae in quorum custodiae sunt,"
"Reges Hispania," and "Parliamente tent anno duodecimo." England; late
sixteenth century.
Contents (as foliated in manuscript):
ff. 28r-32r De Treugis inter Reges Angliae et Scotiae. "Ceste
endenture faite a Berewyk sur Twede le tierce iour Doctober L'ay du
grace 1357." This document is between King Edward of England and King
David of Scotland.
ff. 32r-33r Memorandum de obsidibus Scotiae in quorum custodia sunt.
In French.
ff. 33v The copie of a letter sent to the King of Scottes by Thomas
that tyme Erle of Surrey and after Duk of Norfolk and Lieutenant to
King Henry the viiith the third year of his reign (1513)." This letter
concerns the battle between the earl of the King of the Scots "tomorrow
... between xii of the clock and three in the after noone" in which it
asks the King to keep his promise and remove himself from the fortress
onto the "playne of Milfeld." Written September 7th.
f. 41r Description of the arms of various kings
ff. 41v-51v "Here beginnethe the prolouge of the little treateise
foloing wiche is the discent of the lorde Percis made and compiled
brevelie by me William Peeris clarke and preste secretory to the right
nobile Erle Henry the vth Erle of Northumbrelande." This chronicle of
the Percy family is in 98 rhymed stanzas of various lines (usually 7-
ff. 91-94v Geneological tables of the Kings of Spain.
ff. 96-98r Parlemente tent anno duodecimo quarti. A bill pleading
for the remedy of the troubles between Margaret, Viscountess Lisle (fl.
1466-ca. 1500) and William Lord Berkeley (1426-1492) and his wife.
Paper, watermark, Bricquet 8079 (Troyes, 1580); 30 ff. (The MS. was
previously foliated before disbinding. Folios run from 27-33, 41-51,
90-105.); 350 x 255 mm.; 1 column.
Manuscript disbound into sections, see foliation.
Various cursive and italic hands. Bound in blind tooled calfskin.
The spine is missing and the binding is unconnected to the pages.
Several sections have been removed from the manuscript (see foliation).
Bookplate of Thomas Philip, (2nd) Earl de Grey (1781-1859) of
Wrest Park.
Comments: Also included with fa.19 are five leaves with notes on
the armory, dated 9 October 1595. These leaves are of a different size
than the above manuscript (372 x 240 mm.) and have a different
watermark (a pot with the initials P D and B, similar to Bricquet
12793, Bayonne, 1583). In addition to the illustrations of the arms of
various English nobles, there are also introductory notes including
definitions of "Armorye" and "Armes" followed by rules quoted from
cited authorities.
To request this material for use in the Beinecke reading room, please go to Orbis, the Yale University Library catalog.