Osborn fa17
Political and historical tracts, letters. England; sixteenth
century, throughout the reign of Queen Elizabeth.
Quire 1:
ff. 1-2 Blank
ff. 3-12 Discussion of the succession to the Throne
ff. 13-14r That the Limitation of the Succesion of the Crowne be for
the Queene's Majesty
f. 15 Sacramentum Consiliariorum Regni
ff. 16-24 A coppy of an answer to a litle booke herin mentioned
ff. 26-29r Whether it may stand with good policie for her majesty to
joyne with -- in the enterprise of --. (with reply).
ff. 29v-33 An Oration made by the Lord of Ludington beinge
Ambassador from the Scottes with the Earl of Marton and the Earl of
Glyntarme in December 1560.
Quire 2:
ff. 2-4 An Oration made by the Laird of Liddington beinge Ambassador
... (see above).
f. 5 The Conditions of Peace between King Philip of Spayne and Henry
the French King.
ff. 6-8 Instruction for Sir Thomas Smith knight beinge sent into
France by the Queene's Majesty to the French King, and Sir Henry Norris
her Majesty's Ambassador. Westminster, 22 March 1566.
ff. 9-23 Letter to Queen Elizabeth from Nicholas Throckmorton in
France. incomplete.
ff. 24-33 Secret Submission (affirms that foreigners commiting
treason and other crimes in England may rightfully be punished). in
English with Latin quotations from Roman Civil law and Canon law, with
Latin marginal notations.
Quire 3:
ff. 1-2 Continuation of above text.
ff. 3-6r The Revolution of the 5 periods of 500 years. The first
period runs from Locrinus to Gorbaduc; the second from Julius Caesar to
the Emperor Claudius; the third from Vortiger to the the conquest of
the Saxons "infidels and hethen worshippers of idols and devills, and
shortly after became false Christians, favorers of Romish pride and
superstitions." In this account he mentions Gildas as his source. The
fourth ends in the double invasion of the Danes and then the Normans.
The fifth ends with the reign of Queen Elizabeth.
f. 6v Certayn pryvate Notes for better remembraunce of further
matters concerning the late Queen of Scottes. (Notes on events from
ff. 7-8 blank
Paper. 74 ff. 1 column.
Various cursive scripts; the legal text in quires II and III has
occasional quotes, both English and Latin, in Italic script. Unbound.
Purchased from Sotheby's, 1970, via Dobell.
To request this material for use in the Beinecke reading room, please go to Orbis, the Yale University Library catalog.