Beinecke MS 717
Italy (Sinigallia), c. 1650
Miscellany, Italian and Latin
1. f. 1r Per un breve diletto / Aspri tormenti, / Per un breve piacer / Eterne pene ...
Italian poem warning against sin.
2. ff. 1v-4v Ecce agnus Dei [John 1:29]. Fratelli e sorelle in Cristo, alzate gl'occhii ...
Italian sermons.
3. ff. 5r-54v Notes on Christian, historical and other subjects, sermons, commonplaces,
recipes etc., all in Italian. On f. 22v: "Sinigaglia fu edificata ... Fu rovinata e destrutta da
Alarico re de Goti ...". This is followed by notes on the churches and other buildings of
the city, and the relics kept in the churches.
4. ff. 55r- 90r Catone: Anima magis est ubi amat quam ubi animat. Abundanti dare nihil
aliud est quam perdere. Gregorio: Abstinentia est mater sanitatis, voluptas vero est mater
egritudinis ... [f. 90v:] Rom. 13: Vis non timere potestatem? Bonum fac et habebis
laudem ex illa [Rom. 13:3]. ff. 90v-91r blank
Latin proverbs and quotations in alphabetical order, to which other hands have made additions
on blank spaces and pages. The sources as far as indicated are the Bible, the Church Fathers, a
few Christian authors of the Middle Ages, pagan authors and philosophers.
5. f. 91v Antonius N. aram hanc construxit centumque constituit, quo in ea res sacra
perpetuo fiat bis in hebdomada singulis quibusque diebus Dominicis et quibus contigerit
Annunciatio Virginis. 1619. - Primi lapides fundamentales huius ecclesi? iacti fuere anno
Domini 1610. ... Horatius N. Senegalliensis memoriam hanc faciendam curavit 1612.
Notes on monuments in Sinigallia.
6. f. 92r-v Carmina ad Mariam. Mater, nata, uxor, natum patremque virumque ... Ad
eamdem. Dux, genitrix, tutrix, equites natosque, clientes ... Ad Crucifixi imaginem.
Effigiem Christi qui transis pronus honora ... [cfr. Walther, Initia 5256]. Ad Virginem. Tu
qui transis, cave, ne dimittas dicere Ave. Ad eandem. Deum capis, hominem rapis ... In
viam salutis etern?. Sine labe quid miraris mater Dei est ...Ad Virginem. Te intercedente
divina placatur ira ...
Latin verses in honor of the Virgin.
7. f. 93r-v Super sepulchrum inscriptiones. Ad expectandum magni iudicii diem
locum istum pro se suisque heredibus elegit N., qui obiit anno 1600 Calendis N., etatis su?
65 ...
Text of epitaphs in churches at Sinigallia, dated 1600-1602, in which the family names have been
replaced by "N." (see also art. 5). An additional epitaph is of "Iohannes de Ruere Senegalli?
vetustissim? civitatis dominus" [Giovanni della Rovere (1457-1501), lord of Sinigallia and
Mondavio, prefect of Rome].
8. ff. 94r- 97r Various notes in Italian, mainly historical. The names of Sinigallia and
della Rovere appear on f. 96v.
9. ff. 97v-98r Table of the times of sunrise (f. 97v: "Sole") and noon (f. 98r:
"Mezogiorno") for all the days of the year, expressed in hours and minutes, according to
the Italian system in which the day is divided into 24 hours of equal length and sunset =
hour 0.
10. ff. 98v-101v Various notes in Italian, i.a. a list of herbs, notes about popes and notes
dated 1655 and 1656. f. 102 blank
Paper, ff. II + 102 + II, 190 x 125 mm. The paper badly damaged by the acid ink, often
impairing legibility. Some texts much faded.
Collation impossible.
Written in long lines without any ruling.
Various scribes, mostly writing Humanistica Cursiva Currens difficult to decipher. Some parts are
written by a more calligraphic hand, especially the original parts of artt. 4, 6 and 7.
There is no decoration.
Modern blue paper wrappers; on the spine a paper label with the printed inscription "ITALIAN
MISCELLANY. MS. c. 1650".
Purchased on the Edwin J. Beinecke Fund.
Albert Derolez
R 19.02.09