Beinecke MS 694
Tivoli, 1471
Gaspare Zacchi, Bononiensium res publica
f. 1r blank
1. f. 1v Insigne rei publice Bononiensium [coat of arms in a wreath].
2. f. 2r-v Prologus. Gaspar Zacchius Volaterranus, Auximatum episcopus Tyburtineque arcis
prefectus, sexdecimviris civitatis Bononie s(alutem) d(icit). Dum Bononie apud clarissimum
Bessarionem cardinalem legatum vestrum protonotarius Volaterranus tunc temporis nuncupatus
agebam, perplacuit in vestra spetiosissima [corr. by other hand into clarissima] res publica animo
meo hesit atque inscidit vehementer ... ut vos, qui ceterarum rerum rei publice potestatem
potissimum obtinetis, commentariolos quoque de ea loquentes in vestra potestate habeatis.
Valete. Datum in [this word added by other hand above the line] insignissima Tyburtina arce
tercio kal. Decembris Christiane salutis anno M.CCCC.LXXI.
3. ff. 3r-9r Gasparis Zacchii Volaterrani, Auximatis episcopi, Bononiensium res publica
[heading on f. 2v]. I. Res publica Bononiensium nec ex optimatibus nec ex plebeis constat
omnino, sed ex utrisque mixta existit ... Cuius rei merito mea sententia ipsa res publica magnam
ei obedientiam, reverentiam fidemque prestare tenetur. Finis. f. 9v blank
4. f. 10r Insigne auctoris [coat of arms in a wreath]. f. 10v blank
Artt. 1-4: Gaspare Zacchi, Bononiensium res publica. The author (d. 1474) in 1450-1455, being
protonotary of Volterra, was a member of Cardinal Bessarion's legation to Bologna. In 1460 he
became bishop of Osimo. At the time he wrote the present treatise he was prefect of Tivoli ("Arx
Parchment (goatskin), ff. II + 10 + II, 155 x 95 mm.; the outer quire side is hair side.
Almost invisble ruling in brown crayon for one column of 16 lines below top line, 104 x 65 mm.
Copied by a single scribe writing Humanistica Cursiva Formata very close in aspect to
Humanistica Textualis, with relatively numerous and unusual abbreviations. A second hand,
probably the author, has corrected the scribe's errors.
Chapter numbering in the outer margins in Roman numerals written in pale red ink. The headings
of artt. 1, 3 and 4 and "Finis" on f. 9r are written in Capitalis in pale red ink. The nine chapters of
art. 3 open with a plain initial alternately blue and pale red. Between two chapters one line is left
free. Art. 2 opens with a 3-line gold initial on a blue-red-green rectangular background decorated
with white and gold penwork. Art. 3 opens with a 5-line white vinestem initial with full-length
marginal extension. Art. 1 contains the coat of arms of the city of Bologna, art. 4 the coat of arms
of the author, both in full colour.
Binding s. XIXin by Rene Simier (d. 1826): citron morocco over pasteboard, both covers with
delicate gold-tooled frame, the spine gold-tooled, with gold-tooled title "GASP. / RESP." and
binder's signature at the foot "REL. P(ar) SI.". Gilt edges. Grey marbled endpapers. The first
flyleaf (f. I, the recto covered with marbled endpaper) has on its verso rake ruling for one
column of at least 21 lines traced in light brown ink, without vertical bounding lines.
Most probably the dedication copy, sent by the author from Tivoli to the Signoria of Bologna on
or soon after 29 Nov. 1471 (see art. 2). In the early nineteenth century in the possession of
Auguste Chardin at Paris; see Catalogue de livres precieux, manuscrits et
imprimes sur peau-v‚lin
du Cabinet de M. *** [Auguste Chardin] (Paris, 1811), no. 219. Sale of the Chardin library, Paris,
9 Febr. 1824, lot 2448 (see on the first fly-leaf v the pencil note "2448 Chardin"). Sir Thomas
Phillipps (1792-1872; his stamp on the same page, with the number "864"). Sotheby sale of
Phillipps manuscripts, London, 30 Nov. 1965, lot 35. Collection of Major J.R. Abbey (1894-
1969; his bookplate on the front pastedown), MS JA. 7353. Sotheby sale of Abbey library,
London, the eleventh portion, after 1978........, lot 3023. Purchased on the Edwin J. Beinecke
J.J.G. Alexander, A.C. de la Mare, The Italian Manuscripts in the Library of Major J.R. Abbey
(London, 1969), no. 37 and pl. XI.VIb.
Albert Derolez
R 17.02.09