Beinecke MS 666
Italy, s. XV 2
Valerius Maximus, Facta et dicta memorabilia
ff. 1r-249r Valerii Maximi factorum ac dictorum memorabilium liber ad Tyberium
Caesarem primus. Prologus [heading added afterwards]. [U]rbis Rome externarumque gentium
facta simul ac dicta memoratu digna, que aput alios latius diffusa sunt quam ut breviter cognosci
possint, ab illustribus electa auctoribus deligere constitui ... et quoniam initium a cultu deorum
petere in animo est, de conditione eius summatim dixeram. [f. 1v, text:] [M]aiores stata [corr.
from statas] sollempnesque cerimonias pontificum scientia, bene gerendarum rerum auctoritate
augurum observatione, Apollinis predicatione vatum libris, portentorum depulsis Etrusca
disciplina explicari voluerunt ... quem a Marcho Antonio interemptum luce clarius erat,
quamquam totius Orientis civitatum et gentium credula suffragatione fultum capud clementer
imperio imminens iusto inpendi supplicio choegit. Amen. f. 249v blank
Valerius Maximus, Facta et dicta memorabilia, C. Kempf, ed., Teubner (1888, repr. 1966), with
corrections, interlinear and marginal glosses and variants on ff. 1r-186r.
Paper, ff. I + 249 + I, 260 x 210 mm. In-folio folding. Watermark: .... Top edges severely
trimmed. The top corners of ff. 189-249 repaired. Outer edges of ff. 156-166 damaged by mice
I12 (-1, ff. 1-11), II-XIII12 (ff. 12-155), XIV10 (ff. 156-165), XV-XXI12 (ff. 166-249). Horizontal
catchwords in the middle.
Ruled with lead for one column, 168/177 x 104/107 mm. Ruling type 36 (double vertical
bounding lines narrowly spaced), with one additional vertical line in the inner margin and one in
the outer margin. Some quires have 22 lines below top line, others 23.
Copied by one hand in Humanistica Cursiva Libraria, marked by a curious form of r resembling
Undecorated. The spaces for headings and initials are blank, except in the first quires, where a s.
XVI hand has added some rubrics and plain initials; red capitals and a few contemporary red
headings are added on ff. 77v-91r.
Early binding: brown undecorated leather over pasteboard. Spine with four raised bands. Blue
sprinkled edges.
On the front pastedown the number "9181" and "nro. 5" written in pencil and a cutting from an
English sale catalogue in which our manuscript was item 478. Acquired from the estates of Mary
P. Milmine and George P. Milmine, Yale 1923.
Albert Derolez
R 18.02.09