Beinecke MS 662
France (Loire valley), s. XV 3/4
Hours, use of Paris
ff. V-VI ruled but blank
1. ff. 1r-12v Calendar in French, two pages (r and v) for each month, in red and black. Feasts
are mentioned on all days. Computistical data: Golden Number and Day Letter. Many saints are
repeated on several days and even more are recorded under false days. The feasts that are
inscribed on exact data seem to point to Northern France: Albinus (1 March), Landericus (14
July, but also 10 June), Crown of Thorns (11 August), Audomarus (9 Sept., but also 16 August),
Caprasius (20 Oct.), Amandus (26 Oct.), Genoveva (26 Nov., but also 5 Jan.).
2. ff. 13r-19v Gospel Lessons. f. 20r-v ruled but blank
3. ff. 21r-43v Hours of the Virgin, Matins and Lauds.
4. ff. 44r-45r Hours of the Cross, Matins (heading on f. 43v).
5. ff. 45v-46v Hours of the Holy Spirit, Matins (heading on f. 45r).
6. ff. 47r-52v Hours of the Virgin, Prime (heading on f. 46v: "Ad Terciam").
7. ff. 52v-53v Hours of the Cross, Prime.
8. ff. 53v-54r Hours of the Holy Spirit, Prime.
9. ff. 54v-58v Hours of the Virgin, Tierce.
10. ff. 58v-59v Hours of the Cross, Tierce.
11. ff. 59v-60r Hours of the Holy Spirit, Tierce.
12. ff. 60v-64v Hours of the Virgin, Sext.
13. ff. 64v-65v Hours of the Cross, Sext.
14. ff. 65v-66r Hours of the Holy Spirit, Sext.
15. ff. 66v-70v Hours of the Virgin, None (heading on f. 66r).
16. ff. 70v-71v Hours of the Cross, None
17. ff. 71v-72r Hours of the Holy Spirit, None.
18. ff. 72v-79r Hours of the Virgin, Vespers (heading on f. 72r).
19. ff. 79r-80r Hours of the Cross, Vespers.
20. f. 80r-v Hours of the Holy Spirit, Vespers.
21. ff. 81r-85v Hours of the Virgin, Compline (heading on f. 80v).
22. ff. 85v-86v Hours of the Cross, Compline.
23. ff. 86v-87v Hours of the Holy Spirit, Compline. f. 88r-v ruled but blank
24. ff. 89r-91v Salve mater dolorosa ... (RH 18018).
25. ff. 92r-95v Obsecro te ... (the heading "Devota oratio" is on f. 91v).
26. ff. 95v-96v O intemerata ... Qui autem non manducaverit, non habebit vitam eternam.
Et //.
27. ff. 97r-115v Penitential Psalms, Litany and Prayers.
28. ff. 115v-161v Office of the Dead ("Ad Vesperas mortuorum" ). ff. 162-163
ruled but blank
Parchment, ff. II (paper) + II (parchment) + II (ff. V-VI) + 163 + II (parchment) + II (paper),
180 x 125 mm.
I-II6 (ff. 1-12), III-XI8 (ff. 13-84), XII4 (ff. 85-88), XIII-XXI8 (ff. 89-160), XXII4 (-4, ff. 161-
163). Catchwords in small Semihybrida Formata (Bastarda) appear approximately in the middle
of the lower margin of ff. 28, 44, 52, 68, 76, 84, 104, 112, 120, 128, 144, 152 and 160, i.e. at
the end of quires IV, VI-VII, IX-XI, XIV-XVII and XIX-XXI.
Ruled with red ink for one column of 14 lines below top line, 90/92 x 60/61 mm. Ruling type 13.
The Calendar has red ink ruling for one column of 17 lines below top line, same dimensions and
ruling type, but with three additional vertical lines at left within the writing space.
The Calendar is copied by a scribe writing Northern Gothica Textualis Formata, Variant III in the
Oeser system; the text is by another scribe, writing Variant IV in the Oeser system, in two sizes.
Headings in red. Heightening of the majuscules in yellow. Rectangular line-fillers in blue and red
with white pernwork and some gold. 1-line dentelle initials with a blue and red background. 2-
line foliate initials alternately in blue and red. These are accompanied by a rectangular unframed
outer-margin acanthus border. Arch-topped miniatures above three lines of text, with 3-line
foliate initial and full acanthus border, framed in red and often containing grotesques: on ff. 13r
(St. John on Patmos; various grotesques), 21r (Annunciation; grotesques playing various
instruments), 32v (Visitation; grotesque and camel-like animal), 44r (Crucifixion), 45v
(Pentecost), 47r (Nativity; battle between man and rabbit, both riding beasts), 54v (Annunciation
to the Shepherds; grotesque), 60v (Adoration of the Magi; grotesque with staff), 66v (Flight into
Egypt), 72v (Presentation; two fighting grotesques, one carrying a man with sword on its
shoulders), 81r (Coronation of the Virgin; battle between two men, one riding a lobster), 89r
(Lamentation; three devils playing string instruments), 97r (David praying; various grotesques),
116r (Job on the Dungheap). The illumination is influenced by the style of Jean Fouquet (d.
1480) and the manuscript belongs to a group that has been called the "Fouquet Workshop Books
of Hours".
Binding s. XVI/XVII: brown morocco over pasteboard, covers and spine elaborately gold-
tooled. Gilt edges.
Count Mielzynski, Pawlowice (Poland): on the front pastedown is written, in the same hand "40"
and "Pawlowice 1846". Sold ?? 1927 by Count Max Mielzynski to Frank Altschul, New York.
Given by Margaret A. Lang in memory of Frank Altschul, 1986??
De Ricci, Census, p. 1651, no. 2.
Stephen C. Clancy, Books of Hours in the "Fouquet Style": The Relationships of Jean Fouquet
and the "Hours of Etienne Chevalier" to French Manuscript Illumination of the Fifteenth Century
(dissert. Cornell University, 1988).
id., "A New 'Fouquet Workshop' Book of Hours at the Beinecke Library", Manuscripta, 35
(1991), pp. 206-228, pls.
Albert Derolez
R 16.02.09