Beinecke MS 641
Italy, s. XVmed
Nicolaus de Auximo, Supplementum Summae Pisanellae
f. 1 is a fly-leaf.
1. ff. 2r-5r Incipiunt capitula litterarum infrascripti libri. In primis littera A. Abbas.
Abbatissa. Absolucio primo communiter. Absolucio IIø percuciencium clericos ... Sequitur littera
Y. Ypocrisis. Yronia: require in littera I. Ystrio: require sub Histrio in littera H. Sequitur littera Z.
Table of the lemmata of art. 3.
2. f. 5r-v Declaraciones super abbreviaturis in hac summa positis. Ac.: Acursius. Al.:
Albertus. Ala.: Alanus ... W. Duran.: Guilielmus Durantis. Vin.: Vincencius.
: paragra[p]ho seu
paragraphus vel paragraphi seu paragraphos.
List of abbreviations used in art. 3.
3. ff. 5v-311v In nomine Domini nostri Yhesu Christi. Amen. Incipit liber qui dicitur
supplementum. [prologue :] Quoniam summa que magistrucia seu Pisanella vulgariter nuncupatur
propter eius compendiositatem apud confessores communius inolevit ... et propter predicta hoc
opus supplementum appellari potest. [text :] Abbas in suo monasterio conferre potest suis subditis
primam tonsuram et duos ordines minores ... Zelus ... Zelus domus tue comedit me. Et hic zelus
me, fratrem Nicholaum de Ausmo, ordinis Minorum indignum, pro aliquali simpliciorum subsidio
ad huius supplementi compilationem, quod favente Domino nostro Ihesu Christo, excepta tabula
capitulorum et abreviaturarum et rubricarum, expletum est apud locum nostrum sancte Marie de
Angelis, vulgariter sancti Angeli nuncupatum, Mø CCCCø XLIIII, Novembris XXVIII, die
Sabbati proximi ante Adventum, hora quasi sexta. Et omnia, que in eo ac ceteris opusculis per me
compilatis compilandisve incaute seu minus bene posita continentur, peritiorum et presertim
sacrosancte ecclesie submitto correctioni. Yhesu Christo. Amen.
Nicolaus de Osimo (Auximo) OFM (d. after 1453), Supplementum Summae Pisanellae, an
alphabetically arranged supplement to the Summa de casibus conscientiae of Bartholomew of
Pisa (Bartholomaeus de Sancto Concordio, d. 1347). The work was finished 28 November 1444
in the Franciscan convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli near Milan and printed in the fifteenth
century from 1473 onwards (the incunabula roughly contain our artt. 1-4 in a different order). A
large amount of text is missing in art. 3: on f. 230ra, the text of the chapter Religio III. Quoad
votum ingrediendi ends incomplete ... cum venerit ad etatem vel cum mortuus fuerit pater potest
pater illud irritare and continues without a transition in the middle of the text of the chapter
Restitutio VIII: ut debeat illa reddere secundum maiorem extimacionem qua[m] unquam fuerint
dicta ... In the intercolumnar space is the note "deficit hic". In the lower margin of f. 232rb there
is also a note in Humanistica Cursiva referring to the text preceding the chapter Resuscitatus:
"Religio IIIø [corrected from IIIIø] cum c@teris qu@ ibi per ordinem sequuntur in fine libri
require". See artt. 5 and 7.
4. ff. 312r-322v Rubrice iuris civilis et canonici . Et primo rubrice Digestorum. Et primo
Digesti Veteris. A. Libro 1ø. Adoptionibus. Libro 4ø. Alienatione iuditii mutandi causa facti.
Libro 9ø. Ad Legem Aquiliam. ... ; [f. 313r:] Rubrice Inforciati ...; [f. 313v:] Rubrice Digesti
Novi ...; [f. 314v:] Rubrice Codicis ...; [f. 318r:] Rubrice Autenticorum ...; [f. 318v:] Rubrice
Institucionum ...; [f. 319r:] Sunt et alie rubrice in Xø, XIø et XIIø Codicis et etiam in Usibus
Feudorum, que hic perrarum allegantur, ideo eas ponere non curo. Rubrice iuris canonici. Hic
primo sciendum quod Decretum non distinguitur per rubricas, sed in tres principales partes ...
Alii vero libri iuris canonici rubricas continent, que sequuntur. Rubrice Decretalium ...; [f. 320v:]
Rubrice libri Sexti Decretalium ...; [f. 321r:] Rubrice Clementinarum ... Deo
gracias. Amen.
Ista est rubricarum tabula quinque librorum Decretalium facta per alphabetum, que intelligitur
sic: Prima littera abaci, que est riga extra marginem, significat librum ; alie vero abaci litere
significant rubricam ... Yhesu gracias. [f. 322v:] Divisio Decretalis per versus. Prima creat
clericos, offitia preparat inde ... Ultima criminibus penas subiungere curat [5 verses: Walther,
Initia, 14547]. Divisio Decreti. Divisio Decretorum distinguitur in tres partes, quarum prima
vocatur distinctiones, secunda cause, tertia [de] consecratione ... in quinta de consumatione et
ieiunio. Finis adest.
List of the rubrics of Corpus Iuris Civilis and Corpus Iuris Canonici.
5. f. 323r-v Religio III quoad votum ingrediendi. Utrum pueri possunt se obligare ad
ingressum religionis.
This is the full text of the chapter of which only the beginning is found in art. 3.
6 f. 323v [addition in another hand:] Utrum ingrediens religionem aprobatam etiam habens votum
religionis ... licet aliqui canonisti teneant contrarium. Hec dixit frater Antoninus de Florentia
archiepiscopus Florentinus mihi fratri Matheo de Granarolo anno Domini 1456.
An opinion of St. Antonine of Florence (Antoninus Florentinus, 1389-1459), communicated to
friar Matthew de Granarolo in 1456.
7. ff. 324r-352r [More chapters missing in article 3:] Religio IIII, Religio V, Reliquie,
Renuntiatio I, Renuntiatio II, Renuntiatio III, Renuntiatio IIII, Represalie, Residentia, Res,
Restitutio I, Restitutio II, Restitutio III, Restitutio IIII, Restitutio V, Restitutio VI, Restitutio
VII, Restitutio VIII (of the latter only the end is found in art. 3). ff. 352v and 353 (of
which only the inner half is preserved) ruled but blank
Parchment, ff. IV (paper) + 351 + IV (paper), 230 x 165 mm. Goatskin; the outer side of the
quires is flesh side. There are two errors in the modern foliation: after "39" follows "41" and after
"289" follows "291".
I-XXXV 10 (ff. 2-353). Signatures of the type "a1" - "a5", although mostly missing due to
trimming, appear to have constituted one series from quire I ("a") to quire XIX ("t"). Horizontal
catchwords (with one exception); their place and decoration varies according to the scribes: in
quires I-VI they are in the middle of the lower margin, between four flourishes (hand A); in
quires VII-XIX they have the same location but they are placed in a rectangular hairline frame
(hand B); on f. 82v (quire VIII), however, the catchword is at right; quires XX-XXI have
catchwords of the same type as quires I-VI (hand C); quires XXII-XXVI have catchwords at
right between four flourishes (hand D); in quires XXVII-XXX and XXXIII-XXXIV the
catchwords are in the middle between four flourishes of different styles (hands E and H). No
catchwords in quires XXXI-XXXII, art. 4 consisting of lists.
Rake-ruling for two columns, normally of 43 lines below top line, entirely traced in pale brown
ink. Ruling type 4, 156 x 113 mm., intercolumnar space 13 mm. Quires XX-XXIII instead have
44 lines, and quires XXXIII-XXXV 41 lines.
Apparently 8 scribes (not counting the short art. 6), all writing Southern Gothica. A copied ff. 2r-
64rb, line 39 in Semitextualis Libraria under Humanistic influence; B copied ff. 64rb, line 39-
192v in Textualis Libraria; C copied ff. 193r-221v in Semitextualis Libraria; D copied ff. 222r-
270vb, line 1 in Semitextualis Libraria; E copied ff. 270vb, line 1-311v in Semitextualis Libraria;
F copied ff. 312r-322v in Semitextualis Formata with Humanistic capitals (art. 4); G copied f.
323r-v in Semitextualis Currens (art. 5); H copied ff. 324r-352r in a large Textualis Libraria
(Rotunda, art. 7).
The decoration of artt. 1-4 consists of heightening of the majuscules in yellow; blue or red
paragraph marks. In art. 3 the chapters normally open with a 2-line (rarely 3-line) flourished initial
with penwork extensions in the left margin or in the intercolumnar space, alternately red with
purple or blue penwork and blue with red penwork; the first lemma of each letter opens with a 3-
or 4-line flourished initial filled with foliage and with more developed marginal extensions. The
text opens on f. 5v with a 5-line dentelle initial with green and blue background heightened with
gold and white, followed by 5 lines of text mostly in majuscules. The decoration of art. 7 is
similar to that of art. 3 but less carefully executed.
Binding s. XVIII (?): white parchment over pasteboard, with two modern brass clasps fixed to
the front cover. On the spine green leather label with gold-tooled title "SUMA MAGISTRA".
On the bottom edge the title "Summa Pisa****" is written.
When the defect in the text of art. 3 on f. 230r was discovered, the missing chapters were added
at the end by hand H on three quires (art. 7). Afterwards hand G used the space available at the
end of art. 4 to add another chapter which was partly missing (art. 5). This explains why in the
note on f. 232r the text "Religio IIII" , which applied to art. 7 only, was changed into "Religio
III", including art. 5 as well. The short art. 6, datable after 1456, was added last. There are
marginal notes, corrections and additions by contemporary hands in Gothic or Humanistic script.
On f. 1r-v a long note s. XVIII in Italian on the work, Bartholomew of Pisa and Nicholas de
Ausimo. On the facing fly-leaf v a Latin note s. XVIII/XIX on the same subject is pasted. On
the front pastedown the armorial bookplate of the orientalist John Haddon Hindley (1765-1827)
with his device "Cor non iecur"; see about him Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, v. 10
(2004), pp. 278-279; also an armorial bookplate with the device "Verum atque decens" and the
handwritten note "John Lee, Doctors Commons, 27 March 1828"; about the antiquary, lawyer
and astronomer John Lee (1783-1866), see op. cit., v. 33 (2004), pp. 84-86. On the facing fly-leaf
r the armorial bookplate of William Carr with his device "Ad sidera tollite vultus". On f. IIv is a
note signed "W.C." beginning "I bought this very curious MS from Messrs Bull
& Anvache (?),
Hartstreet, Bloomsbury, Nov. 1901. They had it from a Berlin bookseller"; it continues with
incorrect information about the text. Next to various other notes and cuttings (on printed editions
of the work contained in our manuscript), there is a cutting from a s. XIX printed bookseller's
catalogue pasted on one of the front fly-leaves, containing a short and inaccurate description of
our manuscript, stating among other things that "this fine MS. was written in 1444 by 'Marie de
Angelis, vulgariter Sancti Angeli nuncupatus'".
Quires Folios Signatures Lines Scribe Content
I 2-11 [a] 43 A 1-3
II 12-21 [b] 43 A 3
III 22-31 [c] 43 A 3
IV 32-42 [d] 43 A 3
V 43-52 [e] 43 A 3
VI 53-62 [f] 43 A 3
VII 63-72 [g] 43 A/B 3
VIII 73-82 h 43 B 3
IX 83-92 i 43 B 3
X 93-102 k 43 B 3
XI 103-112 [l] 43 B 3
XII 113-122 m 43 B 3
XIII 123-132 n 43 B 3
XIV 133-142 o 43 B 3
XV 143-152 p 43 B 3
XVI 153-162 q 43 B 3
XVII 163-172 r 43 B 3
XVIII 173-182 s 43 B 3
XIX 183-192 t 43 B 3
XX 193-202 44 C 3
XXI 203-212 44 C 3
XXII 213-222 44 C/D 3
XXIII 223-232 44 D 3
XXIV 233-242 43 D 3
XXV 243-252 43 D 3
XXVI 253-262 43 D 3
XXVII 263-272 43 D/E 3
XXVIII 273-282 43 E 3
XXIX 283-293 43 E 3
XXX 294-303 43 E 3
XXXI 304-313 43 E/F 3-4
XXXII 314-323 43 F/G 4-6
XXXIII 324-333 41 H 7
XXXIV 334-343 41 H 7
XXXV 344-352?? 41 H 7
Albert Derolez
R 05.06.08