Beinecke MS 602
Southern France (?), s. XIII/XIV
Repertorium iuris
ff. 1r-46v // apparet quod, si littere legationis indeterminate loquantur, plena est interpretatio
facienda. Quedam tamen sunt que in generali legatione non transeunt. Et quod legatus de latere
non potest se subicere, ubi in foro anime alic(ui) infra papam, notatur
.e..v. Illud autem et se.
An legatus possit excommunicare et punire eos qui sibi vel suis vel eius nunciis iniuriam vel
dampnum inferunt vel eius iurisdictioni impediunt notatur .e.t..I. circa principium.
Quod ex virtute litterarum legationis potestas legatorum dependet et quod legatus vices domini
pape gerit notatur ..II.
An quilibet patronus clericus vel laycus teneatur coram legato de iure patronatus et aliis
spiritualibus respondere notatur .e.t..V. circa principium...
[f. 1rb :] De sententia quam tulit legatus sub hac forma: "Quisquis furtum fecerit sit
excommunicatus", queritur an duret legatione finita. Item per quem absolventur legatione finita
violatores talium sentenciarum et statutorum penalium legatorum de hiis ditto
..IIII.v. Sed per
quem et se.
Item queritur de sentencia quam tulit legatus sub hac forma: "Si quis sic fecerit, talem penam
patiatur", an durat legatione finita, et si legatus aliter advocationis officium interdicat, an finita
legatione talis poterit advocare de hiis, .e..v. Sed numquam potest ...
[f. 46v :] Christus. Christus est scientia, in prohemio .v. Ceterum.
Christi actio nostra debet esse instructio .t. de teste ..I.v. Quid ergo.
Ubi Christus non est fundamentum, nullum boni operis superest edificium, .t. de summa
Trinitate in principio.
Christianus. Omnes Christiani dicuntur esse fratres, .t. de denunciatione
..II.v. Item opponitur.
Second half of an alphabetical Repertorium iuris, from Legatio to Christianus (Xpianus). The first
lemmata are: legatio, legatum, legitimitas, lenitas, lenocinium, lepra, lex, libellus, liber [book],
liber [free], licere, licitatio, ligare; the last ones are: vox, urbs, usucapio, usque, usus, ususfructus,
usura, ut, utilitas, vulnus, vulpis, vultus, uxor, Christus, Christianus.Numerous corrections and on
some pages extensive additions in the margins (e.g. ff. 11v, 39r). Part of the right-hand column
of ff. 24v and 33v is blank and in both cases there is a slight overlap with the text on the next
Parchment (goatskin), ff. 47, 350 x 245 mm. The outer side of the quires is flesh side. There were
originally 126 ff., as appears from the contemporary note "Fol. 126" at the top of f. 46v. The
inner top and bottom corners of the leaves badly damaged by mice (?).
I 8 (- 1, ff. 1-7), II 8 (ff. 8-15), III-IV 4 (ff. 16-23), V 10 (-9, -10; ff. 24-31), VI 2 (ff. 32-33), VII 8
(ff. 34-41), VIII 8 (-1, -2, -8; ff. 42-46). There are horizontal catchwords at right on ff. 19v and
23v; on some leaves red signatures, the system of which is not clear.
Ruled with lead for two columns of varying dimensions and with a varying number of lines,
between 50 and 63 below top line.
Apparently copied by 8 scribes, each writing one or two quires in small Gothica Textualis or
Semitextualis Libraria, having features of the Northern as well as the Southern type: A (ff. 1-7),
Semitextualis; B (ff. 8-15), Textualis with "box"-a; C (ff. 16-24), larger Textualis; this is the only
scribe writing catchwords; D (ff. 25-31), Textualis with "box"-a; E (ff. 32-33), Textualis; F (ff.
34-41), Semitextualis; G (ff. 42-46), Semitextualis. Carefully corrected in the margins. Many
lemmata are repeated in the margins (underlined).
Numerous paragraph-marks; red flourished initials at the head of each lemma. The decorative
braces which are consistently used to connect the text written in the open space at the end of
paragraphs with its beginning on the line below are of various shapes, apparently proper to each
The numerous scribes taking part in the copying of this manuscript, the changes of hand at the
transition of one quire to the next and the bad connections between quires IV and V and V and
VI point to the special conditions under which this manuscript was produced.
Gift of Thomas E. Marston, Dec. 1977.
Shailor, "Acquisitions", p. 96.
Albert Derolez
R 06.06.08