Beinecke MS 556
Southern France, s. XIII 2 (1281)
Mathematical, computistical, astronomical and astrological treatises
1. ff. 1r-6r Omnia que a primeva rerum origine processerunt ratione numerorum formata sunt
[this word added in the margin] et quemadmodum sunt, sic cognosci habent ... Est autem
numeratio cuiuslibet numeri per figuras competentes artificialis representatio ... sive completi
sive incompleti, qui modus operandi idem est cum predicto. Explicit Algorismus. Incipit tractatus
Iohannes de Sacrobosco, Algorismus; M. Curtze, ed., Petri Philomeni de Dacia in algorismum
vulgarem Iohannis de Sacrobosco commentarius, una cum algorismo ipso (Copenhagen, 1897).
2. ff. 6v-7v Incipit tractatus Thebith de recta ymaginatione spere celestis. Nos iuxta rectam
ymaginationem astrologiam inchoantes intelligamus mundum vel celum esse spericum corpus et
rotundum ... Hec sunt que introducendis in astrologia seu astronomia primo ymaginanda
occurrunt. Explicit tractatus Thebith de recta ymaginatione spere celestis.
Thebit ben Chorat, De recta imaginatione sphaerae. Carmody pp. 118-119 ; F.J. Carmody, ed.,
The Astronomical Works of Thabit B. Qurra (Berkeley, 1941?? 1960??), pp.??
3. ff. 8r-17v Incipit liber de spera. [Prologue :] Tractatum de spera 4 capitulis distinguimus,
dicentes primo quid sit spera, quid eius centrum, quid axis spere, quid sit polus mundi ... ; [text :]
[S]pera igitur ab Euclide sic describitur ... propter hec legitur Dionysius Ariopagita in eadem
passione dixisse : Aut deus nature patitur aut mundana machina dissolvetur. Explicit liber de
Iohannes de Sacrobosco, De sphaera, ed. ?? First printed 1472.
4. ff. 18r-21v Incipit tractatus quadrantis. Debes scire quod circulus solis duas habet medietates,
quarum una est septentrionalis et continet sex signa, que sunt Aries, Taurus ... profunditates
quaslibet et planicies. Hec quoque de prantica quadrantis causa introductionis breviter dicta
sufficiant. Explicit quadrans.
Iohannes Campanus of Novara (ascr.), Tractatus quadrantis. Ed.??
5. ff. 21v-44r Incipit compilatio compoti magistri Iohannis de Sacro Bosco. Compotus est
scientia considerans tempora ex solis et lune motibus et eorum ad invicem commensuratione
distincta ... In eadem littera versus dextram omnia predicta per ordinem inveniuntur. Explicit
A.D. 1281. Explicit compotus magistri Iohannis de Sacro Bosco.
Iohannes de Sacrobosco, Compotus. First printed 1545.
6. ff. 44v-55r Incipit theorica planetarum. Circulus ecentricus vel egresse cuspidinis vel
egredientis centri dicitur, qui non habet centrum cum mundo ... Occupat Eriginem Stilbon
Geminumque Latonem. Cesserunt Soli Cancer, Lune Leo soli. Explicit tractatus qui dicitur
theoria planetarum.
Gerardus Sablonetanus (ascr.), Theorica planetarum (also attributed to other authors). Carmody
pp. 167-168; F.J. Carmody, ed. (Berkeley, 1942??), pp. ??
7. ff. 55v-77v Incipit liber de aggregationibus scientie stellarum et principiis celestium
motuum, quem Ametus filius Ameti compilavit, qui dictus est Alfraganus, 30 continens capitula.
[Table of contents :] Differentia prima in annis Arabum et Latinorum et nominibus mensium
eorum et diversitatem quam habent ad invicem et in commemoratione annorum
Differentia 2a quod celum sit ad instar spere ... Differentia 29 in
eclipsi Solis. Differentia 30
de quantitate temporis quod est inter eclipses. [f. 56r, text:] Numerus mensium Arabum et
Latinorum est duodenus. Menses Arabum incipiunt ab Almuharam, qui est 30 dierum ... quorum
unus fuerit in climatibus septentrionalibus et fuerit alter in parte meridiana. Iamque patefecimus
de eclipsi Solis et Lune quod sufficiat. Explicit liber Alfragani de astronomia. Deo gracias.
Alfraganus, Liber differentiarum, tr. John of Seville. Carmody pp. 113-115; F.J. Carmody, ed.
(Berkeley, 1943??), pp.??
Parchment (goatskin), ff. I (parchment) + 77 + I (parchment), 225 x 160 mm.
I 12 (-8 probably blank; ff. 1-11), II-VI 12 (ff. 12-71), VII 6 (ff. 72-77). The outer sides of the
quires is flesh side. Horizontal catchwords at right.
Pricking in the upper, lower and outer (?) margins. Ruled with lead for one column of 35 lines
below top line (type 35, 131 x 85 mm.).
Copied by a single scribe writing Northern Gothica Textualis Libraria using two-compartment
and one-compartment a; z is written either as c or as z; the con- and -bus abbreviations have
equally no fixed shape; explicit formulas very occasionally have looped ascenders; line-fillers in
the shape of expunged i. Rubrics in the margins in Italian Gothica Hybrida. Numerous and often
extensive marginal notes by various hands s. XIII-XIV, mostly in small rapid cursive
handwriting, some in Italian Gothica Hybrida Libraria. The inscriptions in the diagrams are
equally in Italianate script. In art. 1 numerous calculations in arabic numerals in the margins.
Red paragraph marks and 2-3-line plain initials with guide-letters; on f. 1r a larger flourished
littera duplex inbrown and red; the other artt. open with larger plain initials. Numerous pointing
hands. Pen-and-ink drawings on ff. 4v: die; 6r: two circular diagrams, inscribed "figura
diversitatis aspectus", with a clumsy Italianate drawing of a female figure, and "figura eclipsis
solis"; 8r: circular diagram of the earth within the circles of the elements, the planets and the
heavens; the fifth, sixth and seventh clima of the earth are inscribed "hec est regio Romanorum",
"hec est regio Burgundorum et Francorum", "hec est regio Flandrensium et Anglorum" (the two
final words in another hand); 17r: circular diagram of the lunar eclipse; 22v: space for circular
diagram with the note "hic debet esse figura novem sperarum solum"; 24v: space for diagram
with the note "hic debet esse figura mensium et signorum ad invicem correspondencium"; 27r:
space for circular diagram, replaced by a sketch of a serpent biting its tail, and the note "hic debet
esse figura comparationis anni ad serpentem"; 30v: space for circular diagram with the note "hic
debet esse figura 4 ventorum, temporum, elementorum, etc. et complexionum"; 44r: circular
diagram showing epicycle and excentric; 44v: astronomical diagram; 45r: diagram inscribed
"figura Lune"; 45v: idem; 46r: two diagrams, one inscribed "figura Draconis"; 47r: diagram
inscribed "figura Saturni, Iovis et Martis"; 47v: astronomical diagram; 48r: idem, unfinished; 49v:
astronomical diagrams. More spaces for diagrams or tables are left on ff. 40r, 42r (full page), 43v
(only the circles have been drawn), 52r.
Early bindingwith heavy wooden boards recovered with new brown sheepskin. Spine with three
raised bands and gold-tooled inscription: "TRACTATUS ASTRONOMICI. MS A.D. 1281".
"Executed in England in the year 1281" according to an antiquarian catalogue ?? . Whereas there
is no doubt about the date (the manuscript is a unit and the year 1281 mentioned in the colophon
of art. 5 may be considered valid for the whole), the origin is not certified. The very rare loops at
ascenders in an explicit formula (f. 7v) may be an English feature, but a French and especially
southern French origin is more likely, as appears from the combination of Northern and Southern
elements in the handwriting of the text , whereas certain notes and captions to the illustrations (as
well as the pointing hands and the drawing on f. 6r) may point to scribes or users with an Italian
background. On the front paste-down the pencil note "Coll. perf. J. Martini". Was lot 20 in an
English antiquarian catalogue numbered XXI. Collection of Henry C. Taylor. Bequest of Henry
C. Taylor, 1970.
Bibliography: Taylor Collection, no. 1.
Albert Derolez
Updated 30.11.2007