Beinecke MS 535
England, s. XVmed and XVII
The Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ; Adam of Dryburgh; Thirty-Nine Articles
1. ff. 1r-2r At the begynnyng the proheme of the boke that is cleped the myrroure of the
blessud lyfe of Jhesu Criste. The ferste part for the Monday a devote meditacion of the grete
counseyle in hevenne for the restoryng of man and his salvacion, capitulum primum. Of the
manere of levyng of the blessud virgyn Mary, capitulum secundum ... Of that excellent and most
worthy sacramente of Cristes blessede body, capitulum LXIIIIum. Expliciunt capitula. Attende,
lector huius libri, prout sequitur in Anglico scripti ... prout legenti sive intuenti istum librum
speculi vite Christi lucide poterit apparere.
Table of contents for The Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ (Meditationes vitae Christi), tr.
Nicholas Love; L.F. Powell, ed., Roxburghe Club 151 (Oxford, 1908 [1911??]), pp. 1-6??,
followed by a note on Love's additions to the Latin text, ed.??
2. f. 2r Memorandum quod circa annum Domini millesimum quadringentesimum
decimum originalis copia huius libri, scilicet speculi vite Christi in Anglicis, presentabatur
Londonii per compilatorem eiusdem NN. reverendisimo in Christo patri et domino, domino
Thome Arundell Cantuariensi archiepiscopo ... decrevit et mandavit ad fidelium edificacionem et
hereticorum sive Lollardorum confutacionem. Amen.
Note stating that the original copy of the translation was presented to Thomas Arundell,
archbishop of Canterbury, for his approval, in 1410. Powell, ed., p. XI?? A note s. XVIII/XIX at
the bottom of the page explains the term "Lollards".
3. ff. 2v-96r Quecumque scripta sunt ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt, ut per pacienciam et
consolacionem Scripturarum spem habeamus. Ad Romanos XV [Rom. 15:4]. These ben the
wordes of the gret doctour and holy apostil Paule, consideryng that the holy levyns of all trewe
cristenen men and creaturis in this worlde ... that I may come with the to leve everlastyng Jhesu
Lord by vertue and grace off thy lyff blessed withoute endyng. Amen. Amen. Amen. Jhesu
Lorde thi blessed lyffe, helpe and confort our wrechede lyfe. Amen. Explicit speculum vite
Christi complete. In omni tribulacione, temptacione, necessitate et angustia / succurre nobis
piissima virgo Maria. Amen.
Powell, ed., pp.?? Our manuscript is mentioned in E. Salter, Nicholas Love's "Myrrour of the
Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ", Analecta Cartusiana 10 (Salzburg, 1974), p. 7, as "Franklin MS";
and ead., "The Manuscripts of Nicholas Love's Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ and
Related Texts", in A.S.G. Edwards and D. Pearsall, eds., Middle English Prose: Essays on
Bibliographical Problems (New York, 1981), p.??
4. ff. 96v-100r Prologus magistri Ade Cartusiensis. Dominis suis reverendis et amicis in
Christi visceribus dilectis,viro illustro [sic] domno priori et fratribus universis in ecclesia sancti
Andree in Scocia Christi servicio mancipatis, frater Adam, Dei et servorum Dei servus inutilis et
indignus, una pace dulciter vivere et ad unum gaudium feliciter pervenire. Soliloquium de
instructione anime intitulatum ... et benedicat Deo in corde suo a peccatis vestris precibus
absolutus. Explicit prologus. Incipit liber magistri Ade Cartusiensis de instructione anime.
Capitulum primum. Decretis [corrected into Secretis] interrogationibus pulsabo animam meam et
de suis occultis conveniam ut ignorantem instruam ... vel in preceptis vel prohibetis inobediensis
[l. inobediens sis], peccasti quidem, sed venialiter ; si tamen reatum // f. 100v blank
Adam of Dryburgh (Adam Scotus) O. Praem, later O. Carth. (d. 1212), De instructione animae;
ends incomplete in I.4; Bloomfield 5366; Sharpe, pp. 10-12, with list of manuscripts; ed. PL 198.
5. pp. 1-82 The 39 Articles of the Church of England. There is but one living and true God,
everlasting, without bodie partes or passions ...
The Thirty-Nine Articles (doctrinal formulas accepted by the Church of England), articles 1-19
only, in diagram form, all pages being organized in three sections titled "the truth", "the creed",
and "errors".
Part I. Written in the fifteenth century. Paper, ff. III + 102, 290 x 215 mm. Watermarks??
I 8 (ff. 1-8), II 12 (ff. 9-20), III-IV 18 (ff. 21-56), V 20 (ff. 57-76), VI 24 (ff. 77-100), VII 2 (two
singletons, ff. 101-102). Horizontal catchwords approximately in the middle of the lower margin,
mostly in a more or less fancy frame in pen and ink. Traces of signatures.
Frame-ruling for one column in black ink, type 13, c. 215 x c. 145 mm., with c. 38 lines of script.
Written by two scribes in Gothica Cursiva Libraria (Secretary very close to Anglicana). Hand A
(ff. 1r-18r,7) writes a careful bold, wide and rather angular script, with calligraphic extensions at
the ascenders on the top line; the handwriting of Hand B (ff. 18r,7-100r) is more rapid. Titles and
explicit formulas in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata.
Majuscules are heightened in red?? up to f. 8v. Red paragraph marks?? Plain red 2- to 4-line
initials. A 4-line red?? flourished initial with rather coarse penwork in ??, including a human head
and a fish, on f. 1r.
Two parchment fly-leaves of the original binding are inserted after f. 100: they have been taken
from a thirteenth-century manuscript and contain fragments of Codex Iustiniani, VI.3. P.
Krueger, ed., Corpus Iuris Civilis, v. 2 (Berlin, 1877), p. 240. They are ruled in lead for two
columns of 50 lines below top line and decorated with 3-line flourished initials, all blue with red
penwork. Rust marks in one of them show that the manuscript (our Part I) has been chained.
Part II. XVI/XVIIth century. Written in careful Gothica Cursiva (Secretary). The incipit in
Textualis Formata. Titles in Antiqua or Capitalis. Initials of various sizes, some very large, in
black ink at the opening of each article, mostly calligraphic (cadels), others imitations of early
interlace initials in outline drawing .
Signature of the owner Lysabethe Scheffelde (s. XVI) in the lower margin of f. 1r; and of
George Ogilvy (s. XVII) in the lower margin of f. 96r, on f. 100v and on one of the former
flyleaves. Numbered "W 495" in a collection. Catalogue of Medieval and Later Manuscripts,
Printed Books, which will be sold at Christies, 28 June 1972, lot 42. Purchased from Colin and
Charlotte Franklin, Oxford, 5 Oct. 1973, on the Edwin J Beinecke Fund.
Albert Derolez
Updated 27.11.2007