Beinecke MS 529
Spain, 1586
Carta ejecutoria de hidalguia, in Spanish
With thanks to prof. Rene Vermeir.
f. 1r blank
f. 1v- Don Filipe [f. 2r :] por la gracia de Dios [f. 2v :] rey de Castilla, de Leon, de
Aragon, de las Dos Secilias, de Jerusalen, de Portugal, de Nabarra, de Granada ... ecetera. Al
nuestro justicia mayor y a los del nuestro consejo presidentes e oydores de las nuestras audiencias
... [f. 3v :] Diego Gallego ya difunto vezino que fue del dicho lugar de Donvenito y su
procurador ... [f. 25r :] En la ciudad de Granada a doze dias del mes de Agosto de mill y
quinientos y ochenta y cinco ... [f. 28v :] En la cyudad de Granada a veynti quatro dias del mes
de Diziembre de mill y quinientos y ochenta y cinco ... [f. 30r :] Dada en Granada a quinze dias
del mes de Enero de mill y quinientos y ochenta y seis annos ... [title :] Carta executoria de
hidalguia a pedi**to de Juan y Hernando Gallego vezinos del lugar de Donvenito [preceded and
followed by signatures and subscriptions in various hands on f. 30r-v]. ff. 31r-32v ruled but
Letter of nobility granted to Juan and Hernando Gallego by the authority of King Philip II of
Spain, dated Granada, 12 August 1585, 24 December 1585 and 15 January 1586.
Parchment, ff. 32, 310 x 210 mm.
I 24 (ff. 1-24), II-III 4 (ff. 25-32). In the lower outer corner of f. 5v the number "3" is written by a
contemporary hand.
Pricking in the upper and lower margins only. Typical ruling in red ink for one column of 35 lines
below top line (type 31, 228 x 130 mm., marked by the small distance between the double
Written well above the lines in a bold and round Southern Gothica Textualis Formata with
typical Spanish features. The scribe added decorative designs in upper and lower margins.
The illumination consists of 7- to 10-line initials on a square background (ff. 2v , 10v, 25r, 27r,
28v) and the following pictures: f. 1v, full-page miniature showing a couple and their five
children in adoration for the Virgin in the Sun, in a decorative frame; f. 2r, full-page miniature,
showing a victorious king (Philip II) on horseback, with his army in the background, trampling
upon a defeated enemy; below is an oval shield containing three rocks and three trees, the whole
in a decorative frame; f. 6r (Alonso Perez, witness), 10-line historiated initial with St. Alphonsus;
f. 8r (Alonso Martin Garrido, witness), 9-line historiated initial with St. Alphonsus; f. 17r
(Hernando Verdugo, witness), 9-line historiated initial with the Holy Spirit as a dove; f. 20v
(Francisco de Robles), 9-line historiated initial with St. Francis receiving the stigmata.
Binding: red velvet over cardboard. The pastedowns are two large engravings, one picturing the
Beatitudes, the other the Creed.
On f. 1r inscriptions by various hands: ******* Gumpel", "Diego de Torres", "trechos sete
cientos maravedis. ** XXIIII sello se da plomo nobenta y dos maravedis". On f. 31r the note
"Esta egecutoria me la dio mi senora tia Julia Goufa (?) de Cuellar y Salzado en Albuquerque el
dia 19 de Marzo del ano 1901. Geronimo Llinas de Cuellar".
Ghift of Philip M. Neufeld in honor of Herman Wardwell Liebert.
Albert Derolez
Updated 28.11.2007