Beinecke MS
Beinecke MS 525
Fragments of manuscripts
MS 525.1
France, s. XIV 2 ??
Book of Hours
f. 1r-v Antiphona. Cruci, corone spinee, clavisque dire, lancee ... per que corone gaudia perpetua
speramus. Versus. Adoramus te Christe ... Oremus. Quesumus omnipotens Deus, ut qui
sacratissima nostre redemptionis insignia temporaliter veneramur, per hec indesinenter muniti
eternitatis gloriam consequamur. Per. De sancto Eustachio antiphona.
For the Antiphon in honour of the arma Christi, see AH, v. 24, pp. 38-39??; Leroquais, LH, v. 1,
pp. 186, 322; v. 2, p. 207.
Parchment, 1 folio, 210 x 155 mm.
Ruled in blue ink for 1 column of 10 lines below top line, ruling type 13, 91 x 66 mm.
Written in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata of two sizes.
Yellow heightening of the majuscules. One 2-line flourished initial, gold with blue flourishes, and
on f. 1r one square miniature (5 lines) in a golden frame representing the Instruments of the
Passion, accompanied by a full rinceaux border with a gold and pink bar in the inner margin. In
the upper right and the two lower corners flowers and plants grow on a circular grassy patch of
earth. The spiralling tendrils between them carry gold balls and vine leaves and flowers.
This small luxurious book of devotion seems to be organized according to the liturgical year, the
Exaltation of the Cross being celebrated on 14 September, the martyr Eustace on 20 September.
MS. 525.2
France, s. XIV??
Initial B
Cutting of a foliate initial (45 x 60 mm.) in blue on a square gold background, the interior of the
letter containing two branches with leaves and a flower on a speckled background. Parchment.
MS. 525.3
Northern France, s. XV
Book of Hours, Calendar, in French
f. 1r-v // Aoust. KL. viii c Saint Pierre ... e KL. Saint Paulin.
August, with a feast for every day, important feasts distinguished by red ink and larger script.
The computistical data are Golden Number, Day Letter and Roman Calendar without the
numerals. Includes Nicasius (16 August!), Piatus (17 August!), Amandus (20 August!), Louis (25
August, in red), Fiacrius (30 August).
Parchment, 1 folio, 172 x 120 mm.
Ruled in pink ink for 1 column of 17 lines below top line (type 13 with additional vertical lines,
96 x 69 mm.
Written in Northern Textualis Formata marked by the bold shape of the closing stroke of the
upper bow of double-bow a.
Heightening in yellow of majuscules. One 2-line dentelle initial for "KL." On both pages an
unframed outer rinceaux border.
MS. 525.4
France, s. XV
f. 1r //tur vobis. Deus autem pacis qui eduxit de mortuis pastorem magnum dominum ...
Secundum Marcum. In illo tempore mane prima sabbati illi euntes nunciaverunt ceteris.
Thursday of the second week after Easter, with lessons from Hebrews 13:20 and Mark 16.2-13.
f. 1r-v Feria via. Ad Romanos. Fratres, cum adhuc essemus infirmi ... Secundum Matheum. In illo
tempore exierunt mulieres de monumento ... usque in hodiernum diem.
Friday of the second week after Easter, with lessons from Romans 5:6-11 and Matth. 28:8-15.
f. 1v Sabbato. Si non fuerit festum novem lectionum sollempnizamus ultimam missam ...
Saturday of the second week after Easter.
Dominica iia post Pascha. Ad missam de beata Maria. Alleluia. Versus. Post partum ... Ad
processionem per cimiterium. Antiphona. Surgens Dominus Ihesus ... Ad missam introitus.
Misericordia Domini plena est terra ... Gloria in excelsis. Collecta. Deus qui in filii tui humilitate
iacentem mundum erexisti ... Lectio epistolae beati Petri apostoli. Karissimi, Christus passus est
pro nobis ... R. Alleluia. Versus. Ego sum pastor bonus et cognosco oves meas et cognoscunt me
mee. //
Second Sunday after Easter, with lesson from 1 Peter 2:21-25.
Parchment, 1 folio, 320 x 230 mm.
Pricking in the upper and lower margins. Ruled with brown ink for two columns of 30 lines
below top line (type 43, 212 x 140 mm.
Written in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata in two sizes.
The majuscules are heightened in yellow. One line-filler in gold and paint. The decoration
consists of (1) 2-line dentelle initials and (2) 3-line foliate initials. On f. 1v there is a gold and
blue bar in the intercolumnium ending in the upper and lower margins in rinceaux with vine-
leaves, a few flowers and acanthus leaves. Instructions for the rubricator are written in the
margins in small Gothica Cursiva.
MS 525.5
England, s. XIII/XIV
Book of Hours or Psalter (?)
f. 1r-v //Nam et testimonia tua meditacio mea est ... Et ne auferas de ore meo verbum veritatis
Ps. 118 :24-43
Parchment, 1 folio, 245 x 170 mm.
Ruled with lead for one column of 19 lines below top line (type 31, 170 x 105 mm). The
horizontal ruling is double, lines being traced for the headlines as well as for the baselines.
Written in a narrow Northern Gothica Textualis Formata (Textus Rotundus).
Abundant decoration consisting of line-fillers in gold and paint containing animal and hybrid
bodies and ending in human or animal heads; 1- and 2-line initials, the latter ending on f. 1r in
borders consisting of a horizontal bar in the upper and lower margin on which grotesques are
painted: in the upper margin an animal (its head partly cropped) shooting a bird and in the lower
margin a monkey looking at a hybrid.
MS 525.6
France, s. XV ex
Book of Hours
f. 1r// Deus, qui concedis obtentu beati Anthonii confessoris tui morbidum ignem extingui ... Per.
Suffrage to St. Antony the Hermit.
f. 1r-v De sancto Claudio. O desolatorum consolator, captivorum liberator ... Versus. Beati
Claudi gloriose confessor Dei. Responsorium. Implora apud Deum pro nobis auxilium. Oremus.
Deus, qui per donum Sancti Spiritus tui in beatum Claudium ... fere totus orbis Christianorum ad
ipsum //
Suffrage to St. Claude, bishop of Besancon and abbot of Condat (Saint-Claude). The Antiphon
is Leroquais, LH v. 1, pp. 154, 305 etc.
Parchment, 1 folio, 152 x 100 mm.
Invisible ruling for one column of 25 lines below top line, 113 x 55 mm.
Written in Gothica Cursiva Formata (Bastarda) in two sizes.
The decoration consists of 1- or 2-line initials in paint and liquid gold and a three-margin-outer
border on f. 1r. On the same page two rectangular pictures (10 lines high, framed in gold and
black ink placed in the text area, representing (1) St. Anthony holding a book and (2) St. Claude
as a bishop, blessing.
MS 525.7
Austria or Central Europe, s. XV
f. 1r-v [et potum meum cum] // fletu miscebam. A facie ire indignacionis tue ... Ne revoces me in
dimidio dierum meorum in generacione et // [generacione anni tui].
Ps. 101:10-25.
Parchment, 1 folio, 170 x 115 mm. Was folio 96 in a manuscript (pencil foliation s. XIX-XX).
Pricked and ruled in pink ink for one column of 18 lines below top line (type 15, 97 x 65 mm.).
The last of the vertical row of pricks near the edge of the page is double.
Northern Gothica Textualis Formata with Central European characteristics.
The decoration consists of line-fillers in blue, red and gold and 1-line dentelle initials in the same
MS. 525.8
Low Countries, s. XV
Psalter, in Dutch
f. 1r-v // mijn ziel is alte zeer ghestuert mer du, Here, hoe langhe? Kere di omme, Heer ... si
moeten omghekeert werden ende schamen zeer snelliken. Heer ghif. Antifona.
Keer di omme,
Here, ende wttrecke minen ziel ... als hi niet en is die se verlosse noch behoude. Psalmus. Heer
mijn God, heb ic ghehopet in di, behout mi van allen dien ... Heb ic hem weder ghegouden dien
Ps. 6:4-11, 7:1-5, in Dutch translation. The same version in The Hague, Royal Library MS 133 D
26, J.G. Heymans,ed., Psalters der Moderne Devotie, Corpus Sacrae Scripturae Neerlandicae
Medii Aevi, Series Minor, tomus 5, v. 2 (Leiden, 1978), p. 8.
Parchment, 1 folio, 170 x 115 mm. Was folio 148 in a manuscript (pencil foliation s. XIX-XX).
Ruled with pale brown ink for one column of 18 lines below top line (91 x 62 mm.) The ruling
type is probably 16 and the last but one in the vertical row of prickings is double.
Written in Northern Gothica Textualis Libraria.
Red heightening of majuscules. Alternately red and blue plain initials of 1 line (2 lines at the
opening of a Psalm).
MS. 525.9
The Netherlands (Utrecht), s. XV
Book of Hours, Calendar, in Dutch
f. 1r-11v KL Januarius maent
iii A Jaers dach
b Sinte Stevens octave
xi c Sinte Iohans octave
[f. 10v : December] ...
v f Thomas biscop ende martelaer
g David coninc
xiii A Silvester paeus
There is a feast for every day. The computistical data are Golden Number and Day Letter.
Among the saints in red: Pontianus (14 Jan.), Pancratius (12 May), Servatius (13 May), Boniface
(5 June), Odulphus (12 June), Lebuinus (25 June), Hieron (17 August), Lambert (17 Sept.),
Maurice (22 Sept.), Remigius (1 Oct.), Victor and Gereon (10 Oct.), Willibrord (8 Nov.!),
Lebuinus or Livinus (12 Nov.).
Parchment, 11 ff., 170 x 115 mm.
I 8 (ff. 1-8), II (three singletons, ff. 9-11).
The calendar is written continuously, without beginning a new page for each month. Ruled in
light brown ink for one column of 18 lines below top line (type 15 with two additional vertical
lines for the computistical data, 83 x 61 mm.). Pricking visible in the upper or lower margin.
Written in black and red ink in Northern Gothica Textualis Libraria.
Red heightening of the majuscules and red and blue plain initials.
MS 525.10
The Netherlands (Utrecht), s. XV
Book of Hours, Litany, in Dutch (from the same manuscript as MS 525.9)
f. 1r-v // Sinte Iacob, b. Sinte Philips, b. Sinte Bartholomeus, b. ...Alle heilighe apostelen ende
ewangelisten, biddet voer ons. Alle heilighe discipulen Ons Heren, biddet voer ons. Alle heilighe
Onnosele Kijnderen, b. ... Sinte Ponciaen, b. Sinte Sebastiaen, b. Sinte Fabiaen, b. //
Parchment, 1 folio, 170 x 115 mm.
Ruling and handwriting as in MS 525.9
The b's of "b[idt voer ons]" are heightened with red. The invocations begin with alternately red
and blue plain initials S.
The presence of Pontianus before Sebastian among the martyrs points to Utrecht.
MS 525.11
Italy, s. XVI
Initial from a Gradual
f. 1r // In nata[li plurimorum] martyrum i[ntroitus]. Intr//[et in conspectu tuo]
Cutting of an initial I ("Intret") at the beginning of the chants for the mass for the Common of
Martyrs. On the verso only a few letters are preserved.
Parchment, 165 x 160 mm.
Double ruling in beige ink.
Written in large calligraphic Southern Gothica Textualis Formata (Rotunda). The music is written
in nota quadrata on 4-line red staves, width 38 mm.
Illuminated ornamental initial (1 stave) on golde background.
MS 525.12
The Netherlands, s. XV
Book of Hours, in Dutch
f. 1r-v // die herten der apostelen een nuwe teyken der heilicheit. Opdat in hoerre alre monde
soude voertcomen manieren van allen tonghen. Alleluya. Veers. Dat godlike vuer was
toecomende [= Advenit ignis divinus]. Antiphona. Glorie si den Vader ... dat in horen monden
gheboren worden manieren van allen tonghen. Alleluya. Te Deum. Di, God, loven wi, di, Here,
belien wi. Al eertrike eert di, ewighe Vader ... in die glorie dijns Vaders. Men gelovet //
Pentecost. The "Te Deum" is in the Dutch translation of Geert Groote, N. Van Wijk, ed., Het
Getijdenboek van Geert Grote (Leiden, 1940), p. 42.
f. 2r-v //ne, ende mijn sonde is altoes tegen mi. Di allene heb ic ghesondicht ... Heer, lucke op
mine lippen, ende mijn mont sal voertkundigen dijn lof. Want //
[to be identified]
Parchment, 2 folios not in sequence, 185 x 150 mm.
Ruled with blue ink for one column of 19 lines below top line (type 13, 86 x 63 mm.).
Written in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata.
The majuscules are heightened in red. 1-line flourished initials in alternately gold with blue and
blue with red penwork. At the opening of "Te Deum" 2-line dentelle initial with bar in gold, red
and blue in the left margin ending in tendrils with gold balls and leaves in the upper and lower
Gift of James M. Osborn in memory of William R. Coats, 7 September 1973.
Albert Derolez
Updated 29.11.2007
R 06.06.08