Beinecke MS 510
Venice, s. XVI 1
Bernardo Giustiniani, Vita Beati Laurentii Iustiniani, Italian tr.
2 ff. ruled but blank
ff. 1r-62r Incomincia il prohemio del magnifico et clarissimo orator misier Bernardo
Justiniano nella vita del beato Laurentio Justiniano primo patriarcha di Venetia, alli monachi
Carthusiensi. Hor diamo principio ad laude del omnipotente Signore. Benche io non dubito,
venerandi padri, ch'el nostro patriarcha Laurentio siando sta in vitta
sempre abracato da vui con
ogni dilectione ... dali quali voi possiati haver et grande appiacer in lecer, et suavissimo fructo in
imitare. [f. 5r, text :] Di che fameglia, de chi padre et madre sia nasiuto, et in che modo giovene
se habia datto alla vita monasticha. Capitulo primo. Nacque Laurentio a Venetia, el cui padre fu
Bernardo Justiniano et la madre Quirina ... apena io creda esser poscibille che Idio soporta ch'el
splendor de un tanto lume tropo longamente giacia nelle tenebre et stia ascosto. Finis. ff.
62v-64v ruled but blank
Bernardo Giustiniani (Bernardus Iustiniani, 1408-1489), Vita Beati Laurentii Iustiniani, translated
into Italian, in 12 chapters. BHL 4749. St. Laurence Giustiniani (1381-1456) was the first
patriarch of Venice. The author of this biography was his nephew. The translation was made in
Venice by Niccolo Manerbi (Malherbi, 1422-81). Unedited??
Paper, ff. II (paper) + [2] + 64 + II (paper) , 205 x 145 mm. Watermark: anchor in circle, closest
to Briquet 471 (1527)??
I-VIII 8. Signatures A-H of the type "AI"- "AIIII".
Ruled for one column of 19 lines below top line (type 11, 136 x 96 mm., with pricking in the
upper and lower margins and one prick low in the outer margin. Rake ruling, the vertical lines in
lead, the horizontal lines in beige ink.
Written by one scribe in an unusually bold, angular and decorated Southern Gothica Textualis
Formata. Many pages are deteriorated by the acidity of the ink.
Red headings. Heightening of the majuscules in dark yellow. Red plain initials, 2 lines, at the
opening of the chapters. Flourished red paragraph marks. A flourished initial in red with blue
pernwork, with extension the height of the text area in the left margin, on f. 1r.
Original binding: blind-tooled half brown leather over wooden boards; two clasps?? attached to
the front cover. Spine with three raised bands and gold-tooled title "VITA DI S. LOREN.
IUSTI". Endpapers with coloured floral pattern.
The manuscript was most probably produced at Venice, as is shown by its content, ruling and
handwriting . Edmund G. Gardner, his bookplate on the front pastedown. S. Harrison Thomson,
MS 19. Bought from Thomson in 1971 on the Edwin J. Beinecke Fund.
Albert Derolez
Updated 28.11.2007