Beinecke MS 507
England, s. XIV
Notebook of grammar and logic
1. ff. 1r-2r Sepe enim consuetudo facit licitum quod alias esset illicitum ... [f. 2r :] Servi et
ancille non excusantur ab operibus servilibus tribus diebus Rogationum ... Agentes ut plurimi
increpant paucissimi . ff. 2 v-5v blank.
Miscellaneous notes.
2. ff. 6r-8r [the text starts incomplete and the order of the leaves is incorrect: the right order
is 7v, 7r, 6r, 6v, 8r] Libri quinti de accusationibus [running title]. // et fuit repulsus, eius germanus
repellitur ... Decimus casus. Ex parte. Monachus abbatem accusare potest ... [f. 6v:] Vicesimus.
Inquisitionis. Si crimen per inquisicionem probatum impedit ... Item regulares de facili
removentur a suis administracionibus. f. 8v blank.
Commentary on Gregory IX, Decretales, V, tit. 1 (De accusationibus), cc. 11-21 (numbered 10-
20 in the manuscript); Ae. Friedberg, ed., Corpus Iuris Canonici, v. 2 (Leipzig, 1879; repr. Graz,
1959), 735-742.
3. ff. 9r-38v Quot sunt forme casuales? Septem. Que? Aptata, monaptata ... [cf. Bursill-Hall
149.112.8]; [f. 9v:] Quot modis fiunt nomina ethroclita? Decem. Quibus? Quedam genere tantum
... [cf. Bursill-Hall 1.1.5]; [f. 10v:] Quot modis fit derivacio in arte gramatica ? Septem. Quibus ?
Litteratura et sensu. ... Unde versus : Respiciens ad amo de quo descendit amator. / Anguis ab
anguilla, semel unus respiciatur. / Iusti iusticia iungas cum consulo consul. Vanilocum iungas,
zephas caput ista notabis, / Et sic septena fit derivatio plena ; [ff. 11r-13r:] conjugations of
"esse", "posse", "velle", "nolle"; [ff. 13r- 38r:] on declensions, etc.
Questions and notes on grammar and syntax.
4. ff. 38v-43v Hugucio dicit. Ut dicit Boetius omnis numerus per figuram unitatis representari
deberet ... et octo stadia faciunt miliare et duo miliaria faciunt leucam.
Notes on numerals, weights and measures. Contains ff. 38v-39r the verses "Possidet A numerum
quingentos ordine recto, / Et B tricentum per se retinere conatur ... Argolicus centum XL facit 3
caracter, / Ultima Z canit finem bis mille tenere". Walther, Initia 14298.
5. ff. 44r-48r Ad mea principia tibi salve dico Maria. Proposicio est oratio vindicativa,
congrua et perfecta ... Expliciunt summe secundum usum Oxonie.
Summulae secundum usum Oxoniae. Bursill-Hall 225.28.7.
6. ff. 48v-49v Quia ignorantibus suppositiones terminorum ... Expliciunt suppositiones
breves et utiles.
Suppositiones breves et utiles.
7. ff. 49v-53v Consequencia est quoddam agregatum ex antecedente ... Expliciunt
consequencie secundum usum Oxonie.
Martin the Englishman (Martinus Anglicus), ascr., Consequentiae secundum usum Oxoniae. See
Glorieux, La Faculte des Arts, p. 250, no. 301b ; Sharpe p. 371.
8. ff. 53v-57v Obligacio est ars mediante qua oponens potest ligare...
Bartholus de Cassia, Tractatus obligationum.
9. ff. 58r-63r Logical and grammatical notes, quoting Alexander de Villa Dei and
Iohannes de Garlandia.
10. f. 63r Periculum iuramenti. Qui iurat super librum tria facit. Primo omnia que
scripta sunt in libro hoc numquam michi proficiant ... Caveat igitur quisque de iuramento.
On perjury.
11. ff. 63v-64r Sues, id est cogutta. Suvenir, id est penser. Seu, id est sapiencia. Quens,
id est seignour. Osast, id est audebat. Meffer, id est malefacere ... Va t'en, Anglice go hennes.
De mal en pis, id est de malo in peius. Quod nova testa capit, inveterata sapit [Walther,
Proverbia 25948]. In primis recepi de purificatione uxoris. - In primis recepi de uxori ... f. 64v
French words with their Latin or English equivalents, followed, in another hand, by a proverb
and other notes.
11. ff. 65r-78v Unidentified notes on grammar and logic, continued from art. 9.
Parchment and paper, ff. I (parchment) + 78 + VI (parchment), 140 x 100 mm.
Part I (art. 1-2). s. XIII/XIV. Parchment.
I 4 (ff. 1-4 + four singletons, ff. 5-8).
f. 5 (blank) is ruled in crayon transversally. ff. 6-8 (art. 2) have pricking and lead ruling for one
column of 19 lines below top line.
Gothica Cursiva Antiquior (Anglicana) mainly written by two hands (artt. 1 and 2 respectively).
Part. II (artt. 3-4). s. XIII/XIV. Parchment.
II 10 (ff. 9-18), III 12 (ff. 19-30), IV 16 (- 14, 15, 16; ff. 31-43). Horizontal catchwords at right.
Simple leaf signatures in Roman numerals written in the lower outer corner of the recto pages of
the first half of each quire.
Quire II and quire IV starting f. 38v have a page per page lead ruling for one column. 21 to 26
lines (below top line).
Two hands, both writing Anglicana: A (art. 3), B (art. 4).
Red paragraph marks; red plain 2-line initials.
Part III (art. 5-11). s. XIV 1. Paper, the inner of the quires strengthened by means of strips of
parchment cut from manuscripts.
Tentative collation: V 12 (ff. 44-55), VI 2 (ff. 56-57), VII 10 (- 7, ff. 58-66), VIII 12 (- 6; + a
singleton, f. 78; ff. 67-78)
One column, varying number of lines.
Several hands, all writing Anglicana Currens and highly abbreviated: the first (A) is marked by
lengthened and bold or decorated ascenders on the top line (ff. 44r-55v).
Red paragraph marks in some sections. Red plain 2-line initials (3-line initial f. 44r), some with
flourishing, and guide-letters in artt. 5-8. Logical diagrams on ff. 44v and 47r. Hand A has
curious line-fillers and his explicits are written in a dotted rectangular frame.
Binding : early limp vellum, with a bone button in the middle of the rear cover.
On f. 63v the name "Hoiten" (?) is written in large clumsy Northern Textualis Formata. Sir
Lionel Tollemache of Helmingham Hall ( ). There is a label on the turn-in of the front cover with
the shelf-marks "L.J.VI.13" (deleted) and "L.H.II". Helmingham Hall sale, Sotheby's, 6 July
1961, lot 6?? Purchased from Alan G. Thomas, 26 Nov. 1971 (his catalogue 27, no. 8), on the
Edwin J. Beinecke Fund.
Albert Derolez
Revised 26.11.2007