Beinecke MS 504
England, s. XV1
1. Si dies Natalis Domini Dominica evenerit yems bona erit, ver ventuosum, estas sicca et ??
bona, vindemia bona, boves **estes, oves multiplicab**tem, vetule morientur, pax et concordia
erit ubique. Omnibus Dominicis in ipso anno hora diurna sive nocturna ad omnia inchoanda
tempus perutilele. Qui nascitur in ea hora diurna sive nocturna magni erunt et splendidi ... Si dies
Natalis Domini die Sabbati evenerit yems erit turbida et ventuosa, fructus laboriosi, vindemie
male per loca, annona erit cara per loca, senes morientur, edificia cremabuntur. Omni die Sabbati
in eo anno hora diurna sive nocturna ad aliqua incipienda tempus non bonum, qui nascitur vix erit
ubi cursus lune contulit.
Prognostication for the year based on the day of the week on which Nativity (25 Dec.)
occurs. For similar texts, see Thorndike-Kibre, 1446.
2. Beda de eventibus. Si Kalende Ianuarii in die Dominica evenerit yems erit bona, ver
ventuosum, estas sicca, ventuosa et procelosa , vindemie fesse, valitudo hominum per loca, [open
space] apes peribunt. ... Si Kalende Ianuarii die Sabbati evenerit yems turbidosa erit, ver
ventuosus, fructus laboriosi, oves peribunt, senes morientur, ignis mala faciet per loca, qui
nascitur maleficus erit et non bonus.
Ps.-Beda Venerabilis, Prognostica temporum, a version different from the one printed in
PL 90.951. A prognostication of the year (Kalendologium) based on the day of the week on
which 1 Jan. occurs.
3. Ezechyel de eodem. Quando Kalende Ianuarii die Dominica evenerit yems erit durus sed
bona [sic], grando in fine ventuosus, estas bona et sicca et procellosa in fine, parum vini et mellis
et olei, fenum satis sed vastete (?), prata bona, reges et principes bellabunt et mortalitas hominum
erit ... Quando die Sabbati Kalende Ianuarii accidit yems turbinosa, ver ventuosus, fructus
laboriosi, segetem serva quia ante finem anni caristia cara erit, fructuum satis, oves et bestie
peribunt, senes morientur, ignis malum faciet per loca, principes movebunt guerras et magnates
morientur, estas erit temperate, frumentum conserva.
Another version of art. 2, here ascribed to the prophet Ezekiel. For these three texts, see
Thorndike, History, v. 1, pp. 677-678. In our manuscript their Latinity, especially in art. 3, is quite
The verso is blank, apart from the title "Kalendarium Latinum prognostiale", written in Gothica
Cursiva s. XVI.
Parchment roll consisting of two skins clumsily sewn together by means of a green thread, 720 x
130 mm. The lower section now covers one line of text of the upper section, but originally the
two sections were attached to each other the other way and no text was covered. The top end is
cut in the form of a pointed arch and a cord is inserted for tying up the roll. No ruling.
Apparently written by a single hand in Gothica Cursiva Libraria (Secretary), retaining many
Anglicana features. Two-compartment a is rarely used; note the thorn-shape of y (except on line
1, where the letter has the normal shape), and the semicircular abbreviation stroke with a dot in
its centre.
No decoration.
Purchased from William Salloch in 1971 (catalogue ??, no. 443; wrongly dated late 13th or early
14th century). Gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.
Albert Derolez
Updated 26.11.2007