Beinecke MS 501
Northern Italy, s. XV 2 ......
Hours, use of Rome
1. ff. 1r-12v Calendar (2 pages for each month, r and v), in red and black ink; the computistical
data are: the length of the solar and of the lunar month, the Golden Number and the Day Letter;
the following feasts are to be noted: Hyginius (11 Jan.), Polycarpus (23 Febr.), Eleuchadius (27
Febr.), Herculanus (1 March), Theodosia (2 April), Abundius bishop of Como (3 April),
Boniface bishop of Ferentino (14 May), Venantius martyr in Camerino (18 May), Julia martyr in
Corsica (23 May), Proculus martyr in Bologna (1 June), Prosper patron saint of Reggio Emilia (25
June), Nabor and Felix martyrs in Milan (12 July), Pastor (26 July), Venerius (13 Sept.),
Eustache (20 Sept.), Justina martyr in Padua (6 Oct.), Cerbonius bishop of Populonia (10 Oct.),
Domninus (11 Oct.), Vitalis and Agricola martyrs in Bologna (4 Nov.), Prosdocimus bishop of
Padua (7 Nov.), Bibiana (2 Dec.), Sabas (5 Dec.; his relics are in Venice), Syrus bishop of Pavia
(9 Dec.).
The calendar contains numerous saint popes, a number of unidentified saints, and a large number
of saints' feasts on the wrong dates. Note the spellings "Madius", "Octuber".
2. ff. 13r-92v Hours of the Virgin, use of Rome. In Matins the first Nocturn is immediately
followed by the Absolution, Lessons I-III and the Hymn "Te Deum". In Compline the Hymn
"Memento salutis" precedes the Capitulum "Ego Mater". After Compline follows on f. 74r
"Salve Regina", an oration and, from f. 75r onwards, the second and third
Nocturn of Matins: "
Nota quod isti tres psalmi cum suis antiphonis dicuntur ad Matutinum die Martis et die Veneris"
(f. 75r); " Nota quod isti tres psalmi cum suis antiphonis dicuntur ad Matutinum die Mercurii et
die Sabbati (f. 79v). From f. 84r onwards follow the Vespers for Advent: " Notandum est quod
ad Vesperas primi Sabbati de Adventu usque ad vigiliam Nativitatis Domini agitur officium
beate Marie Virginis modo subscripto".
3. ff. 93r-117r Seven Penitential Psalms and Litany.
4. ff. 117v-122r Short Hours of the Cross.
5. ff. 122r-125v Short Hours of the Holy Spirit.
6. ff. 126r-130r Mass of the Virgin.
7. ff. 130r-131v Gospel Lesson of St. John.
Parchment, ff. 131, 77 x 54 mm.
I 12 (ff. 1-12), II-XII 10 (ff. 13-122), XIII 10 (- 10, ff. 123-131). Horizontal catchwords in the
middle of the lower margin, between two dots; no catchword on f. 92v (quire IX).
Ruled for one column of 14 lines below top line (16 or 17 lines in the Calendar), type 11, traced
in pale brown ink, 42 x 39 mm.
Written by a single scribe in Southern Gothica Textualis Libraria (Rotunda), especially marked by
the use of two forms of d (Uncial and Half-Uncial).
Headings in red. The decoration consists of (1) alternately gold and blue flourished
initials, 1 line, within the text and in the Litany; the penwork is mauve with the gold initials, red
with the blue ones; (2) dentelle initials, 2 lines, also used for "KL" in the Calendar; (3) decorated
foliate initials, 5 lines, with full "Ferrarese" borders, painted at the beginning of the Hours from
Lauds to Compline in the Hours of the Virgin; (4) large historiated initials, mostly 7 lines, at the
opening of the various sections: f. 13r (Hours of the Virgin), Virgin with Child, full border with
in its lower section a shield held by two putti; f. 93r (Penitential Psalms), King David in prayer,
full border; f. 117v (Hours of the Cross), the Cross on a hill, two-margins border; f. 122r (Hours
of the Holy Spirit), the Holy Spirit as a dove, two-margins border; f. 126r (Mass of the Virgin), a
lily, full border.
Binding s. XVIII (?): parchment checkered with green-gold motifs. On the spine red title-label
with gold-tooled inscription "Manuscrit du XIIIe siecle".
This tiny manuscript was written in Northern Italy as indicated by the Saints in the Calendar and
the decoration. The shield on f. 13r does not contain a coat of arms, but the picture of a fountain.
A blue Maltese cross is stamped on f. 131v. Gift of Henry Rogers Winthrop, Yale 1898; his
bookplate on the front pastedown.
Albert Derolez
Updated 26.11.2007