Beinecke MS 468 England, s. XV^^3/4
Conrad of Saxony, Sermons, etc.
1. pp. 1-145 //ve talibus. Item per auariciam proximum ledendo in rebus
vnde...in eisdem vicijs alios scandalizantibus .M^^t. 18. ve homini illi per quem
scandalum venit.
Sixty-seven (originally seventy-three) Sermones de tempore. The first
six sermons are missing and nearly all of the seventh (Schneyer, v. 1, p. 750,
no. 30); the rest are numbered consecutively in the margins in contemporary
Arabic numerals from 8-73 (Schneyer numbers: 33, 35, 38, 41, 44, 46, 52, 54,
59-60, 65, 67, 71, 73, 75, 81, 85, 91, 93, 95, 98, 103, 107, 115, 121, 124, 126,
129, 132, 138, 137, 143, 146, 152, 154, 156-57, 170, 174, 178-79, 181, 184, 189,
191, 194, 198, 200, 203, 205, 209, 211, 214, 217, 221, 224, 227, 231, 234, 236,
238, 241, 244, 251, 250, 255).
2. pp. 145-416 Extendam palmam meam ad ...[Ex. 9.29]. Hoc verbum
moysi potuit beatus Andreas dicere...Omnia ergo honeste et secundum ordinem
Sermones de sanctis et de communi sanctorum. The sermons are numbered
consecutively in the margins in contemporary Arabic numerals from 74-208. This
numbering includes all but three of the sermons of which there are only cues
with a reference to their occurrence elsewhere; unnumbered ones are between 79
and 80, 85 and 86, 142 and 143.
The following sequence gives the number of the sermon in the manuscript with
the Schneyer number in parentheses: 74 (257); 75 (258); 76 (261); 77 (260); 78
(263); 79 (264); [79a] cross reference only to first Sunday after Easter (265);
80 (267); 81 (266; but concludes as 269); 82-85 (270-73); [85a] cross reference
only to feast of St. Peter in Chains (310); 86-87 (274-75); 88 (278); 89 (277);
90-91 (279-80); 92 (282); 93 (281); 94 (not in Schneyer; pp. 202-204: Philippe
qui videt et me videt et patrem meum [John 14.9]. Videtur deus per fidem in
mundo. Videbitur per speciem in celo...ipsi in contemplando lucidissimi
fuerunt. Sermon also found in Herzogenberg 42, ff. 73v-74r; see H. Mayo,
Descriptive Inventories of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Hill Monastic
Manuscript Library, Austrian Libraries [Collegeville, Minn., 1985] v. III,
p. 139.); 95-96 (283-84), 97-98 (286-87); 99: 8 lines followed by cross
reference to Third Sunday in Lent (288); 100-02 (290-92); 103-05 (295-97);
106-09 (299-302); 110-11 (304-05); 112 (303); 113 (306); 114: 3 lines followed
by cross reference to Common of Martyrs (308); 115 (307, ends imperfectly,
folio cut out between pp. 254-255); 116 (310, begins imperfectly); 117 (309);
118-19 (312-13); 120 (317); 121 (316); 122 (320); 123 (319); 124-25 (324-25);
126-27 (327-28); 128-29 (330-31); 130 (334); 131-32 (336-37); 133: 6 lines
followed by cross reference to Tuesday after Pentecost (338); 134 (not in
Schneyer; p. 302: Surgens secutus est...[Matthew 9.9]. Hic arguit porphirius
et Iulianus vt...inspiracione interius vt sequerentur accendit. hec Ieronimus.
[12 lines only]); 135 (339); 136 (341); 137 (340); 138 (344); 139-40 (342-43);
141-42 (345-46); [142a] cross reference only to the feast of St. Mark (cue after
346); 143-46 (347-50); 147 (356); 148 (289); 149 (294); 150-51 (358-59); 152
(357); 153: cross reference only to feast of St. Catharine (cue no. 4 after
359); 154: cross reference only to feast of St. Matthias; 155: cross reference
only to feast of Sts. Philip and James (cue no. 10 after 359); 156: cross
reference only to third Sunday after Easter (cue no. 11 after 359); 157: cross
reference only to feast of St. Matthew (cue no. 13 after 359); 158-60 (360-62);
161: cross reference only to feast of St. Bartholomew (cue no. 1 after 362);
162: cross reference only to feast of St. Paul (cue no. 3 after 362); 163:
cross reference only to feast of Sts. Simon and Jude (cue no. 5 after 362); 164:
cross reference only to ninth Sunday after Pentecost (cue no 2 after 362); 165:
cross reference only to seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 7 after
362); 166: cross reference only to fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 8
after 362); 167: cross reference only to the Common of the Apostles (cue no. 9
after 362); 168: cross reference only to the Sunday in "Albis" (cue no. 10
after 362); 169: cross reference only to the third Sunday after Pentecost (cue
no. 11 after 362); 170: cross reference only to the feast of St. Lawrence (cue
no. 12 after 362); 171: (366); 172-73: (364-65); 174: cross reference only to
the second Sunday in Lent (cue no. 1 after 366); 175: cross reference only to
eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 3 after 366); 176: cross reference
only to Wednesday after Pentecost (cue no. 12 after 366); 177: cross reference
only to third Sunday after Easter (cue no. 14 after 366); 178: cross reference
only to the feast of the decollation of St. John the Baptist (cue no. 16 after
366); 179-80 (368); 181-82 (369-70); 183: cross reference only to eleventh
Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 6 after 370); 184-86 (371-73); 187: cross
reference only to thirteenth Sunday [?] (cue no. 2 after 373); 188: cross
reference only to Common of One Doctor (cue no. 3 after 373); 189: cross
reference only to sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (cue no. 5 after 373); 190:
13 lines (cf. cue no. 6 after 373); 191: cross reference only to feast of St.
Nicolas (cf. cue no. 9 after 373); 192: cross reference only to translation of
St. Francis (cf. cue no. 10 after 373); 193: cross reference only to Monday
after Easter (cf. cue no. 16 after 373); 194: cross reference only to
translation of St. Francis (cf. cue no. 20 after 373); 195-97 (374-76); 198:
cross reference only to feast of St. Innocent (cf. cue no. 8 after 376); 199:
cross reference only to conversion of St. Paul (cf. cue no. 9 after 376); 200
(377); 201 (379); 202 (378); 203: cross reference only to fourth Sunday
in Lent (cf. cue no. 1 after 379); 204: cross reference only to the
Circumcision (cf. cue no. 2 after 379); 205: cross reference only to thirteenth
Sunday after Pentecost (cf. cue no. 4 after 379); 206: cross reference only to
third Sunday after Easter (cf. cue no. 6 after 379); 207: cross reference only
to "Mane nobiscum" (cf. cue no. 10 after 379); 208 (383).
The following short texts (arts. 3-11), mostly unidentified, are apparently not
the work of Conrad of Saxony. The numbers in parentheses after the page
references are those assigned in the manuscript.
3. pp. 416-422 (209) Credo in deum. Nota quod 10^^a die post ascencionem
domini discipulis pre timore Iudeorum...vere fideliter fiat.
An abbreviated version of Richard Rolle, Super symbolum apostoli;
Stegmueller, v. 5, no. 7313. Running title in manuscript: De articulis
4. p. 422 (unnumbered) Duodecim articuli fidei catholice. Primus quod
deus sit trinus et vnus. id est tres persone et nulla illarum sit alia...
premia det surgent omnes quod sacra sacramenta dent.
5. pp. 422-25 (210) Decem precepta decalogi et duo ewangelij. Primum
preceptum est scilicet vt credatur quod credendum est et nihil credatur quod non
sit credendum...bona et fide non ficta.
Running title: De X preceptis.
6. pp. 425-426 (211) Leua eius sub capite meo [Song of Songs 2.6].
Meditacio nocturna. p. Si memor fui. tunc super...aue maria. oracio. Sancti
nominis tui domine timorem per iter etc.
Running title: De meditacione nocturna.
7. pp. 426-27 (212) Et dextera illius amplexetur me [Song of Songs 2.6].
Similiter intellige manum dexteram hic per cuius palmam intelligatur amor
dei...aue maria oracio. Sancti nominis tui domine timorem etc.
Running title: De meditacione diurna.
8. pp. 427-429 (213) Misericordia dei quam magna sit peccatoribus.
Primo quia graciam conuertendi peccatoribus tribuit alioquin conuerti non
possent...et propter hec bene dicitur misericordia domini super omnia opera
Running title: De dei misericordia.
9. pp. 429-430 (214) Nota quod mulier diligere...Primo quia non de terra
fiebat sicut et homo sed de re speciosissima scilicet de costa hominis...Item a
muliere voluit christus suam preciosam crucem [?]iri.
10. pp. 429-430 (unnumbered) Quare non nominauit angelus in salutacione
virginis...Primo nota quod tria sunt genera hominum quidam sunt in peccatoris
existentes...et duo M^^t passim.
11. pp. 431-432 (215) Anthe^^a. [1] Ora pro nobis...Solent existentes
in periculo petere sanctorum suffragiam...; [2] Tria genera hominum non
possunt esse diu absque sumpcione tibi sine magno grauamine paruuli infirmi
qui...; [3] Dominus deus auxiliator meus...Auxiliator ad inchoandum ad
proficiendum et ad confirmandum. [4] Ieronimus ad paulinum. In principio
cuiuslibet operis oracionem dominicam...; [5] Augustinus. Oracio est deo
sacrificium. Oranti subsidium hostibus flagellum. [6; heading in margin:]
Peccatum ad modum sompni aufert [short list of Biblical references to sleep
and dreams].
12. pp. 433-462 (216) Diuisiones Thematum. A list of themes for sermons,
many of which are not included in this manuscript.
13. pp. 462-69 Themata sermonum huius voluminis, listing sermons 1-208. This
series of themes indicates that the first seven sermons, now missing, were based
on Hora est (Rom. 13.11); Quecumque scripta sunt (Rom. 15.4); Tu est qui (Mat.
11.3); Dirigite viam (John 1.23); Euangeliso vobis (2 sermons: Luke 2.10);
Lapidauerunt Stephanum (Acts 7.58).
14. pp. 469-498 Tabula huius libri. Alphabetical subject index; references
are by sermon number and a subdividing number found in the margins of the text;
leaf(or leaves?) missing between pp. 494-95, with some entries S-T lost.
15. pp. 498-502 Historie notabiles contente in hoc volumine. List of
passages quoted from the Old Testament (Genesis-Maccabees) and New Testament
(Matthew-Apocalypse), with references to works numbered 1-214 in manuscript.
pp. 503-504 blank
Paper (with parchment of poor quality for inner and outer bifolios of
each gathering; watermarks: unidentified crown in gutter), ff. i (paper) + 252
(modern pagination 1-503, missing pp. 253-254) + i (paper), 219 x 146 (149 x 93)
mm. Frame-ruled in hard point; prickings in all margins for bounding lines.
I^^5 (beginning of quire lost), II-IX^^12, X^^14, XI^^12 (-12 after p. 254,
with loss of text), XII-XIV^^16, XV^^12, XVI-XVIII^^18, XIX^^12, XX^^5
(structure uncertain, pp. 495-504, leaf missing before p. 495). Quire and leaf
signatures in lower right corner, recto (e.g., h.1., h.2., etc.).
Written by two scribes in Secretary script: Scribe 1 (pp. 1-141) uses a
looped d and catchwords enclosed by simple brown and red scrolls; Scribe 2
(pp. 142-502) uses an unlooped d and catchwords enclosed by decorated and/or
shaded scrolls, in brown and red.
Flourished initials, 3- to 2-line, red with blue designs and vice versa
throughout manuscript. Brackets, initial strokes and underlining, in red,
throughout. Opening words or line of each sermon in a careful text hand.
Binding: s. xix. Half bound in brown calf, blind-tooled, with a gold-tooled
title ("Sermones") on spine; dark blue cloth sides. Impression of oval label in
upper register of spine.
Written in England in the third quarter of the 15th century. A collection of
sermons and materials for the construction of sermons which has been carefully
provided by its writer with an extensive apparatus to facilitate use: full
running titles; contemporary Arabic numeration in upper corner for each sermon;
brackets within the text, distinguished by Arabic numerals and symbols in
margins to indicate text divisions, and multiple tables at end of volume.
Inscription in lower margin, p. 502: "Hoc opus pertinet fratri thome ordinis
minorum sacre pagine bachelario. 1512^^o." Early modern provenance unknown.
Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 2768; tag on spine, inscription on p. 1).
Presented to Yale in 1933 by Henry Barrett Hinckley.
Barbara A. Shailor