Beinecke MS 459 Italy, s. XV
Giordano Ruffo, Marescalcia equorum (It. tr.)
1. f. 1r Questo libro composse cum grando studio uno caualero di caluaria lo
qualo sapeua bene bene [sic] tute le medecine deli caualo...Questo caualero
aueua nomo giordano Rupho di calauria...de lo cauallo le quale haueua
diligentemente proua.
Preface of the unidentified translator providing background of the author.
2. ff. 1v-5r Questa si e la taula da trouare prestamente...[table:] 1.
de la criatione del cauallo. 2. De luxo del cauallo...262. Remedio al
malo de la febra oculta. finis.
Table for art. 3; the text appears to include 4 additional chapters,
unnumbered, not noted in table.
3. ff. 5v-76 Questo e lo libro de aristotelo facto a paritione de alexandro
per ogni infirmita.... [Preface:] Concio sia cossa che intra tuti gli
animali del
somo creatoro a luxo de humana generatione.... [Ch. 1:] de la criatione del
cauallo. Primamente de la criatione del cauallo quando...[concludes in final
rubric: Recepta bona da neruo]: una peza e poy la cira noua nel uecta [?].
Rubric on final line of folio erased.
Giordano Ruffo, Marescalcia equorum, translated into Italian. Text
defective: missing leaves between ff. 8-9 (end of ch. 5 and beginning of ch.
6), ff. 50-51 (chs. 104-110), ff. 52-53 (chs. 132-40), ff. 74-75 (chs. 250-60);
upper portion of f. 55 (chs. 146, 149) cut out; ff. 63v-64r (chs. 189-95)
crossed out. Arabic numerals, in red, added in margin for each chapter,
correspond to chapter numbers in art. 2.
Paper (thick; watermarks: unidentified basilisk in gutter), ff. i (paper)
+ i (contemporary paper) + 76 + i (paper), 200 x 150 (140 x 101) mm. 27 long
lines, except for art. 2 (2 columns). Single vertical bounding lines ruled in
hard point or ink; horizontal rulings in ink.
I^^8 (+ 1 leaf at beginning), II-III^^8, IV^^12, V^^8, VI^^8 (-7), VII^^7
[structure uncertain, ff. 52-58; text missing between 52-53, 54-55], VIII-IX^^8,
X^^2. Catchwords below written space near gutter.
Written in gothic script, with some humanistic features.
Crudely executed border design, in red, on f. 1r. Plain initials, 3- to
2-line, in red; some embellished with simple foliate ornamentation or with
human and animal grotesques (e.g., ff. 24v, 44v). Headings in red.
Some staining and wear affecting text.
Binding: s. xix-xx. Tan, "pasta espanola" paper case.
Written in Italy in the 15th century; early modern provenance unknown.
s. xvi, on original front flyleaf: "Matris amore tuae mihi sit tua gratia
christe/ Vt meo scribendo dextero frasi fier./ Alphonso V [?]./ Alphonso ha [?]
V. [?] mano propria." Beneath, s. xviii: "Giordano Rufo Calabrese Dell'Arte di
curare le malattie de' Cavalli." Given to Yale in 1948 by Mary W. (Mrs.
Samuel) Milbank.
secundo folio: de lo dolore
Barbara A. Shailor