Beinecke MS 446 Italy, s. XV^^3/4
Moamin, etc.
1. ff. 1r-2r [Prologue:] Reges pluribus delectationibus gaudent. Aliis
uictoria plus placet...[table of contents for art. 2, followed by contents
of first portion of treatise, f. 2r:] Primus tractatus continet teoricam
que fit per aues rapidas...Capitulum. xiii. de modo sciendi portare auem supra
2. ff. 2v-50v Sequitur primus tractus [sic] qui continet teoricam
que fit per aues rapidas. Genera uolatilium auium uiuentium de rapina
Quibus utimur aucupando sunt quatuor...ut ascendat uapor ad ipsam et sudet et
quando sudabit omnes pediculi cadent.
Moamin, De scientia venandi per aves, Latin tr. by Theodorus of Antioch;
for the manuscript tradition: H. Tjernard, Moamin et Ghatrif (Stockholm,
1945). Although the prologue states that there are four treatises composed
by Moamin, the fourth (Quartus naturam et medicamen qutrupedum [sic] cum
quibus uenamur) is omitted in this manuscript.
3. ff. 50v-58r Sanctis [sic] rex stabat in suo palatio ante eum stabant
discipuli sui et tenebant placitum de falconibus suis et cogitabant...et misce
simul in baccili et mitte super pedem inflatum quotidie et tunc liga et
Treatise of Dancus rex; G. Tilander, ed., Dancus Rex, Guillelmus
falconarius, Gerardus falconarius (Lund, 1963) pp. 48-116.
4. ff. 58r-61v Iste magister non fuit mandax [sic] sed uerax iste
medicine sunt bone perfecte et multum gulglielmus falconerius qui fuit
nutritus...et si uult capere grues oportet ipsum habere. xii. ysmelos.
Treatise of Guillelmus falconarius; Tilander, op. cit., pp. 134-68.
5. ff. 61v-62r Sunt falcones qui uocantur girifalchi qui conuersantur...;
Sunt et alii falcones qui uocantur peregrini et sunt optimi et gentiles et
maximi ardimenti...; Sunt et alii falcones qui conuersantur in corsica et
sardinia et sunt parui et rubei in pectore suo...; Sunt et alii falcones qui
nominantur gentiles et habent pennas rubeas pro maiori parte et pedes albos....
ff. 62v-66v blank
Four anonymous descriptions of types of falcons.
Parchment (fine, smooth), ff. i (paper) + i (original parchment flyleaf) + 66
(later foliation 1-62) + i (paper), 262 x 175 (168 x 101) mm. Written in 25
long lines. Double horizontal and vertical bounding lines, full length and full
across; ruled on hair side in hard point or faintly in lead; some prickings
in outer margin.
I-VI^^10, VII^^6. Catchwords perpendicular to text between inner bounding
Written by a single scribe in elegant round humanistic script below
top line.
One miniature, f. 1r, five falcons sitting on a perch in a niche, with a
6-line initial, blue and light green, with green and blue acanthus, against
gold, framed in red, with white dots; full border, pink and blue flowers on
stems with pink, orange and green leaves and gold dots spiraling around a pink
and gold bar; framed in gold and inhabited by birds, putti, four of the putti in
lower margin supporting a coat-of-arms (or, 4 pallets tenne; see T. de
Marinis, La Biblioteca napoletana dei re d'Aragona [Milan, 1947] v. 2,
p. 324 and pl. 13A, of f. 1r). 5-line initials, gold, filled with blue or
crimson with flowers in white, on irregular grounds, crimson or blue with
flowers in white, and hair-spray extensions with crimson and blue leaves,
flowers and gold trefoil leaves or dots. 2-line initials, gold, filled with
crimson or blue against irregular crimson or blue grounds with white filigree.
Rubrics throughout.
Binding: s. xix. Red goatskin, gold-tooled with "Cetreria" on spine.
Gilt edges with lettering on fore-edge.
Produced probably in Naples in the third quarter of the 15th century for
Ferdinand II of Aragon (arms on f. 1r; see A. Lupis, La sezione venatoria
della Biblioteca aragonese di Napoli...[Bari, 1975] pp. 33-38). Unidentified
round label with the number "238" on spine. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps
(no. 2253; stamp on f. i recto and tag on spine); his purchase from Longman.
Sold by Sotheby's on 1 July 1946 (no. 16, pl. 23 of f. 1r) to C. A. Stonehill
from whom it was purchased and presented to Yale (October 1946) by William
Robertson Coe.
secundo folio: in latinum
Bibliography: A. Lupis, "Petrus de l'Astore, Moamyn, Ghatriph: Sulla
tradizione dei trattati di falconeria d'epoca federiciana," Codices
manuscripti 3 (1977) p. 16, no. 3.
Barbara A. Shailor