Beinecke MS 429 France [?], s. XIV^^med
Petrus Quesvel, Directorium iuris, etc.
1. ff. 1r-426v Si quis ignorat ignorabitur .1. cor. xiiij [1 Corinthians
14.38]. Est hec verba ponuntur dei xxxviij c. Qui est et secundum...a quo
exspecto michi premium reddi cui laus est et gloria per omnia secula seculorum
amen. Explicit liber quartus et ultimus. ff. 91v, 189v-190v, 296v blank
Petrus Quesvel, Directorium iuris; see J. F. von Schulte, Die
Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des canonischen Rechts (Stuttgart, 1875;
reprinted Graz, 1956) v. 2, p. 262.
2. ff. 426v-427v Prologus siue tabula generalis super summam que directoria
vocatur. Incipit liber De summa trinitate tytulus primus...De relacionibus. t.
li^^us. De confirmacione vtili et invtili. t. lii^^us.
Table of contents (Tabula generalis) listing tituli for art. 1,
arranged according to sequence in text.
3. ff. 428r-452r [Preface:] Licet tabula supradicta sufficere posset ad
inveniendum questiones et materias huius libri...Idcirco post tabulam generalem
rubricarum siue tytulorum secundum ordinem librorum uolui facere questionum
tabulam secundum ordinem alphabeti...[table:] Abbas quos ordines potest conferre
liber, 1. ti. xxiiij...Uisitare si recipit munera quod [?] erit/ Uisitacio
require verbum visitare. Explicit tabula directorij iuris libro tercio et
quarto. Anno domini M^^o ccc^^o xxij^^o compilatus est liber iste per suum
Alphabetical subject index (Tabula specialis) for art. 1, consisting of
one list for Books 1 and 2 (ff. 428r-439r) and a second list for Books 3 and 4
(ff. 439r-452r).
4. f. 452v Eleven short blessings at Easter, s. xv, for meat, cheese, bread,
salt, and lard.
Parchment (rough, poorly prepared), ff. i (contemporary parchment) + 448 (not
including scraps bound in; contemporary foliation for art. 1 only, Arabic
numerals, ff. 1-423, with 90 bis) + i (contemporary parchment), 329 x 248
(260 x 198) mm. 2 columns, 65 lines. Frame-ruled in lead, often with additional
pair of rulings in all four margins. Remains of prickings (long slits).
I-VII^^12, VIII^^16, IX-XII^^12, XIII^^8, XIV-XVI^^12, XVII^^8, XVIII-XX^^12,
XXXIX^^10, XL^^8. Small pieces of parchment, containing text omitted, bound in;
now foliated 340, 405. Catchwords written in block formation in center of
lower margin, verso, enclosed in a square.
Written by a single scribe in a hasty cursive schoolhand (cf. similar hand
in Thomson, Latin Bookhands, pl. 18).
Red and blue split initials, 18- and 16-line, with elaborate penwork designs
and plain full border in red and blue mark beginning of Books 1 and 2 (ff. 1r,
91r); smaller initial with partial border at beginning of Books 3 and 4 (ff.
191r, 297r) and for the two parts of art. 3 (ff. 428r, 439r). Numerous
initials, 5- to 2-line, alternate blue with red flourishes and vice versa.
Running titles in red and blue, paragraph marks alternate red and blue. Notes
to rubricator, but rubrics never supplied. Initial strokes and underlining, in
red, for arts. 2 and 3.
Part of outer column of f. 189 cut off, no loss of text.
Binding: s. xx. Brown calf over wooden boards, with the leather sewn around
the endbands.
Written possibly in France in the middle of the 14th century; the cursive
schoolhand is of indeterminate origin, but the style of decoration is French.
The manuscript was written after 1322, the date at the conclusion of art. 3 that
refers to the compilation of the text by Petrus Quesvel; none of the
manuscripts listed by R. Lioi, "Il Directorium Iuris del francescano Pietro
Quesvel nei sermoni domenicali di San Giacomo della Marca," Studi
Francescani 59 (1962) pp. 216-33, seems as useful as Beinecke MS 429 for
dating this work of Quesvel. The codex was heavily used in the 14th through
16th centuries: there are many corrections, additions, and erasures throughout
(some lost due to trimming) as well as two systems of numbering for indexing,
one in Arabic numerals and the other in Roman. Inscription on f. 452r, s.
xvi-xvii: "Georgius Nicolaus Stoll Studiosus A. D. 1322." Purchased from
Bernard M. Rosenthal (Cat. 15 [1964] no. 30, with plates of f. 1r and of the
original binding) in 1968 as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.
secundo folio: superior [with ior deleted]
Barbara A. Shailor