Beinecke MS 423 Spain, s. XIII^^in
Compilatio tertia, with gloss of Johannes Teutonicus
We thank K. Pennington for his assistance with this manuscript.
1. ff. 1r-82v Incipiunt decretales Innocentii pape. [introductory
letter of Innocent III:] Innocentius episcopus seruus seruorum dei
vniuersis magistris et scolaribus Bononie...[text:] de constitutionibus.
Cum onmes unum corpus simus in christo singuli autem alter alterius...persone
inueniantur in illo que possint in abbates assumj. [added to end on ff.
82v-83r is Ex ore sedentis, 3 Comp. 5. 16. 7, with note in margin that it
belongs under de priuilegiis]
Compilatio tertia; A. Agustin, ed., Antiquae Collectiones
Decretalium (Lerida, 1576) ff. 124v-229v; E. A. Von Friedburg, ed.,
Quinque compilationes antiquae (Leipzig, 1882) a register edition.
2. ff. 1r-82v [Gloss to introductory letter of Innocent III:] Seruus. Licet
hic se appellet seruum seruorum dei tamen infra dicit quod non puri hominis
sed...[gloss to text:] Verum est quod in percipiendis stipendiis non habetur
ratio personarum....Assumi. Coram deo profiteor quod hec summula inflationem
uel inuidiam aspernatur....
Gloss of Johannes Teutonicus; K. Pennington, "The Manuscripts of Johannes
Teutonicus' Apparatus to Compilatio tertia: Considerations on the Stemma,"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law N. S. 4 (1974) pp. 17-31; idem, "The
French Recension of Compilatio tertia," Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law
N. S. 5 (1975) pp. 55-71; idem, Johannis Teutonici Apparatus glossarum in
Compilationem tertiam, in Monumenta iuris canonici, Ser. A, v. 3 (Vatican
City, 1981) for Books 1 and 2 only, 3-5 forthcoming. The text is also
accompanied by extracts from the gloss of Bernardus Parmensis on the Decretals
of Pope Gregory IX; these were probably added ca. 1245 or later (e.g., f. 5v).
3. f. 83r-v Written by two different hands are texts from the registers of
Innocent III: Super quibusdam (Reg. 12.154; PL 216.173-74) which was later
split into segments and placed in 4 Comp. 3.18.1 and 5.16.1; Cum contingat
(Reg. 13.127; PL 216.313-15) which was also split into two parts and placed in
4 Comp. 1.2.1 and 1.8.1.
4. ff. 83v-84r Lists citing Biblical support for legal points, drawn from
Old and New Testaments. f. 84v pen trials, etc.
Parchment (poor quality: holes, end pieces) ff. i (parchment) + 84 +
(parchment), 324 x 218 (190 x 122 mm. main text; ca. 265 x 205 mm. including
gloss). 2 columns, 54 lines (text), ca. 86 lines (when gloss is written in all
margins). Ruled in lead or crayon with single vertical bounding lines to
delineate both text space and gloss, and with additional ruling between columns
of text. Prickings often in all margins.
I^^8 (extra piece of parchment bound in between 1 and 2, 7 and 8, the latter
containing text), II-V^^8, VI^^4, VII-XII^^8. Catchwords along lower edge; Roman
numeral in center, lower edge, f. 40v.
Text portion written in cramped bookhand; gloss and additions (arts. 3-4)
in several contemporary and later hands, some more cursive, all highly
Headings in majuscules alternating red and blue with simple pen scrolls in
opposite color. Decorative initials, 5- to 2-line, set out in margins, red
with blue designs alternating blue with red. Rubrics, and running titles (book
numbers) in red for arts. 1-2. Spiral line-fillers and 1-line initials in red
or blue. Notes for rubricator.
Some leaves stained and/or mutilated, with loss of text and gloss: ff. 1-3,
45, 84. Defects in leaves repaired with red and blue thread.
Binding: s. xix-xx. Spanish [?]. Rigid vellum case; lettering on spine, in
black: "Inocenti Decreta." On upper cover, painted inscription in red and
blue, that attempts to reproduce heading on f. 1r: "Innocentij."
Written in Spain, perhaps soon after Johannes Teutonicus completed his text ca.
1218 and before 1234; the codex shows evidence of much early use. Several
contemporary and later hands have added glosses in all margins and sometimes
between columns of text; glosses have been keyed to text by use of grammar
gloss marks. Remains of unidentified white and blue rectangular label on spine.
Bookplate, in red and white: monogram of J. B. with bird above and "ex libris"
in circle below. Acquired from P. C. Hoffman in 1970 by Edwin J. Beinecke for
the Beinecke Library.
secundo folio: [se]qui absolutos
Barbara A. Shailor