Beinecke MS 394 England, s. XVII^^1/4
Nicholas Breton, Three Dialogues
1. f. i recto - verso blank; f. ii recto [Title-page:] Auspicante Jehouah/
Auxilium memoriae Liber/ Nicolai Bretoni, opus, non minus sibi laboriosum,
quam lectori studioso fructuosum. ff. ii verso - v verso blank
2. f. 1r [Heading:] To the Right Honorable my very good Lorde and Master:
the Lorde Northe, encrease of honor, and hartes wished happiness. [dedication:]
Right Honorable, the worlde is so full of Machauiles thatt thatt [sic] he
who studies any matter of worthe more then the greedy humor of game...I take my
leave in all humblenes. Y^^or honors in all bounden duty. Nich. Breton. f.
1v blank
Dedication to "Lorde North", presumably Dudley, third Baron North (1600-66).
3. ff. 2r-10r [Heading:] Religio. [First dialogue:] Quest: In Religion
Whatt is firste to be Considered? Aw: Thatt there is a God...Qu: And, Whatt
in the Comforte of Mercy? Aw: the life of loue. ff. 10v-11r blank
4. ff. 11v-17r [Heading:] In Philosophia: quid Considerandum? [Second
dialogue:] Qu: Whatt firste note take you in Natural philosophy? Aw: thatt
Nature is a spirite: comprehensible in her properties...Qu: and whatt of
sorrow? Aw: the Misery of Nature. ff. 17v-18v blank
5. ff. 19r-24v [Heading:] Whatt is moste Necessary in a Common Welthe to be
Considered. [Third dialogue:] Aw: The prince, the Counsaile, the people.
Qu: Whatt note you touchinge the prince?...or by Inheritance or Traffique, and
so the better att his neede to make use of them. ff. 25r-80v blank
These three dialogues are not printed in A. B. Grosart, ed., The Works in
Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton (Edinburgh, 1879).
Paper (watermarks: two unidentified pots, one with the letters RF, the
other with B and a vertical stroke in the upper panel on the belly, and
two vertical strokes in the lower panel), ff. v (paper) + 81 (65 bis),
293 x 195. Irregular format.
I^^16 (ff. i-v, 1-10; -7, a blank?), II^^16, III^^14, IV^^20, V^^14, VI^^12
(-7 through 11).
Written in neat sloping cursive.
Binding: s. xviii [?]. Plain vellum case with one tie.
Written in England by the author, Nicholas Breton (1545?-1625?; DNB, v. 2, pp.
1183-89), at the beginning of the 17th century (see art. 2); early modern
otherwise unknown. Sold at Parke-Bernet (13 Nov. 1968, no. 20) to C. A.
Stonehill, from whom it was acquired as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke for the
Beinecke Library.
Barbara A. Shailor