Beinecke MS 393 Bohemia, 1423
Hugh of Strasbourg, etc.
I. 1. ff. 1r-19r Incipit liber Compendij Theolice veritatis. [table:]
Diffiniciones sacramenti. De Institucione sacramentorum. De effectu
sacramentorum...[text:] Celestis medicus humani generis reparatiuus tali modo
sanauit...sed eciam expellunt de cordibus [eorum struck out] aliorum.
Explicit bonum et vtile librum et excerpta theoloyce [?] veritatis.
Long extracts from Hugh of Strasbourg, Liber compendii, Bk. 6, Chs. 1-37,
and Bk. 7, chs. 1-23, 29 (ends in middle of chapter) printed by A. Borgnet, ed.,
B. Alberti Magni Opera v. 3 (Paris, 1895) pp. 201-34; 237-53; 258.
2. ff. 19v-50v Speculum humane saluacionis. [prologue:] Abbacia quidam
quercum ualdemagnum instante habebit...O bone ihesu da ut hoc opusculum tibi
placeat proximos edificat et me tibi gratum faciat amen. [text:] Incipit
speculum humane saluacionis in quo patet casus hominis et modus reparacionis.
Et in hoc speculo...in trinitate et vnitate perfecta viuit et regna deus per
omnia secula seculorum. Amen. Explicit speculum humane saluacionis anno
domini M^^o cccc^^o xxiij^^o in die [a crossed out] felicis et audaucti.
J. Lutz and P. Perdrizet, eds., Speculum humanae salvationis (Muelhausen
and Leipzig, 1907) v. 1, pp. 2-99. The chapters are not numbered in MS 393 and
there are no illustrations.
3. ff. 51r-75r Statuta domini archiepiscopi pragensis sic dicit. Nullus
presbyter parochianum alicuius sine propri licencia sacerdotis...libertatis
ecclesie si dyocesanus sic fieri mandaret etc. Expliciunt Statuta domini
Archiepiscopi pragensis per manus fridrici Anno domini M^^o cccc^^o xxiij^^o in die
Statutes of Prague.
4. ff. 75r-78r De peghardis [sic] et beginis etc. [text:] Ad nostrum qui
desideranter inuocetur gerimus vt fides katholica nostris prosperetur....
[commentary:] Glosa. Hic papa dampnat sectam beghardorum et beginarum alamanie
et octo ipsius errores excitans dyocesanorum et inquisitorum officium contra
illos...simulata sanctitas duplex est iniquitas etc.
Commentary of Joannes Andreae on the second Clementine decree Ad nostrum
qui desideranter promulgated against Beghards and Beguines in November 1311.
For the decree see E. Friedburg, ed., Corpus Iuris Canonici, Decretalium
Collectiones, Pars Secunda (Graz, 1959) 1183-84, lib. V, tit. iii; for the
commentary see the numerous early printed editions, GKW, v. 6, nos. 7077-109.
5. ff. 78r-79v, 84v Theological notes, including "Signa que bonus diligatur a
deo sunt hec 4^^or" and "Descriptio orationis quid sit oratio." The text skips
from f. 79v to 84v where it ends imperfectly.
6. ff. 80r-84r Legimus in exodo quod moyses fecit librum eneum. de speculo
mulierum que excubabant ad hostium tabernaculi in quo lauarentur aaron et
filij...Idcirco Albertus canonicus regularis in diessen licet minimus presens
opusculum...[f. 84r:] non potest conferre baptizmi sacramentum etc.
Queritur utrum// See art. 5 for f. 84v.
Albert of Diessen, Speculum vel lavacrum sacerdotum (Speculum
clericorum); Bloomfield, Virtues and Vices, no. 2910; MS 393 not listed.
II. 7. ff. 85r-234v Festo Andrea. Venite post me...[Matthew
4.19]. Beatus gregorius exponens verbum propositum dicit per hec verba.
dominus omnes ad eternitatem vocat...totum perficere concedat nobis iesus christus
filius dei viui qui est eternus etc. Finito libro sit laus et gloria christo.
Expliciunt excerpta soci de tempore hyemali nec non estiuali etc.
Conrad of Brundelsheim, Sermones de sanctis; the sermons are arranged in
the following order, according to numbers in Schneyer, v. 1, pp. 738-46:
267-99; 302; 304-06; 308-16; ff. 159r-161r: second sermon for Peter and Paul,
not in Schneyer, beginning Principes Iuda duces eorum psalmus [Psalm 67.28].
Dicit gregorius vnicuique Memento ad sumendam...; 317-18; ff. 165v-166r: fifth
sermon for Peter and Paul, not in Schneyer, beginning Principes apostolorum
[sic] congregati sunt cum deo abraham psalmus [Psalm 46. 10]. Cum 27
philosophum 12 metaphysice vnus sunt princeps...; 319-21; ff. 171r-172r: fourth
sermon for Mary Magdalen, not in Schneyer, beginning Remittuntur ei peccata
multa...[Luke 7.47]. De maria magdalena doctores grecorum et latinorum sibi
aduersari videntur...; ff. 172r-173v: Sermon for St. Margaret, not in Schneyer,
beginning In uera preciosa [?] margarita abijt et vendiet omnia que habuit...;
(no. 340 ends imperfectly on f. 203v and f. 204r is blank, as if space had been
allotted for the conclusion, but never used); 341-44; 348-51; 353; 357; 359-60;
362-63; 365; 367-69; 371-73.
Composed of two distinct parts, 290 x 212 (ca. 230 x 160) mm.; pattern of stains
on ff. 84v-85r suggests parts were originally separate books.
Part I: ff. 1-84. Paper (coarse; watermarks: similar to Piccard Kreuz
III.805; unidentified mountain and unidentified bull's head). 2 columns, 39
lines. Frame-ruled in ink (exceptions: f. 1r unruled; ff. 75v-84v format
irregular); remains of prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins. I-VII^^12.
Catchwords for first six gatherings near gutter, verso. Written by three
scribes in a running hybrida script: 1 (ff. 1r-75r; arts. 1-3); 2 (ff. 75r-79v,
84v; arts. 4, 5); 3 (ff. 80r-84r; art. 6). Plain initials, 6- to 2-line, in red;
headings in red or black in gothic textura, those in black often enclosed by red
rectangles; initial strokes in red. Guide-letters for rubricator in margins.
Part II: ff. 85-234. Paper (coarse; watermarks: two similar to Briquet
Tete de boeuf 15229 and to Piccard Ochsenkopf XII.288; unidentified horn and
elongated bell). 2 columns, 40 lines. Frame-ruled in hard point; some
prickings at corners of written space (ff. 133-144). I-V^^12 (+ half-leaf at
end, f. 145), VI-VIII^^12, IX^^10, X-XII^^12, XIII^^12 (-8 through 12, no loss
of text). Quire marks, Arabic numerals, in lower right corner, recto;
catchwords under written space near gutter, verso. Written by several scribes,
all in various styles of running hybrida; ff. 133r-145v, 234r-v is the same hand
as Scribe 2 of Part I. Plain initials, 5- to 2-line, in red; headings and final
colophon enclosed in red rectangles; initial strokes in red. Guide-letters for
Binding: s. xv. Original sewing on tawed slit straps laced through a tunnel
in edge to outside channels in flush wooden boards, pegged with rectangular
pegs and the channels filled in. Plain, wound endbands sewn through the spine
lining onto tawed cores laced into the back cornering of the boards. The spine
is rounded with a parchment lining (unidentified liturgical text: Germany, s.
XII) that extends on the inside of the boards between sewing supports; parchment
reinforcement strips from same manuscript and from others. Remains of parchment
bifolios of a liturgical manuscript (Germany, s. XIII) glued inside both covers.
Length of page and written space: 121 (88) mm.; 6 mm. between rulings for text.
Covered in cream-colored, tawed skin. Five hat-shaped bosses and two
strap-and-pin fastenings, the pins on the upper board. The lower board is cut
in to accomodate the straps. Parchment label glued to upper board: "de
sacramentis Speculum humanae saluationis/ Questiones bone Sermones de sanctis;"
added below in another hand: "de Sacra questione [?] bo. S. de. S." Lettering
on tail: "de sacra question: bo. S. de." Straps wanting.
Written probably in Bohemia in the first half of the 15th century; art. 3 in
Part I is signed and dated by the scribe, Fridericus, in 1423; art 2 is dated
the same year but is unsigned by the scribe. Early modern provenance unknown.
Pencil notations inside front cover: MS III 12; wwpillar/ vt=15120; 1420;
inside back cover: 3775. Acquired by H. P. Kraus from Heinrich Rosenthal of
Lucerne in 1945. Purchased from Kraus (Cat. 115, no. 12) in 1970
as the gift of Edwin J. Beinecke.
secundo folio: [f. 2:] 7^^mo a malo
[f. 86:] sed deo qui
Barbara A. Shailor