Beinecke MS 388 Italy, s. XIV
Gregory, Dialogi; Vitae Patrum (extracts)
1. ff. 1r-10v Abicit temporalia sanctus libertinus .3. d. et
equum sibi ablatum. non uult recipere. .3. d....Vrsus sotius
obedit. .47. a. Zizania de. expositio. .81. c. f. 11r-v blank
Alphabetical subject index for art. 2, with references to
folio and column of text.
2. ff. 12r-103r [Original foliation: 1-92] Liber dyalogorum beati
gregorii pape et uenerabilis petri primi librj. Incipiunt capitula.
Capitulum j^^m. De honorato abbate monasterij fundensis jj....
[table with 12 chapters, followed by text:] Incipit liber
dyalogorum primus. Quadam die nimijs quorundam secularium tumultibus
depressus...non indigebimus si ante mortem deo hostia ipsi
fuerimus. Deo Gratias. Explicit liber dyalogorum Beati Gregorii
Pape Doctoris. Deo Gratias. Amen.. f. 103v blank
Gregory, Dialogi; PL 76.149-429. Book 1 (12 Chapters);
Book 2, f. 29v (38 chapters); Book 3, f. 48r (38 chapters);
Book 4, f. 76r (62 chapters). Each book is preceded by a table
of chapters.
3. ff. 104r-115r [Original foliation 93-104] Dicebat quidam de
thebeis senibus qui filius esset sacerdotis ydolorum. Et cum
paruulus sederet in templum...Hec igitur si casta fuerit et
fidelis semper currit ad dominum. f. 115v ruled, but blank
Series of extracts from the Vitae Patrum, including Bk. V,
ch. 5.39 (PL 73.885-86); 6.21 (PL 73.892); 7.31 (PL 73.900-01);
10.27 (PL 73.916-17)...Bk. V, ch. 16.1 (PL 73.969-70);
5.37 (PL 73.883-84); Bk. VI, ch. 4.13 (PL 73.1017).
Parchment (shiny; ink flaking on many leaves), ff. i (paper)
+ ii (contemporary parchment) + 115 (contemporary foliation,
Arabic numerals, for arts. 2 and 3) + ii (contemporary parchment)
+ i (paper), 253 x 181 (173 x 120) mm. 2 columns, 30 lines.
Ruled in crayon, lead, or hard point on hair side; single
vertical bounding lines with extra pair of horizontal rulings
in upper and lower margins and single vertical ruling in outer
margin, most full length; many horizontal rulings extend entire
width of page. Prickings prominent in all margins.
I^^8, II^^12 (-4, blank), III-X^^12. Catchwords along lower edge,
verso, near gutter; remains of leaf signatures, in red, on ff.
9-12 (a,b,c,e), on recto.
Written in neat rounded gothic bookhand by a single scribe.
Finely executed initials, split red and blue, 5- to 3-line,
with red and blue penwork designs, at beginnings of arts. 1 and
3 and each book of art. 2. 2-line initials alternate red and blue,
with penwork designs of the opposite color. Running titles
(between horizontal rulings in upper margin), headings, paragraph
marks, initial strokes for first letter of each sentence, and
chapter numbers (Arabic or Roman numerals, some in margins) in
red throughout.
Binding: s. xix. Green calf blind-tooled with concentric,
delicately cut rolls. Early binding by Riviere (established in Bath
ca. 1829, in London ca. 1840). Six red and brown stripes on edges. Rebacked.
Title gold-tooled in two compartments on spine: "Dyalogorum/
Gregorii Pape Et/ Venerabilis Petri" and "Libri IV/ Vit. Prm."
Written in Italy in the 14th century; numerous schoolboy
notes, s. xv, on flyleaves, including inscriptions on first
back flyleaf: "1482 die xxi [?] maij", "Ille qui scripsit opus
suprascriptum est stultissimus", "Iste Liber est mei Iohannis
Iacobi de Bio [with abbreviation stroke above] superiori qui est
bonus scholasticus", "Petrus de biorum [with abbreviation stroke]".
Belonged to Friedrich von Schennis, Swiss-born artist (1852-1918;
bookstamp on ff. iii recto, 11r). Unidentified notations,
in pencil on f. i verso: "D5052" and "[1750]/425." Presented
to the Beinecke Library in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston.
secundo folio: [table, f. 2] benignitatem
[text, f. 13] dicta sunt
Barbara A. Shailor