Beinecke MS 374 Belgium, s. XIII/XIV
Guillaume Perault, Summa vitiorum, etc.
1. ff. 1r-13r Iohannes episcopus de fide. Fides est sanctissime
religionis fundamentum caritatis vinculum amoris subsidium...que gloriam querit
Extracts on fides and other virtues from various authors: Pseudo-John
Chrysostom (begins as in CPL, no. 923), Augustine, Cicero, Gregory, Innocent,
Jerome, Bernard, Anselm. Rubrics include: Iohannes episcopus de fide, De spe
Augustinus, Augustinus de caritate, Tullius de prudentia, Iohannes de iusticia,
phylosophus de fortitudine...Bernhardus de gaudio futuro, Sequitur de
sacerdotibus, Sequitur de monachis et religiosis Ieronimus, Apostolus de
virginitate. A similar collection of extracts occurs in Cambridge, Mass.,
Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Riant 89 (Italy, s. XIII/XIV).
2. ff. 13r-14v Incipiunt tytuli summe vitiorum. .i. De peccato in
genere. .i. Quod peccatum dyabolo placeat...ciiij. De remediis contra
peccatum lingue. De silencio claustralium.
List of tituli for art. 4; a contemporary hand has foliated art. 3
(Roman numerals in upper left corner, verso) and placed the appropriate folio
reference next to each titulus.
3. f. 14v A table with 40 compartments recording: Septem vicia, Septem
peticiones, .vii. dona spiritus, Septem virtutes, Septem beatitudines.
4. ff. 14v-115r Dicturi de singulis uiciis cum oportunitas se offert
incipiemus...locutum esse aliquid penituit tacere vero numquam.
Guillaume Perault, Summa vitiorum; many manuscripts and printed editions.
Cf. A. Dondaine, "Guillaume Peyraut; vie et oeuvres," Archivum Fratrum
Praedicatorum 18 (1948) pp. 184-97; Bloomfield, Virtues and Vices,
no. 1628. Text is
defective; one leaf missing between ff. 24-25, two leaves between ff. 96-97.
5. ff. 115r-116v Series of short selections, some crossed out, including
rules for clerics (e.g., fratres possunt spelire eos qui sunt in confraternitate
eorum). The text ends imperfectly with the rubric: verte duo folia.
Parchment, ff. ii (paper) + 116 + ii (paper), 183 x 127 (45 x 102) mm. 2
columns, 32 lines. Ruled in ink; single vertical and horizontal bounding
lines, full length and full across; remains of prickings in outer and lower
I^^8 (+ 1 leaf, f. 9), II^^6 (+ 1 leaf after 1, f. 11), III^^8, IV^^8 (-1, before
f. 25), V-XII^^8, XIII^^8 (-2, 3, after f. 96), XIV^^8, XV^^7 [?]. Quires signed
with Roman numerals and abbreviation sign for -us.
Written by several scribes in cramped gothic bookhands. Marginal
annotations in contemporary and later hands; some loss due to trimming.
Decorative initial, 3-line, at beginning of art. 4, red and blue with red
flourishing, and border design that extends horizontally across top of
accompanying table (art. 3). Crude initials, 4- to 2-line, red or blue, often
with simple penwork designs of opposite color. Some running titles (others
trimmed), headings, initial strokes, in red. Paragraph marks in blue or red.
Parchment is worn and rubbed throughout, often affecting legibility of
Binding: s. xviii^^1, in tan calf with arms of the Abbey of Parc stamped in
gold on upper and lower covers; arms effaced in 1829 when library of the abbey
was sold. Red label with "Summa Virtutum et Vitiorum M. S." in gold, on spine,
possibly added by C. Lewis. Red spattered edges.
Written in Belgium at the end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th century.
Belonged to the Premonstratensian Abbey of Parc near Louvain as indicated by
the distinctive calf binding, with arms (now effaced) stamped on covers and the
pressmark ".I./ theca .X." on the front pastedown (cf. E. Van Balberghe, "Les
criteres de provenance des manuscrits de Parc," Archives et Bibliotheques
de Belgique, n^^o special, Contribution a l'histoire des bibliotheques et
de la lecture aux Pays-Bas avant 1600 [Brussels, 1974] pp. 525-42). Beinecke MS
374 may be "Guilielmi Paraldi Episcopi Lugdunensis/ Summa Virtutum et
Vitiorum. in Pergameno" recorded in the inventory of manuscripts in the
monastery compiled by Abbot Jean Maes (1635-36) for Antonius Sanderus,
Bibliotheca Belgica Manuscripta (Lille, 1641-43/44) and reprinted by
Archives et Bibliotheques de Belgique, n^^o special 7 (Brussels, 1972) v.
2, pp. 162-75. The Parc library was sold in Louvain, 28 October 1829. Belonged
to John Lee (born Fiott; 1783-1866) of Hartwell House near Aylesbury, Bucks.;
his inscription "I. Lee. Doctors Commons/ bought of M^^r..../Repaired, 9 June
1835. N^^o 26/92" and armorial ex-libris (quarterly, 1 and 4, azure 2 bars or, a
bend counter-compony gules and or [Lee], 2 and 3, azure a chevron charged with an
anchor sable between 3 lozenges or [Fiott]) on front pastedown. Lee sale
(Sotheby, 7 April 1876, no. 1945, or 8 November 1888, no. 664). Unidentified
shelf-marks include "122" [also on front cover], "103", "114", "N^^o 21", all in
ink on f. ii recto. Presented to the Beinecke Library in 1968 by Thomas E. Marston.
secundo folio: iusticia
Barbara A. Shailor