Beinecke MS 358 France, s. XV^^1/4
Sallust, with scholia
1. ff. 1r-2v Impeditum est quod ab hostibus est possessum. Expeditur autem
permissione alicuius aut...est consul et pater patrie meruit appellari.
Unidentified preface; according to B. Ross, Beinecke MS 358 shares some
introductory material with Munich, Staatsbibl. Cod. Monac. 19480 (Teg. 1480)
and Maihingen, Cod. Mailing. II. Lat. 1 in 4^^to Nro. 102.
2. ff. 3r-55r Omnis homines qui student sese prestare ceteris animalibus,
summa ope niti decet, ne vitam silencio transeant...Leticia meror. Luctus
atque gaudia agitabantur. ff. 55v-56v ruled, but blank
Sallust, Bellum Catilinae; A. Eussner, ed., Teubner (1891) pp. 1-41.
3. ff. 3r-54v Omnis homines. Intendit siquidem in hoc prohemio multis
rationibus persuadere uirtutem animi uiribus corporis...meror in corde pro
amicis. Luctus in uultu iterum pro amicis Agitabatur. Explicit.
Unidentified scholia on Sallust, Bellum Catilinae. Although the
commentary of Beinecke MS 358 belongs to the medieval school tradition rather
than to the Renaissance tradition, neither the text of this article or of art. 5
resembles closely any medieval texts currently known. Columbia University
Library Plimpton MS 96 has some similar but not corresponding commentary.
4. ff. 57r-162v Falso queritur genus humanum de sua natura, quod Imbecilla
atque eui breuis...Ex ea tempestate spes atque opes ciuitatis in illo site
fuere. Explicit.
Sallust, Bellum Iugurthinum; A. Eussner, ed., Teubner (1891) pp. 42-121.
5. ff. 57r-162v [Scholia in upper margin:] In Iugurtina historia redarguit
salustius impugnantes patriam per auariciam...[scholia beginning at right:]
Materia huius libri est regnum numidie et res publica vel numidarum bellum...
pugnare .i. satis uidebatur eis quod se ab illis defenderint.
Unidentified scholia on Sallust, Bellum Iugurthinum (see art. 3 above).
Parchment, ff. iii (paper) + ii (contemporary parchment) + 162 + iii
(paper), 210 x 146 (112 x 75) mm., trimmed. Written in 18 long lines, ruled
in red ink. Double vertical, single horizontal bounding lines, full length and
full width. Additional rulings for scholia: single vertical lines in inner and outer
margins, double horizontal lines, widely spaced, in upper and lower margins.
Remains of prickings in outer margins.
I^^2, II-XXI^^8. Catchwords along lower edge, right of center; some trimmed.
Written in batarde, with scholia in a smaller version of the same hand.
One miniature, 12-line, f. 74v, a T-O mappa mundi, in a red and gold frame,
slightly waterstained at the edges; M. Destombes, ed., Mappemondes, A.D.
1200-1500 in Monumenta Cartographica Vetustioris Aevi, v. 1
(Amsterdam, 1964) p. 72, no. 31.18. One 4-line initial, f. 3r (pink), and one
3-line initial, f. 57r (blue), both with white highlights, filled with red and
blue ivy on gold against a gold ground. Twenty 2-line initials, gold, filled
with pink and blue against pink and/or blue grounds, square or irregular, with
white filigree. Capitals stroked in yellow, red or blue between ff. 1r and
26v; in yellow for the remainder of the text. Borders were perhaps added later
(s. XV^^2/4) on folios with initials only; between ff. 1r and 57r, flowering
vines, gold, green and blue with gold dots in lines above, below or in written
space; blue and gold acanthus mixed with flowering vines, red, pink, blue, and
green with gold ivy in line above written space and in inner margin within
rulings for scholia; on a few folios, outer vertical bounding line reinforced
in red with small acanthus terminals. Between ff. 57v and 162v pink, blue and/
or green acanthus, with flowering vines, pink, blue and green, with gold ivy
and dots, disposed as above; on f. 85v vertical bounding line repainted as a
green stem with lopped off stalks. Lemmata underlined in red.
Binding: s. xviii-xix. Limp vellum case with title in ink. Rodent damage.
Written in France during the first quarter of 15th century; early modern
provenance unknown. Appeared in a Francis Edwards Catalogue (no. 711 [1951], no. 2;
mappa mundi is color frontispiece), and in the catalogue of Menno Hertzberger
and Co. of Amsterdam (1952 and 1954; Cat. VI, no. 181). Purchased from C. A.
Stonehill in 1954 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate); his gift to Yale in 1965.
secundo folio: [scholia, f. 2:] Cederuntque
[text, f. 4:] libido
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 76, no. 101 (while in T. E. Marston's
Barbara A. Shailor