Beinecke MS 342 France, s. VIII^^1
Gallican Sacramentary (2 bifolios)
Folio 1r is virtually illegible; beginning on f. 1v are the following formulas
which have been published by W. J. Anderson, "Fragments of an Eighth-Century
Gallican Sacramentary," The Journal of Theological Studies 29 (1928) pp.
337-45. E. A. Lowe noted (CLA, v. 2, no. 219) that the text is closely related
to that in the Missale Gothicum (Rome, Vat. Regin. lat. 17). Text not
1. f. 1v: Exaudi supplicationes familiae tuae...flagrantes adsume per.
Collect for Mass on Rogation days.
2. Praefacio missae. Sempiternam domini maiestatem fratres karissimi
deprecemur ut...prestet auxilium per.
3. Item collectio. Deus qui diues es ad ignoscendum...constantes praesta
Part of the third Sunday Mass in the Missale Gothicum.
4. f. 2r: //futuris propitiusque concede ut que...proximis remittamus per.
Concluding portion, 5-lines, of Post orationem dominicam.
5. Benedictio populi. Benedic domine populum tuum et deuotum...[conclusion
Sunday benediction.
6. Collectio P****. Diuinam misericordiam fratres karissimi concordi
oratione...corda confirment.
Collect after communion.
7. Exaudi preces familiae tu[ae] omnipotens sempiterne deus...auxilian[te]
Collect, probably at the end of Mass.
8. f. 2v: [Rubric on f. 2r:] Missa in natiuitate sancti Iohannis Bap
[remainder lost]. [I]nter diuinas laudes et nostras preces fratres...perdire
quod ipse prestat.
Mass for the Nativity of St. John the Baptist; Preface.
9. f. 3r: [Rubric on f. 2v:] Collectio eiusdem. Domine deus noster qui
ad testimonium sancti iohannis baptiste...obten[eat] per christum dn//
10. f. 3v: [Rubric on f. 3r:] Collectio post***[first three lines of f.
3v illegible; line 4:] iohan[ni]s bap[tiste] natiuitatem [?]ti respice
[prop]itius...et fauore per.
11. [Rubric and beginning of text missing:] [Deus q]ui hunc diem [p]reconis tui
[hono]rabilem no[bis]...at praesentia nuntiati quod ipse prestat.
12. Contestatio. Vere dignum et iustum est aequum et salutare est nos...
editus sensit et ad//
13. f. 4r: bitaculo tuo et qui scorum mortibus causas...spem cunctis
ueniae largiaris per.
Collect, probably Post nomina for Sts. Peter and Paul.
14. Collectio ad pacem. Deus qui eclesiam tuam apostoli tui petri...[end
mutilated; small portion of another unidentified formula].
Collect for peace.
15. f. 4v is mostly illegible; col. 2, line 1: Haec sunt duo flumina
Perhaps the contestatio for the Mass of Sts. Peter and Paul.
Parchment, ff. 4 (portions of two bifolios), ca. 262 x 215 (215 x 165) mm.,
trimmed. 2 columns, 24 lines; 9 mm. between lines. Ruled on hair side in hard
point; single vertical bounding lines.
Arts. 1-4, 8-15 written in uncial; arts. 5-7 in a pre-Carolingian minuscule
with prominent ascenders.
Pen-drawn initials, touched with red, yellow, green, and/or orange occur for
each art.; some incorporate a sawtooth pattern and fish motif. Heading for art.
8 in majuscules for first line (filled with yellow, red, green) and red uncials
for second; remainder of headings in red uncials.
Leaves damaged by pasting, cutting, and folding.
Written in France in the 8th century according to E. A. Lowe, CLA, II.219;
Supplement, p. 47; however, K. Gamber, Codices liturgici antiquiores,
Spicilegii Friburgensis Subsidia 1.1 (Freiburg, 1968) p. 166, no. 215, suggests
the manuscript was produced before 750 in Northeastern France. Removed from a
binding where it is functioned as the pastedowns and the first and last
flyleaves. Belonged to Wilfred Merton (1889-1957; MS 21); his handwritten note
in library files: "The two pairs of leaves were originally bought by my friend,
the late ardent but impecunious booklover E. P. Jacobsen in Red Lion passage for
6 d. a piece. One I bought from H. A. Selden for [Greek] 25 on the 19th August
1913 and the other from a fellow collector of fragments - Mr. Hargrave [?]
Graham on 7 August 1915 for [Greek] 14." Merton sale (Breslauer, Cat. 90, 1958,
no. 1). Acquired from H. P. Kraus, Catalogue 88: Fifty Medieval and
Renaissance Manuscripts (New York, [n. d.]) pp. 4-5, no. 2, in 1965 by Edwin J.
Beinecke for the Beinecke Library.
Bibliography: Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 177-78, no. 2.
C. Mohlberg, ed., Missale Gallicanum Vetus (Rome, 1958) pp. 98-102.
E. Bourque, 5Etude sur les sacramentaires romains 2, 2 (Rome, 1958)
p. 403, no. 524.
K. Gamber, Sakramentartypen. Versuch einer Gruppierung der Handschriften
und Fragmente bis zur Jahrtausendwende, Text und Arbeiten, Heft 49/50
(Beuron, 1958) p. 30.
T. E. Marston, "A Collection of Early Manuscript Leaves," Gazette 40
(1965) p. 8.
Barbara A. Shailor