Beinecke MS 326 Italy, s. XV^^2
Bindus Senensis, etc.
I. 1. ff. 1r-41v //Saluator cum diabolo pugnaturus ieiunauit et ipsum
in tribus temptationibus superauit. M^^t. 4. Abstinentia iuuat orationem.
Ideo tobias dixit...[concludes:] Zelus indiscretus est quando non est
ordinatus...quando accepit epistolas ut persequeretur christianos. ac. 8. 9.
Bindus Senensis, Distinctiones exemplorum veteris et novi testamenti;
Stegmueller, v. 2, no. 1765. First leaf, with text, missing.
2. ff. 41v-45v Abstinentia ualet ad multa. capitulo. primo. per totum./
Aceptio munerum...,Celus malus multiplex. capitulo. 138.
Alphabetical tabula for art. 1 (no known attribution).
II. 3. ff. 46r-65v Incipit sumula capitulorum decretalium
diffinitorum per dominum Iohannem andree et alios doctores quorum nomina quia
ignorantur ideo non subscribuntur. Damnamus ergo et reprobamus libellum.
Casus. Pater et filius et spiritus sanctus uera unio est non collectiua...
[concludes in section with rubric: Deo eo qui cognouit consanguineam uxoris
sue uel sponse] 8. Ex litteris. casus. Affinitas superueniens
soluit// catchword: sponsalia
Casus summarii decretalium; incomplete (X.1.1.1-4.14.1). Capitulum
numbers, in red Arabic numerals, to the left of each column. Corrections and
marginalia in a contemporary hand.
III. 4. ff. 66r-118v Incipit tractatus de censuris ecclesiasticis
compositus per venerabilem uirum archiepiscopum florentinum. Excommunicatio
dicitur exclusio a communione...De penis que inferuntur a iudicibus habes etiam
infra in tertia parte titulo de Iudicibus.
Antoninus, archbishop of Florence, Tractatus de censuris
ecclesiasticis; GKW, v. 2, nos. 2068-71; T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores Ordinis
Praedicatorum Medii Aevi (Rome, 1970) v. 1, pp. 89-91, no. 253 (MS 326
listed). Frequent corrections and additions in another hand, but not by the
same scribe of marginalia in Part II above.
Composed of three parts, all of fine parchment, 280 x 197 (185 x 129) mm., 2
columns of 52 lines, and written by three scribes in fere-humanistic script.
Part I: ff. 1-45: double vertical bounding lines, full length, except for
single ruling for right margin of left column. Lightly ruled in ink; remains of
prickings along upper and lower edges. I^^10 (-1), II-IV^^10, V^^6.
Catchwords, surrounded by four dots or modest flourishes, near inner vertical
rulings, verso; quire and leaf signatures (e.g., b.2, b.3, etc.) in lower right
corner, recto. Plain initials, 4- to 2-line, in red; guide-letters.
Part II: ff. 46-65: double outer (ink) and single inner (lead) vertical
bounding lines, full length. I-II^^10. Catchwords, with dot and/or slash to
left and right, in center of lower margin, verso; remains of leaf
signatures (e.g., b, c,
etc.) in lower right corner, recto. Headings, running titles, simple initial
(f. 46r), chapter numbers, and initial strokes in red throughout. Notes to
Part III: ff. 66-118: double outer and single inner vertical bounding lines
ruled faintly in ink, most full length. Remains of prickings in upper and
lower margins. I^^10, II^^10 (5 a contemporary replacement written by a
different scribe), III-V^^10, VI^^3 [structure uncertain]. Catchwords,
accompanied by four flourishes, under inner column, on verso. Plain initials,
4- to 2-line, headings, and paragraph marks, in red throughout.
Binding: s. xix. Half bound in mottled sheepskin, gold-tooled. Mottled
paper sides.
Written in Italy in the second half of the 15th century; early modern provenance
unknown. Notations, in pencil: "Ms. 195" (inside front cover) and "379/UZ"
(inside back cover). Acquired from Bernard M. Rosenthal in 1959 by Thomas
E. Marston (bookplate) who presented it to the Beinecke Library in 1964.
secundo folio: [f. 1] Saluator
[f. 47] 9. Cum
[f. 67] Hec sunt
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, pp. 92-93, no. 246 (while in T. E. Marston's
Barbara A. Shailor