Beinecke MS 325 Mainz [?], 1446
Jordanus de Quedlinburg, Sermones de tempore
1. f. 1r-v Registrum contentorum huius voluminis in generali.
255. Maria magdalene [sic]. Expositio ewangelij in die pasche et habet 3
partes...458. Cum videritis. Sermo de eadem dominica habens sub sermones
Table for art. 2, with references to numbered items in text. Sequence
runs from 255 [due to missing first volume?] to 458.
2. ff. 2r-279v Sermons are identified by Schneyer numbers as listed in v. 3,
pp. 813-24: f. 2r [introduction to Pars 3^^a:] Postquam domino
fauente in priori volumine compleui duas partes operis principalis...
sequar integrum qui dat paruulis intellectum. Amen; 61, ff. 1r-7r; 62,
ff. 7r-v, 9r-v, 8r-v (see Collation); 63, ff. 8v, 10r-14v; 64, ff. 14v-18r; 65,
ff. 18r-19r; 66, ff. 19r-23v; 67, ff. 23v-27r; 68, ff. 27r-31r; 69, ff. 31r-35r;
70, ff. 35r-37v (reading for Pars 3^^a is on f. 37r: Cum autem venerit ille
spiritus veritatis docebit vos...[John 16.13-15], incipit is the same); 71, ff.
37v-43v; 72, ff. 44r-48v; 73, ff. 53r-75r (preceded by an explanation of why
this exposition is included: Quia in proximo precedenti ewangelio in sermone
eiusdem ewangelij plura dicuntur de oracionibus non nulla etiam ibi tanguntur
de oracione dominica...per instructionem legencium posterium.); 74, ff. 48v-52r
(f. 52v ruled, but blank); 75, ff. 75r-82r; 76, ff. 82r-86v; 77, ff. 86v-91v;
78, ff. 91v-95v; 79, ff. 95v-101v; 80, ff. 101v-106v; 81, ff. 106v-107r; 82,
ff. 107r-111r; ff. 111r-112r [introduction to Pars 4^^a:] Incipit quarta pars
operis. Expeditis cum dei adiutorio tribus partibus operis...tocius quarte
partis in generali; 83, ff. 112r-115r; 84, ff. 115r-118v; 85, ff. 118v-121v;
86, ff. 121v-127r; 87, ff. 127r-131v; 88, ff. 131v-134v; 89, ff. 134v-137r
(Pars 1^^a begins: Hic turbe ex fame verbi dei irruerunt ad ihesum ut dicitur...
ut dicit iohannes); 90, ff. 137r-140r; 91, ff. 140r-143v; 92, ff. 143v-146r;
93, ff. 146r-149r; 94, ff. 149r-153r; 95, ff. 153r-156v; 96, ff. 156v-161r;
97, ff. 161r-165r; 98, ff. 165r-167v; 99, ff. 167v-170v; 100, ff. 170v-173r;
101, ff. 173r-176r; 102, ff. 176r-179r; 103, ff. 179r-182r; 104, ff. 182r-185r;
105, ff. 185r-188r; 106 lacking; 107, ff. 188r-191v (Pars 1^^a begins:
Et si apostoli erant beati, qui christum dominum oculis corporalibus
videbant...); 108, ff. 191v-194v; 109, ff. 194v-198v; 110, ff. 198v-201v; 111,
ff. 201v-205r; 112, ff. 205r-207r; 113, ff. 207r-209r; 114, ff. 209r-212r; 115,
ff. 212r-214v; 116, ff. 214v-217r; 117, ff. 217r-220v; 118, ff. 220v-222v; 119,
ff. 222v-225v; 120, ff. 225v-228v; 121, ff. 228v-232r; 122, ff. 232r-235r; 123,
ff. 235r-238r; 124, ff. 238r-242r; 125, ff. 242r-246r; 126, ff. 246r-249v; 127,
ff. 249v-255v; 128, ff. 255v-259r; 129, ff. 259r-261r; 130, ff. 261r-263v; 131,
ff. 263v-267v; 132, ff. 267v-269v; 133, ff. 269v-276v; 134, ff. 276v-279v;
f. 279v [colophon:] Istud opus factum est anno domini M^^o CCC^^o 1xv^^o.
Ut habetur in expositione 2^^a Cum videritis abhominationem. 455^^o et scriptum
anno eiusdem 1446^^o.
The text in full of the Sermones de tempore Pascha usque ad Adventum was
printed in Strasbourg, 1483 (editor unknown; Hain 9438) ff. 243r-417v;
variations between the two are minor. Regarding the author, see R. Lievens,
Jordanus van Quedlinburg in de Nederlanden (Ghent, 1958), and A. Zumkeller,
Manuscripte von Werken der Autoren des Augustiner-Eremitenordens in
mitteleuropaeischen Bibliotheken (Wuerzburg, 1966) pp. 302-10, no. 648
(MS 325 does not appear in his list of manuscripts).
3. ff. 280r-286r Abbas bona monasterij dissipans 363 e. Abnegatio...
Ypocrisis quam detestenda 444 b. 407 c. 442 d. Deo laus et gratiarum actio.
[in a different hand of s. xv:] Codex monasterij sancti Iacobi prope
Moguntiam ciuitatem nobilem. f. 286v blank
Alphabetical index of subjects for art. 2; index was apparently made for
this book since alphabetical guides appear in margins of text.
Paper and parchment (watermarks: similar to Briquet Raisin 13003 and
unidentified angel; parchment poor quality, end pieces and with holes), ff. i
(parchment) + 286, 300 x 210 (219 X 149) mm. Written in 2 columns, 43-47 lines.
Frame-ruled in lead. Prickings at outer edges. Deckle edges remain on most
I^^12 (7, 8, 9, 10 should be 7, 9, 8, 10; the scribe wrote the text in an
incorrect sequence and noted the error in the lower margins of ff. 7v, 8v,
and 9v), II-IV^^12, V^^4 (outer bifolium parchment), VI-VII^^12 (all paper,
reinforced at center with a strip of a 14th-century manuscript on parchment),
VIII-XXIII^^12, XXIV^^12 (-11, no loss of text), XXV^^12 (-8 thorugh 12,
no loss of text). Except as noted, all quires have inner and outer bifolios
of parchment. Quires signed by contemporary hand, in Arabic numerals, on
lower right of verso.
Written by three scribes in various styles of informal gothic
bookhand: 1: ff. 1r-36v
(catchwords centered below written space); 2: ff. 37r-52r, 75r-286r (catchwords
along lower edge near gutter; leaf signatures in red Arabic numerals, on recto,
in center of lower edge); 3: ff. 53r-75r (catchwords same as for 2; leaf
signatures in red Arabic numerals on recto, along lower edge in center). Many
marginal notes and corrections by original and contemporary hands.
Initials, 6- or 4-line, in red and/or black, sometimes with brown
penwork. Crude initials, 3-or 2-line, in red. Strokes on 1-line capitals,
paragraph marks, underlining and numeration of sermons in red. Capitals
and ascenders on top line often flourished, with added red and brown.
Sketch of leper's head in margin of f. 193r to illustrate
Luke 17.15-19.
Binding: s. xv. Original, wound sewing on four tawed skin, slit
strap supports laced into channels in oak boards. Plain,
wound endbands sewn on tawed skin cores covered with saddle-stitched
covering leather. The spine is square and lined between the sewing supports
with parchment manuscript fragments that extend inside the boards. Covered
in tan calf with corner tongues and traces of tying-up strings defining the
supports. Traces of two fastenings, the clasps on the lower board.
Blind-tooled with an X in concentric frames and small, round, rectangular,
and flower-shaped tools. Paper labels on spine (see Provenance below).
Parchment tag on front cover, in hand of s. xv, reads: "F viij.
Jordanus de tempore a pascha usque ad aduentum. S."
Written in 1446 (see f. 279v), probably at the Benedictine monastery of
St. Jacobus near Mainz, and probably as the second of two volumes (see art. 1
above). Ex libris (f. 286r) "Codex monasterij Sancti jacobi in monte speciozo
prope Moguntiam ciuitatem nobilem." This inscription or ones similar are
repeated frequently throughout volume. Shelf-mark inside front cover:
"S. XIV. B. 19." Unidentified book tags on spine: "64" (a square label with the
number 1 added to make "164"; from the collection of Kirchenrat Johann
Christoph Dahl [?]) and "41" (round paper label). St. Jacobus was suppressed in
1802, and many of its books were acquired by Leander van Ess, who in turn sold
some of them to Sir Thomas Phillipps (Phillipps Studies, v. 3, pp. 29-33).
According to N. R. Ker (note in library files), MS 325 is almost certainly
Phillipps no. 548 (Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum..., p. 6), although
the Phillipps labels and numbers are not present. Phillipps sale (London, 1910,
no. 475) to Dobell. Collection of Wilfred M. Voynich (De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1847,
no. 11). Purchased from H. P. Kraus in 1965 by Thomas E. Marston, who presented
it to the Beinecke Library.
secundo folio: dicit quod
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1847, no. 11.
Barbara A. Shailor