Beinecke MS 315 England, s. XII^^4/4, XII/XIII
Honorius of Autun, Gemma animae, etc.
I. 1. ff. 1r-64v Incipit gemma ecclesie. Agmen in castris
eterni regis excubans sub impetu uitiorum...Incipit prologus. Postquam
christo fauente pelagus scripture prospero cursu...et omnes in eo
laborantes copiosum fructum in gaudio metant. Amen. Explicit liber cui
titulus est gemma ecclesie.
Honorius of Autun, Gemma animae; PL 172.541-738.
II. 2. ff. 65r-80v Incipit speculum ecclesie. De sacramentis
ecclesiasticis ut tractarem eorumdemque misticam dulcedinem uobis
exponerem...verius enim inuenit amans quam disputans. Explicit
speculum ecclesie.
Pseudo-Hugh of St. Victor, Speculum de mysteriis ecclesiae;
PL 177.335-80.
3. f. 80v(a) In fronte est intellectus. Memoria in cerebro...fides
in corde. christus in fide. (b) Historia regum que canitur a dominica
pasche...celebranda sunt ieunia [sic] quattuor temporum.
Two short unidentified passages added at conclusion of art. 2.
III. 4. ff. 81r-122r Incipit Summa Magistri Iohannis Belet.
In primitiua ecclesia prohibitum erat ne quis loqueretur linguis nisi
esset...vel hac. Qui me plasmasti miserere mei. f. 123r blank, except
for 4-line note (s. xiii): Quot ossa quot dentes et vere sunt in
homine/.... f. 122v blank except for early pen trials, notes
Jean Beleth, Summa; H. Douteil, ed., CC cont. med. 41 (1976)
pp. 1-323. The order of the final eight folios should be: 115, 121,
117-120, 116, 122.
Composed of three distinct parts, all of parchment, 232 x 161 mm.
Part I: ff. 1-64: (176 x 115) mm. 2 columns, 40 lines. Double outer
and single inner vertical bounding lines, with additional ruling between two
columns, all full length; triple horizontal rulings at top, bottom and center
of written space, full across. Ruled in lead or crayon; prickings in inner
and lower margins. I-VIII^^8. Catchwords along lower edge near gutter.
Written by a single scribe in early gothic bookhand. Initials, 12- to 2-line,
red, green, blue, with exuberant designs in contrasting colors that often
extend full length of folio, some trimmed. Headings in red.
Part II: ff. 65-80: (175 x 122) mm. 2 columns, 40 lines. Rulings and
prickings similar to those in Part I. I-II^^8. Early gothic bookhand.
Decorative initials, 8- to 2-line, alternate red and blue, with designs in
contrasting colors; plain initials, 1-line, some with simple ornamentation,
in red or blue throughout. Heading in red. Guide-letters in inner margin.
Part III: ff. 81-122: (173 x 117) mm. 2 columns, 40 lines. Ruled in
crayon; rulings and prickings arranged as in I and II. I-IV^^8, V^^10 [structure
uncertain]. Early gothic bookhand. Simple initials, a few with designs.
Paragraphs marks in red and/or black. Guide-letters in outer and inner
margins; notes to rubricator perpendicular to written space in gutter and outer
margin. Headings in red.
Binding: s. xix. Vellum case with a black label, gold-tooled, and arms
of Athelstan Riley (see below) on covers. Bound by John R. Hering, London,
active 1817-35.
Written in England, Parts I and II in the fourth quarter of the 12th
century, Part III at the end of the 12th or beginning of the 13th century
early provenance unknown. Unidentified "[Greek] [with [Greek] suprascript]
in black ink on f. 1r. Belonged to J. Athelstan Riley (1858-1945; "ex libris
Athelstani Riley, A. M., 1886" on f. ii verso, together with his notes on
text, and armorial binding). Two letters addressed to Riley from Suitbert
Baeumer, Abbaye de Maredsous, 1889, and M. de la Tuille now glued to ff. i
verso and ii recto. Sold at Sotheby's 2 Feb, 1960, no. 294. Presented by
Thomas E. Marston to the Beinecke Library in 1964.
secundo folio: [f. 2r] mundum
[f. 66r] ut doceret
[f. 82r] [ce]lebrentur
Barbara A. Shailor