Beinecke MS 310 Flanders, s. XV^^2
Hours, use of Sarum
1. ff. 1r-6v Calendar, about half full, with important feasts in red; among
the usual feasts for English saints are David (1 March), Chad (2 March),
"Resurrectio domini nostri ihesu christi" (27 March), Richard of Chichester (3
April), John of Beverly (7 May), "Sancti augustini primi angelorum [sic]"
(26 May), Translation of Richard of Chichester (16 June), "Sancti suuichini
[sic] episcopi" (15 July). "Sancti" at the feast of Thomas of Canterbury
(24 Dec.) is erased, although the octave (5 Jan.) and his translation (7 July)
remain untouched. Also erased is the first p of pape for Gregory (12
March), Stephen (2 Aug.) and Clement (23 Nov.). Each month headed by verses:
Prima dies mensis Et septima truncat ut ensis...[Walther, Initia 14563].
2. f. 7r blank; ff. 7v-13v Oratio deuota ad dominum nostrum ihesum
christum. O Domine ihesu christe eterna dulcedo te amancium...[HE 76-80].
3. f. 14r blank; ff. 14v-36v Memoria de sancta trinitate. Domine deus
omnipotens pater et filius et spiritus sanctus da michi famulo tuo N.
victoriam...[followed by cues of Pss. 53, 66, 129 and the prayer:] Libera me
domine ihesu christe fili dei viui qui in cruce suspensus fuisti...[Lyell
Cat. p. 373, n. 88]; Suffrages to John the Baptist, John the Evangelist,
George, Christopher, Thomas of Canterbury, Anna, Mary Magdalen, Catharine,
Barbara, and Margaret. f. 16v ruled, but blank; ff. 17r, 19r, 21r, 23r, 25r,
27r, 29r, 31r, 33r, 35r, and 37r blank
4. ff. 37v-75v Hours of the Virgin "secundum usum Sarum," with suffrages at
lauds for the Holy Spirit, Trinity, Cross, Michael the Archangel, John the
Baptist, Peter and Paul, Andrew, Stephen, Lawrence, Thomas of Canterbury (name
erased in 4 cases out of 5), Nicolas, Mary Magdalen, Catharine, Margaret, All
Saints and Peace. Short Hours of the Cross worked in; incomplete for Prime,
at the end of f. 59v, either because the scribe did not want to add another
single leaf to the quire, or because said single leaf has since been lost. ff.
56r, 60r, 63r, 66r, 69r, 72r blank
5. ff. 76r-78v [Prayers to the Virgin:] Salue regina...[with the set of 7
versicles beginning:] Virgo mater ecclesie...[and the prayer:] Omnipotens
sempiterne deus qui gloriose virginis et matris marie corpus et animam...[HE
62-63]; f. 77r Septem gaudia de [sic] Beate marie virginis. Gaude
flore virginali que honore speciali...[with the prayer:] Dulcissime domine
ihesu christe qui beatissimam genitricem tuam...[HE 64-66]; f. 78r Quinque
gaudia de [sic] beate marie virginis. Gaude virgo mater christi que per
aurem concepisti...[with the prayer:] Deus qui beatissimam virginem mariam in
conceptu et partu...[HE 63-64].
6. ff. 79r-95v Has videas laudes qui sacra virgine gaudes...Salue.
Salue virgo virginum stella matutina...[a farsing of the Salve Regina, printed
in Bonaventure, Opera (Vatican, 1668) 6. 466-67], with the prayer Deus
qui de beate marie virginis utero...[Sinclair, pp. 26, 27, 28, and passim];
f. 83r O intemerata...[Wilmart 488-90]; f. 84v Obsecro te...[Leroquais, LH
2. 346-47, masculine forms]; f. 86v Quicumque hec septem gaudia...[with
indulgence of Pope Clement for 100 days] Uirgo templum trinitatis deus lumine
bonitatis...[RH 21899] [with the prayer:] Te deprecor sanctissima maria mater
dei...; f. 89r Ad ymaginem domini nostri ihesu christi. Omnibus
paradysus uoluptatis es ihesu pijssime...[with the prayer:] Omnipotens
sempiterne deus qui unigenitum filium tuum dominum nostrum ihesum christum
crucem coronam spineam...[Wilmart p. 584 and p. 527, n.]; f. 92r Incipit
oratio uenerabilis bede presbitri [sic]...Domine ihesu christe qui septem
uerba...[Leroquais LH 2. 342; with the prayer:] Precor te pijssime domine ihesu
christe propter eximiam caritatem...[Leroquais LH 1. 269]; f. 94r Saluationes
ad sacrosanctum sacramentum. Aue domine ihesu christe uerbum patris filius
virginis agnus dei...[Wilmart 412-13]; f. 94v Oratio. Aue principium
nostre creationis. Aue precium nostre redemptionis...[RH 2059]; f. 95r Ad
sacrosanctum sacramentum. Oratio. Aue uerum corpus natum de maria virgine.
Vere passum...[Wilmart 373-76]; f. 95r Oratio. Aue caro christi cara
immolata crucis ara...[Wilmart, 379, n.]; f. 95r Oratio. Anima
christi sanctifica me.
Corpus christi salua me...[Leroquais, LH 2. 340]; f. 95v Cuilibet dicenti hanc
orationem...[with indulgence of Pope Boniface VI for 2000 years, granted at
the request of King Phillip of France:] Domine ihesu christe qui hanc
sacratissimam carnem tuam...nunc et in euum. Per christum dominum nostrum.
Amen [HE 72].
Prayers to the Virgin, Christ, and on the Sacrament.
7. ff. 96r-110v Penitential Psalms, Gradual Psalms (first 12 by cue only) and
Litany; among the 12 confessors, Albinus (9), Swithin (11) and Birin (12);
among the 16 virgins, Edith (13) and Afra (14). According to N. R. Ker (note
in library files) the spellings suuichine and urine for Swithin and
Birin suggest that this manuscript was copied from a continental exemplar.
8. f. 111r blank; ff. 111v-132v Office of the Dead, use of Sarum.
9. f. 133r blank; ff. 133v-145v Commendation of souls: Pss. 118, divided
into sections, and 138, and the prayers Tibi domine commendamus...;
Misericordiam tuam domine sancte pater....
10. f. 146r blank; ff. 146v-151v Psalms of the Passion (Pss. 21-30. 6, with
Pss. 22-24, 26 and 29 by cue only).
11. ff. 151v-162v Beatus uero iheronimus in hoc modo disposuit
psalterium...Oratio. Suscipere digneris domine deus omnipotens istos
psalmos...[masculine forms]. Incipit psalterium beati iheronimi. Verba
mea auribus percipe...Educ de carcere animam meam confiten// f. 153r blank
Psalter of St. Jerome, ending defectively; HE 116-22.
Parchment, ff. i (parchment) + 162 + i (parchment), 225 x 157 (135 x 86) mm.
Calendar written in 34 long lines, text in 20. Ruled in red ink, single
vertical and horizontal bounding lines full length and full across.
I^^6, II^^8 (+2 leaves tipped in, ff. 7 and 14), III^^4 (+4 leaves, ff. 17,
19, 21, 23), IV^^4 (+4 leaves, ff. 25, 27, 29, 31), V^^4 (+3 leaves, ff. 33, 35,
37), VI^^8 (+1 leaf after f. 43, now excised), VII^^8 (+1 leaf, f. 56), VIII^^8
(+4 leaves, ff. 60, 63, 66, 69), IX^^8 (+1 leaf, f. 72), X-XI^^8, XII^^8 (+1 leaf
after f. 95, now excised), XIII^^8 (+1 leaf, f. 111), XIV-XV^^8, XVI^^8 (+1 leaf,
f. 133), XVII^^8, XVIII^^8 (+2 leaves, ff. 146, 153), XIX^^6 (+1 leaf,
f. 155).
Written in liturgical gothic bookhand.
One of a number of Books of Hours almost certainly made in Flanders for the
English market. The group includes Oxford, Bodl. Lib. Auct. C. infra 2. 13
(Paecht and Alexander, vol. 1, no. 221); the De Grey Hours, Aberystwyth,
National Library of Wales, MS 15537C (Sotheby's, 23 March 1920, lot 42,
probably the same artist as Beinecke MS 310); Chicago, Newberry Library, MS 35
(French and Flemish Illuminated Manuscripts from Chicago Collections, Exh.
cat., 1969, no. 5); Parma, Bibl. Palat. 1652 (A. Ciavarelli, Codici Miniati
della Biblioteca Palatina di Parma [Milan, 1964] p. 41, figs. XII-XV, pl.
25-27); Hours of Catherine of Aragon, The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek,
MS 76. F. 7; London, B. L. MS Harley 3000; Los Angeles County Museum, no number;
and an Hours sold at Sotheby's, 8 Dec., 1981, lot 115, with miniatures by the
same artist as the Beinecke Hours. (We thank K. Scott for her help in compiling
this list.) Cf. also E. College, "South Netherlands Books of Hours Made for
England," Scriptorium 32 (1978) pp. 55-57.
Twenty-three fine miniatures (originally twenty-five) tipped in, in red, blue
and gold frames, with gold quatrefoils in the corners; each with a 3/4 bar
border, red and blue, with a full border of English-style acanthus, red, blue,
pink and gold against cusped gold grounds, especially at corners and centers,
surrounded by green, red, blue and pink flowers and berries, and ivy in black
pen with gold and blue leaves, some with birds, in red bounding lines. Subjects
as follow: f. 7v Salvator Mundi (Fifteen Joys of the Virgin); f. 14v
Gnadenstuhl Trinity (Suffrages); f. 17v St. John the Baptist; f. 19v St. John
the Evangelist; f. 21v St. George; f. 23v St. Christopher; f. 25v Martyrdom of
St. Thomas of Canterbury; f. 27v St. Anna, Virgin and Christ child, with Angel;
f. 29v St. Mary Magdalen; f. 31v St. Catharine; f. 33v St. Barbara; f. 35v St.
Margaret; f. 37v Agony in the Garden (Matins, Hours of the Virgin); before f. 44
miniature [Arrest of Christ?] missing (Lauds); f. 56v Christ before Caiaphas
(Prime); f. 60v Flagellation (Terce); f. 63v Christ bearing cross (Sext); f. 66v
Crucifixion (None); f. 69v Deposition (Vespers); f. 72v Entombment (Compline);
before f. 96 miniature [of David?] missing (Penitential Psalms); f. 111v Raising
of Lazarus (Office of the Dead); f. 133v Angels transport souls to Heaven
(Commendatio animarum); f. 146v Gregorian Man of Sorrows (Psalms of Passion); f.
153v St. Jerome (Psalter of St. Jerome).
Twenty-three historiated initials, 6-line, pink and blue with white
on gold grounds with black cusping: f. 50r Holy Spirit as a Dove (Suffrages);
f. 51r St. Michael; f. 51v Sts. Peter and Paul; f. 52r St. Andrew; f. 52r St.
Stephen; f. 52v St. Lawrence; f. 53r St. Nicolas; f. 54v All Saints; f. 54v
Man kneeling in prayer at altar, with angel; f. 79r Virgin as Apocalyptic
Woman, holding Christ Child with rosary, flanked by angels (Prayers to Virgin);
f. 83r Pieta; f. 86v Presentation of Virgin (Seven Joys); f. 89r Adam and Eve
(Prayers to the Wounds of Christ); f. 89v Three empty crosses on Golgatha; f.
89v Salvator Mundi, with Crown of Thorns; f. 90r Right hand of crucified Christ;
f. 90r Left hand; f. 90v Five wounds; f. 90v Left foot; f. 91r Right foot; f.
91r Mary; f. 91v St. John Evangelist; f. 92v Christ and the thieves crucified
(Seven Last Words).
6-line initials, pink and blue, with white highlights, filled with acanthus
on gold, against pink and blue grounds, framed in gold and edged with black
cusping. 3-line initials, gold, edged in black, on pink and blue grounds with
white filigree. 1-line initials and line endings in the same manner. Calendar
with 3-line KL monograms, as above, with hair-spray extensions and bar
border, outer margin, and with hair-spray terminals. Kalends, Ides in blue and
gold; important feasts in red.
Shows signs of use (water stains, rubbing), but no serious damage to text
or illumination.
Binding: s. xvi-xvii [?]. Wound sewing on five large, tawed-skin supports,
the backs of the gatherings cut in about 3 mm. on either side of the supports
and at the kettle stitches. Dull gilt edges and traces of blue endband
tie-downs. Covered in gold, striped velvet with two ribbon ties.
Written in the second half of the 15th century in Flanders; according to
N. R. Ker the contents are very similar to Dulwich College, MS 25 (MMBL v. 1,
pp. 46-48), and both manuscripts were almost certainly produced on the Continent
for the English market (see also art. 7). In England during the 16th century,
when some references to Thomas of Canterbury were erased or altered (arts. 1,
4), and the word pape in the Calendar was changed to ape. Bookplate of
Edward Hailstone (1818-90; DNB, v. 8, p. 886); no. 1389 in his sale (Sotheby's,
27 April 1891). Given to Yale by Catherine Tinker Patterson in 1963.
Barbara A. Shailor