Beinecke MS 306 Germany, s. XV^^2
Nicholas of Amiens, etc.
I. 1. ff. 1r-22r Incipit liber primus de arte fidei catholice...
tercio triginta continens propositiones. Clemens papa. Cuius rei
nominis et uite subjecti senciant et tu a domino consequaris...in infinitum
magna puniendi sunt pena et sic propositum patet. etc. Explicit liber
editus de arte fidel [i erased] catholice a magistro alano compositus
etc. Deo gracias. ff. 22v-24v blank
Nicolas of Amiens, De articulis fidei catholicae; PL 210.595-618.
For the attribution of this work see M. T. d'Alverny, Alain de Lille...
(Paris, 1965) p. 69. Paragraphs numbered in margin with Arabic numerals.
II. 2. ff. 25r-27v Accepta ex libro Veni mecum in tribulacione
quem copilauit frater Iohannes de rubescissa. [text:] Prima intellectio
est quod totus mundus debet congregari ad fidem...imperator a cesare
Augusto computatus. Et sic est finis. [note added in a contemporary hand:]
Item anno 1466^^o incepit regere ludiuicus rex bauarorum in
francia. f. 28r, pen trials for text on f. 29r; f. 28v blank
Johannes de Rupescissa, Prophecy; also in London, B. L. Roy.
7A. IX, f. 4v.
III. 3. f. 29r-v [Table to art. 4:] In presenti tabula invenies que
et cuius modi et quot capitula in tractatu sequenti habeantur. 1.
Primo premittitur prohemium cum quibusdam auctoribus...[9 sections,
followed immediately by 50 sections under the rubric:] Sequitur tabula de
4. ff. 30r-64v 1. Hic incipitur tractatus bonus. Memoria secunda
[sic] deus pater deus eternus generatam [?] sui intellectualis filij
sapiencie...immortalitate terram inpassibilitate aquam leuitate aerem claritate
ignem. et sic est finis.
Cf. Thorndike and Kibre, 866; this unidentified Ars memorandi is
accompanied by tables and charts including two labelled: Virtute trinitatis;
Vicia et peccata in me uel in nobis. On ff. 55v-56r is a section entitled
Cantus Intellige sic, with musical notation on 5-line staves. Chapters
labelled in red Roman numerals in margin correspond to table in art. 3.
5. ff. 65r-68r Nota hec habes pulcherimas de hac materia regulas
thulij. Item in [crossed out: con]sequenti tractatulo ponuntur
vtiles et bone regule de locis et ymaginibus ad prescriptam artem
pertinentibus...et ad proferendum eligere ut sic etc. area thulij.
Unidentified text on imagines and idolae.
6. f. 68v Table labelled Computa deorsum iuxta illud latus per
tres partes vnius calumpne [?] secundum ordinem.
7. ff. 68v-70r Nota de rebus inuisibilibus. Si uis substancias
inuisibiles inconari pone ymagines quas vidisti alias depictas...
adhuc [crossed out: plures] plura capitula ponere ad vnum locum
Unidentified text on invisible substances.
8. ff. 70v-71r Table entitled Contemplacio ihesu sub quater [sic]
duodecim actibus comprehensa.
9. ff. 71v-72r List of religious antonyms, beginning: homo deus
Creatura Creator captiuus Redemptor...[long rubric at end:] Nota
hanc figuram composuerunt doctores alme vniuersitatis parisiensis
ad erudicionem multorum et specialum horum qui in hoc ergastulo carnis...
ut patet in eius declaracione. ff. 72v-75v blank
Paper, ff. i (paper) + 75 + i (paper), 215 x 147 mm. Composed of
3 parts:
Part I: ff. 1-24. Watermarks: unidentified crossed arrows, in gutter.
Written space 152 x 98 mm. Ca. 25 long lines, frame-ruled in lead.
Prickings at upper, outer and lower edges. I-II^^12. Quires signed with
arabic numerals (28, 29) along lower edge near gutter, verso. Written by one
scribe in large gothic cursive. 2-line initials, paragraph marks and
underlining in red. Stains on ff. 1r and 24 suggest this part was once a
Part II: ff. 25-27. Watermarks: unidentified crossed arrows, in gutter.
Written space 182 x 119 mm. Ca. 35 long lines, frame-ruled. Structure
uncertain, quire signature (30) on f. 27v. Gothic cursive script by one
person. Stains on ff. 25r and 27v suggests this part was once a booklet.
Part III: ff. 28-75. Watermarks: unidentified balance, in gutter.
Written space 173 x 109 mm. Ca. 35 long lines, frame-ruled in pale brown ink.
IV-VII^^12; remains of quire signatures as above (31-33) sometimes accompanied
by catchwords in red rectangles. Gothic cursive by two hands: Scribe 1: ff.
28r-64r, and Scribe 2: ff. 64v-72r. Headings, strokes on 1-line capitals,
underlining and chapter numbers in margin all in red. On f. 30r, a crude
3-line initial in red with brown penwork, including a bear's head [?] above and
a man's head at side; on ff. 33v, 44v, 46v a grotesque in profile.
Discoloration on ff. 28r and 75v suggest that this part was once a booklet.
Binding: s. xix-xx. Black cloth spine with olive green decorated paper
All three parts probably written in Germany in the second half of the 15th
century; Part II may have been written ca. 1466 (see art. 2). Early
provenance unknown. Bound together by the 19th century, if not earlier;
all three were part of a larger codex, and the modern pencil foliation
of that codex (ff. 313-389) still appears in the upper right corner, recto.
Sold by James Tregaskis and Son of London in 1935 (typewritten note and
signature for certification of Hugh M. Tregaskis inside back cover).
Belonged to Bernard Zufall (bookplate) who presented it to Yale in 1948.
Bibliography: L. Nemoy, "The Ancient Art and Practice of Mnemonics,"
Gazette 23 (1949) p. 189.
Barbara A. Shailor