Beinecke MS 304 Byzantium, s. XVII
Dositheus, etc. (in Greek)
I. 1. f. 1r [In capitals:]
[Greek] [in minuscules and capitals:]
[Greek] [in capitals:] [Greek].
Title page for art. 4.
2. ff. 1v-3v, 5r-6v [f. 4r-v blank]Notes on the present work and on
the life of Dositheus in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus.
3. f. 7r Table of Contents for ff. 9r-173r in the hand of Constantine
Raphael Byzantinus. f. 7v-8v blank
4. ff. 9r-36r [No title; prologue begins:]
[Greek] [text:]
ff. 36v-42v blank
Dositheus, Scutum Orthodoxiae; J. D. Mansi, Collectio Conciliorum
(Paris-Leipzig, 1759-1927) v. 34B, p. 1652 (printed as
Synod. Hierosolymit. adversus Calvinistas).
II. 5. ff. 43r-44v [Title:]
Anonymous, Opiniones Remonstrantium et Calvinistorum, partly written
in parallel columns.
6. f. 44v [Title:]
[Greek]. [text:]
Anonymous, Hypotheses de theologia ethica.
III. 7. f. 45r-v Excerpts on George Korresios (see art. 8) in the
hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus.
IV. 8. ff. 46r-73r [Title:]
[Greek] [?]
[Greek] [final word illegible]. [text:] [Greek] [?]
[Greek]. f. 73v blank
George Koressios, In Cyrilli Lucaris capitula.
V. 9. ff. 74r-108v [Title:] [[Greek]]
[Greek]. [text:]
[Greek] [reading of final four words uncertain].
ff. 109r-110v blank
Anonymous, De processione S. Spiritus.
VI. 10. f. 111r-v Notes and verses on Athanasius, patriarch of
Constantinople (see art. 11), in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus.
VII. 11. ff. 112r-125v [Title:]
[Greek]. [text:]
[Greek]. f. 129v blank
Athanasius, surnamed Patelaros, patriarch of Constantinople in 1651 A. D.,
Homilia de Filio Prodigo.
VIII. 12. ff. 126r-129r Notes, apparently for the examination of
comments added in hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus state that the notes
came from an autograph book of George Koressios (which also contained an
autograph synopsis of the Old Testament by Margounios).
IX. 13. ff. 130r-131v Material on Meletius [Greek], of Crete,
holy monk and teacher of the Great Church, in the hand of Constantine
Raphael Byzantinus (see arts. 14 and 15).
X. 14. ff. 132r-141v [Title:]
[Greek]. [text:]
Meletius Syrigou, Homilia in Dominicam ante Luces.
15. ff. 141v-147v [Title:]
[Greek]. [introduction:]
Meletius Syrigou, Oratio in Dominicam post Luces.
XI. 16. f. 148r Notes on Nathanael Chykas (or Chikas) in the hand of
Constantine Raphael Byzantinus. f. 148v blank
XII. 17. f. 149r [No title; text begins abruptly:] //
Symeon of Thessalonika [?], De meridibus.
18. f. 149r-v [Greek].
[Greek] [bottom of leaf chewed away]...
Symeon of Thessalonika [?], De iudicio extremo.
19. ff. 150r-151r
Symeon of Thessalonika, Articuli Fidei; PG 155.820-30.
20. ff. 151r-153v [No title, text begins:]
[Greek] [?] [Greek].
Unidentified, Epistula ad amicum de quaestionibus.
21. ff. 153v-155r [No title; text of Psalm
begins:] [[Greek]]
[Greek]. [text of interpretation:]
[Greek] [one word illegible]
[?] [Greek].
Unidentified, Interpretatio Psalmi CIII.
22. f. 155r-v [No title; text of Psalm begins:]
[Greek]. [text of interpretation:]
Unidentified, Interpretatio Psalmi CIII.
23. ff. 155v-157v [Title:] [[Greek]]
[Greek] [sic]
[text:] [[Greek]]
[Greek] [one
word lost]. [colophon:]
[Greek]. [note of owner:]
[Greek][middle portion partly illegible][Greek]
[final two words crossed out; some text covered by tape].
Nathanael Chykas, Homilia de reliquiis Gabrieli Philadelphiae.
XIII. 24. f. 158r Notes on the holy deacon Macarius (see art. 25)
in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus. f. 158v blank
XIV. 25. f. 159r-v [Title:]
[Greek]. [text:]
[Greek]. [colophon:]
[Greek] 1707: [Greek].
Macarius the holy deacon, Oratio funebris Ralais Caryophylli.
XV. 26. f. 160r-v [Title:]
[Greek]. [text:]
[Greek]. f. 161r-v blank
Unidentified, Admonitiones ad monachos novos.
XVI. 27. f. 162r [No title; first verse:] [Greek]
[last verse:] [Greek].
Unidentified Poema acrostichum on the name [Greek].
28. ff. 162v-163r [No title; first verse:] [Greek] [last
verse:] [Greek]. [monocondyl:]
[Greek]. f. 163v blank
Germanus, holy monk, Poema ad Matrem Dei acrostichum, with interlinear
XVII. 29. f. 164r [Title:]
[Greek]. f. 164v blank
Unidentified Expositio ponderum et metrorum Graecorum.
30. ff. 165r-166r [No title; text begins:] [Greek] -
[Greek] -- [Greek].
Unidentified Glossae botanicae.
31. f. 166v
[Greek]. [crossed out near bottom of leaf:]
[Greek]. ff. 167r-168r blank
Ownership notes.
XVIII. 32. ff. 168v, 170rPaschal Tables, beginning with 1694 A. D.
Comparative Orthodox, Roman, Hilarion, Tzigalas (abp. Cyprus), and Panagiotes
[Greek] (in his hand).
XIX. 33. f. 169 A single unbound leaf bearing a note on the date of
Easter copied in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus from an autograph
manuscript of Hierotheus [Greek] (of Drustra?). ff. 170v-171r
XX. 34. ff. 171v-172r Table of Feasts dated by Easter. f. 172v
XXI. 35. f. 173r Diagram of the Universe and God. f. 173v blank
XXII. 36. f. 174r [Title:] [Greek].
[Greek]. ff. 174v-175v blank
Copy of a loan agreement by Silbistros, metropolitan of Nauplia, in modern
Greek, dated October 1, 1684. Cf. Beinecke MS 303, nos. 47, 56. This art. is
not listed in the Table of Contents at the beginning of the manuscript (see
art. 3) and was presumably a later addition.
Paper (usually thin and white; exceptions noted; watermarks vary), ff. i
(paper) + 175 (including 21 bis) + ii (paper) 310 x 210 mm., except where
noted. Bound too tightly for accurate collation. In 22 distinct parts:
Part I: ff. 1-36. Watermarks: Letters F C under leaf (f. 1); group of
three unidentified figures (f. 4); grapes (f. 8); letters C S in elaborate
circular design (f. 36). Written space 210 x 135 mm. 30 long lines, ruled in
hard point, single vertical bounding lines full length. Catchwords for each
folio, verso. Written in Greek minuscule. Initials (2- and 1-line) mostly
square capitals, in black. Discoloration on ff. 9r and 36v suggests that this
part was once separate, without additional notes and title page.
A quire of 6 leaves (ff. 37-42) was added between Parts 1 and 2 (watermarks:
crown over grapes (f. 37); inscription (f. 40) identical with Heawood Names
3269. No text.
Part II: ff. 43-44. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 232 x 170
mm. 2 columns of ca. 43 lines, or in long lines, no ruling. Written in Greek
minuscule by one hand. Once folded in quarters; some discoloration and holes
at folds, but no loss of text.
Part III: f. 45. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 282 x 170
mm. 35 long lines written in small, neat Greek minuscule.
Part IV: ff. 46-73. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 280 x 190
mm. Ca. 44 long lines, not ruled. Written primarily by two scribes. Scribe 1
(ff. 46r-63r) used a rapid, unevenly spaced script sloping sharply toward the
right. After a few lines on f. 63r in another hand, Scribe 2 (ff. 63r-73r)
wrote in a more angular and regular minuscule inclined toward the left. Scribe
1 also wrote Part V. Discoloration on ff. 46r and 73v suggests the folios
were once separate, and were folded in half crosswise. Some loss of
text in upper right of folio, where paper has crumbled.
Part V: ff. 74-110. Watermarks: look more like a rhinoceros than a
unicorn. Written space 255 x 185 mm. Ca. 30 long lines, not ruled.
Catchwords for each recto and verso. Written by one hand in the same, untidy
Greek minuscule as ff. 46-63r. Discoloration on f. 74r suggests that the
folios were once separate.
Part VI: f. 111. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 290 x 177
mm. 38 long lines on recto, 2 columns on verso, ruled in hard point, single
vertical bounding lines. Small, neat Greek minuscule.
Part VII: ff. 112-125. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space
ca. 275 x 175 mm. Ca. 35 long lines, not ruled. Catchwords for each recto and
verso. Written by one hand in an untidy Greek minuscule. Discoloration on
ff. 112r and 125v suggests that the folios were once separate.
Part VIII: ff. 126-128. No watermarks. Size of written space varies, as
does number of lines per page. Written in Greek minuscule by one hand; a note
attached, in the hand of Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, says that these are
autograph notes of Koressios [?]. Lower part of all three folios repaired
with paper strips; some loss of text.
A single leaf, f. 129, was added between ff. 128 and 130; once folded in
half lengthwise. Notes in Greek minuscule on inner half of recto.
Part IX: ff. 130-131. Watermarks indistinguishable. Written space 260 x
177 mm. 34 long lines, ruled in hard point; single vertical bounding lines,
full length. Small, neat Greek minuscule.
Part X: ff. 132-147. Watermarks indistinguishable. These folios are 305
x 192 (228 x 140) mm. 31 long lines, ruled in hard point, single vertical
bounding lines full length. Written in Greek minuscule, even and sloping by
one hand. Discoloration on ff. 132r and 147v suggests that the folios were
once separate.
Part XI: f. 148. Watermarks: unidentified coat of arms. Written space
250 x 175 mm. 34 long lines, ruled in hard point. Small, neat Greek
Part XII: ff. 149-157. Watermarks: star [?]; letters A & B. Written
space 255 x 150 mm. 38 long lines, ruled in hard point. Written by one hand in
a compressed upright Greek minuscule. Headings in red. Lower right of many
folios has crumbled away, with significant loss of text. Discoloration on
ff. 149r and 157v suggests that these folios were once separate.
Part XIII: f. 158. No watermarks. 21 lines (not a full page) of notes in a
neat Greek minuscule.
Part XIV: f. 159. No watermarks visible. This folio 290 x 197 (275 x 195)
mm. 35 long lines, not ruled. Written by one hand in a curling Greek
minuscule. Discoloration suggests that the folio was formerly folded once
lengthwise and several times crosswise.
Part XV: ff. 160-161. No watermarks. Written space 240 x 155 mm. 33 long
lines, only vertical bounding lines ruled, in brown crayon. Written by one
hand in Greek minuscule. Discoloration on f. 161v only.
Part XVI: ff. 162-163. No watermarks. 9 lines of verse, ruled in hard
point, double vertical bounding lines full length. Written by one hand in an
extremely large, archaizing minuscule. First letter of each line red, with
stylized floral motifs. The folios were formerly folded in quarters. Top of
f. 163 cut off and replaced with glossy white paper.
Part XVII: ff. 164-167. Watermarks: anchor in circle over letters A P
with shamrock above. Written space 235 x 150 mm. Ruled in hard point (double
vertical bounding lines, full length) for 2 columns of 32 lines, but the ruling
is ignored; long lines used, and no full pages. Initials at beginning of each
line on f. 164r in red. Discoloration only on f. 164r.
Part XVIII: ff. 168 and 170. No watermarks. Tables and notes extend 290
mm. down the folio and across the full width. Ruling for tables in black; no
ruling for notes at bottom. Greek minuscule. Formerly folded in half
Part XIX: f. 169. No watermarks. A loose leaf, 295 x 122 (132 x 92)
mm. 16 lines, not ruled. Written in small, neat Greek minuscule.
Part XX: ff. 171-172. No watermarks. Tables measure 243 x 195 mm., with 2
lines of notes below. Tables ruled in black ink and notes in a sprawling Greek
minuscule by one hand.
Part XXI: f. 173. Watermark: unidentified crescents. Size unfolded
is 287 x 300 mm.
Concentric circles for diagram of the Universe and God drawn in black ink,
labelled in small and large Greek minuscule by the same person. Formerly
folded in quarters.
Part XXII: ff. 174-175. Watermarks: unidentified lion rampant.
307 x 227 mm., folded
to fit size of binding; written space on f. 174r is 185 x 200 mm. 22 long
lines, not ruled. Written by one hand in Greek minuscule. Once folded in half
Binding: s. xix. Narrow brown calf spine and small corners, blind- and
gold-tooled. Marbled paper sides. Possibly bound by the same binder
as MS 303.
Written in Byzantium during the latter part of the 17th century. Ownership
notes of 18th century of Arsenius of Castoria and of Ioannes Choniates
Acominates on f. 166v. The individual parts were perhaps collected and
organized by Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, s. xviii, whose notes are
scattered throughout (see also Beinecke MSS 294, 295, 297, etc., and Nichipor,
pp. 186-87). Belonged
to Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford (1766-1827; bookplate inside front
cover and stamp on first flyleaf at back). Acquired from him by Sir Thomas
Phillipps from Thorpe (MS 7231; tag on spine and note in pencil on f. ii; see
Phillipps Studies, v. 3, p. 102). Purchased from L. C. Witten
with funds from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust (MS 34) in 1957.
Bibliography: Ziskind Catalogue, p. 50.
Barbara A. Shailor