Beinecke MS 287A England, ca. 1846-64
Miniatures by Caleb Wing (removed from MS 287)
Restricted material. May not be seen without the permission of the appropriate curator.
Parchment, ff. ii (parchment) + 17 + iii (parchment). Miniatures measure
104 x ca. 80 mm.
The seventeen miniatures (all versos), formerly inserted in MS 287 (see
Beinecke MS 287), were removed and rebound in their present form when recognized as the
work of the 19th-century facsimilist, Caleb Wing. They were intended to
replace originals excised from MS 287 at an uncertain date. As suggested by
the format of MS 287, there were probably only sixteen miniatures in the
original program. For Caleb Wing, his relation to J. B. Jarman, a former owner
of MS 287, and his use of models of the Ghent-Bruges School, see Exhibition
Catalogue, pp. 274-75, no. 88, and J. Backhouse, "A Victorian Connoisseur
and His Manuscripts: The Tale of Mr. Jarman and Mr. Wing," British Museum
Quarterly 32 (1967-68) pp. 76-92. The miniatures are not bound in the order
they occupied in MS 287; a number scribbled on each recto refers either to the
miniature's own former folio number in MS 287 or the folio number of the
preceding page. The reason for the inconsistency is unclear. In the following
list, the first number following the title is the one on the recto, the second
indicates the folio in MS 287 which precedes the stub. The subjects of the
miniatures are as follow: f. 1v Salvator Mundi, architectural border with
grape-vine (14, f. 13); f. 2v Virgin and Child, scatter border with flowers
and insects (24, f. 23); f. 3v Annunciation, scatter border of flowers with
angels (69, f. 69); f. 4v Visitation, scatter border with flowers and insects
(69, f. 69); f. 5v Nativity, scatter border with flowers and insects (83, f.
83); f. 6v Annunciation to the shepherds, architectural border with sheep (89,
f. 89); f. 7v Adoration of the Magi, scatter border of flowers, insects, and
birds (96, f. 95); f. 8v Presentation in the temple, architectural border (101,
f. 101); f. 9v Flight into Egypt, architectural border (107, f. 107); f. 10v
Assumption of the Virgin, architectural border (118, f. 117); f. 11v David in
prayer, scatter border with flowers, insects, and birds (134, f. 133); f. 12v
Funeral, architectural border (159, f. 159); f. 13v Agony in the garden,
architectural border (16, f. 15); f. 14v Pentecost, architectural border (25, f.
24); f. 15v Crucifixion, border with the Arma Christi (45, f. 45); f. 16v
Entry into Jerusalem, scatter border with flowers and insects (124, f. 123);
f. 17v Virgin and Child under a canopy supported by angels, architectural border
(32, f. 31).
Binding: s. xix-xx. Worn red velvet.
Barbara A. Shailor