Beinecke MS 286 England, s. XIV^^ex
Missal, use of Sarum
All page numbers refer to J. W. Legg, The Sarum Missal (Oxford, 1916).
1. ff. 1r-5v Graded calendar, in red and black, lacking January and
February; the qualifier "pape" erased or crossed out. Includes entries for
Edward "the Martyr" (18 March, in red), Cuthbert (20 March, in red),
Resurrectio domini (27 March, in red), Richard de Wych (3 April, in red),
Alphege (19 April), Dunstan (19 May, in red), Aldhelm (25 May, in red),
Augustine of England (26 May, in red), Boniface (5 June), translation of Edmund
Rich (9 June, in red), translation of Richard de Wych (16 June, in red),
translation of Edward "the Martyr" (20 June), Alban (22 June, in red), Ethelreda
(23 June), translation of Thomas of Canterbury (7 July, in red, but crossed
out), translation of Swithin (15 July, in red), Kenelm (17 July), Anna (26 July,
in red), Oswald (5 Aug.), Cuthburga (31 Aug.), translation of Cuthbert
(4 Sept.), Edith (16 Sept., in red), translation of Edward the Confessor
(13 Oct., in red), Edmund Rich (16 Nov.), Hugh "the Hammerking" (17 Nov.),
Edmund King (20 Nov.), Thomas of Canterbury (29 Dec., in red, but crossed
2. ff. 6r-9r Benedictio salis et aquae, and the Sunday processions in
Advent. pp. 10-14.
3. ff. 9r-130r Temporale, Advent to Easter Eve. The secret for the
second Sunday after the octave of Epiphany (f. 45v) is "ut tibi [domine
added] sint grata".
pp. 14-134.
4. ff. 130r-132r Kyrie Eleison; 12 settings of Gloria in excelsis.
pp. 1-7.
5. ff. 132r-136v Credo; Prefaces.
pp. 211-15.
6. ff. 137r-142v Canon and Ordo of the Mass, begins imperfectly:
//usque ad hec uerba de tuis donis ita dicens. Unde et memores
domine nos serui tui sed..., followed by "Preces in prostratione" and by
melodies and rubrics for "Benedicamus domino" and "Ite missa est".
pp. 223-29, 209-10, 9.
7. ff. 143r-202v Temporale, Easter to "Sabbato iiii temporum".
pp. 135-201.
8. ff. 202v-204v In dedicacione ecclesie.
pp. 202-04.
9. ff. 205r-267v Sanctorale, from the vigil of Andrew to Linus.
pp. 232-352.
10. ff. 268r-285r Common of saints.
pp. 354-83.
11. ff. 285r-300v Votive masses, in the following order: de sancta maria
per aduentum, de sancta maria a natali usque ad purificacionem, de sancta maria
a purificacione ad aduentum, de trinitate, de sancta cruce, de sancto spiritu,
pro fratribus et sororibus, de pace, ad pluuiam postulandam, in tempore belli
uel contra mortalitatem hominum, pro quacumque tribulacione, de angelis,
memoria de incarnacione domini, de omnibus sanctis, pro uniuersali ecclesia,
pro papa, pro episcopo, pro prelatis et subditis, pro rege, pro rege et regina,
pro semetipso sacerdote, pro speciale amico, contra temptaciones carnis, contra
malas cogitaciones, ad uocandam graciam sancti spiritus, pro peticione
lacrimarum, pro penitente, contra aeras temporales, pro inspiracione diuine
sapiencie, pro eo qui in uinculis detinetur, pro tribulacione cordis, ad
poscendum donum sancti spiritus, contra inuasores ecclesie, pro benefactoribus
uiuorum uel salutem, pro peste animalium, pro serenitate aeris, pro iter
agentibus, pro peccatis, pro infirmo, ad memoriam de sanctis Katerina,
Margarita, Maria Magdalena.
pp. 384-412.
12. ff. 301r-304v Ordo ad facienda sponsalia, with vows in English
(f. 301r-v).
pp. 413-8.
13. f. 304v Ordo ad purificandum mulierem post partum.
14. ff. 304v-305v Ordo ad seruicium peregrinorum faciendum.
pp. 451-52.
15. ff. 305v-306r Benedictio crucis peregrinacionis.
p. 453.
16. ff. 306r-311r Ordo ad uisitandum infirmum.
pp. 419-28.
17. ff. 311r-313r Commendacio animarum.
pp. 428-31.
18. ff. 313r-324v Missa pro defunctis.
pp. 431-450.
19. ff. 324v-325r Portion of the marriage service omitted from f. 302v
(Epistola. Nescitis quoniam. Et omnia alia require in fine libri). f. 325v
ruled, but blank except for pen trials
pp. 416-17.
Parchment, ff. ii (modern parchment) + 325 + ii (modern parchment),
295 x 190 (181 x 115) mm. Written in 2 columns of 37 lines (32 in the Canon); single
vertical and double horizontal bounding lines full length and full across,
with two additional
lines in upper, lower, and outer margins. Ruled in pale brown ink; prickings
in upper, lower, and/or outer margins.
Binding is too tight to permit collation; one folio clearly missing at
beginning of calendar, two at the beginning of the Canon (following f. 136).
Remains of two sets of signatures, on recto; some catchwords, accompanied by
flourishes, on verso.
Written by a single scribe in elegant gothic textura (larger size for the
Canon), with standard musical notation of Canon, etc.
Sumptuous full bar borders (ff. 6r, 9r, 34v, 42r, 143r, 160v, 165r, 172v,
174r, 202v, 205r, 214v, 229v, 232r, 243r, 244v, 256r, 262v, 268r, 313r),
surrounding text and running between text columns, alternating red and blue
segments, divided by gold panels, from which sprout short sprigs of ivy (blue,
red, pink with white highlights, often in a guilloche pattern) and daisy buds,
gold cusped corners, filled with ivy or strapwork with flower terminals; the
whole further embellished by hair-spray with gold balls and flowers; the gold
with simple punches throughout. On the same folios, 7- to 5-line initials, blue
and/or red with white highlights, filled with red, pink, and blue ivy or
strapwork on irregular gold grounds, with simple punches. Elaborate 3- and
2-line initials throughout, pink and blue, filled with ivy, trailing pink and
blue ivy, on irregular gold grounds extending with ivy into border, embellished
with gold balls and hair-spray. 2- and 1-line gold initials throughout, with
elaborate purple penwork designs, often far into margins; long (up to 10-line)
I-initials in the same manner. 2- and 1-line blue initials throughout with
red penwork; long I-initials in same manner. 1-line gold initials with
simple brown penwork. Line-fillers in the litany, blue and gold. Two leaves,
probably with miniatures of the Maiestas Domini and Crucifixion, have been
removed before the Canon (after f. 136).
First four leaves are stained and trimmed, but with no loss of text.
Binding: s. xx. White, gold-tooled pigskin over wooden boards. Gilt
edges. Bound by Sangorski and Sutcliffe (London, 1901 to the present).
Written in England at the end of the 14th century, presumably sometime
after 1382 when the feast of St. Anna (26 July, in calendar and Sanctorale)
was introduced to the whole of England. Additions made to the list of Saints
in 1386 are not included (Exhibition Catalogue, p. 211, no. 36).
Presented to the Charterhouse,
London, by Marmaduke Lumley, Bishop of Lincoln (d. 1450; inscriptions on
ff. 5v and 137r; N. R. Ker, Medieval Libraries of Great Britain [London,
1964] pp. 122, 278). W. H. St. John Hope (The History of the London
Charterhouse...[New York, 1925] pp. 100, 102, 103) gives a Marmaduke Lumley
as living in 1378 and as having been buried in the London Charterhouse
ca. 1399-1400. This individual appears to be an ancestor of the Lumley who
gave Beinecke MS 286 to the Charterhouse, and he may be the person who
originally commissioned it (we thank K. L. Scott for this suggestion).
Purchased in 1960 from C. A. Stonehill.
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 50, no. 286.
Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 210-11, no. 36.
Barbara A. Shailor