Beinecke MS 251 Mount Athos, 1585, 1651
Sermons; Lives of Saints (in Greek)
I. 1. pp. 1-8 [Table:] [Greek] [sic]
[Greek] [text:]
Pages 9-1315 contain Sermons and Lives of Saints for March 25 through
August 29. Incipits are given only when no reference is made to a specific
printed text.
2. pp. 9-23 John Chrysostom, Oratio de annuntiatione Deiparae [PG
3. pp. 24-32 Gregory Thaumatourgus, Homilia in annuntiationem Virginis
[PG 10.1145-56].
4. pp. 32-56 Andrew of Crete, Oratio in annuntiationem [PG
5. pp. 56-70 Michael Psellus, Oratio in salutationem B. V. M.
[PO 16 (1922) pp. 517-27; E. Kurtz and F. Drexl, eds., Michaelis Pselli
Scripta Minora (Milan, 1936) v. 1, pp. 82-93].
6. pp. 71-97 John Geometres, In annuntiationem Deiparae [PG
7. pp. 98-138 Sophronius of Jerusalem, Vita S. Mariae Aegyptiacae
[PG 87,3.3697-726].
8. pp. 139-171 Nicetas David, Passio S. Georgii
[BHG^^3 676].
9. pp. 171-201 Andrew of Crete, Oratio in S. Georgium [PG
10. pp. 201-214 [Nicetas David], Encomium S. Marci [PG
11. pp. 214-235 Asterius of Amasea, Laudatio S. Basilii ep. Amaseae
[BHG^^3 240].
12. pp. 235-252 Nicetas David, Laudatio S. Iacobi Zebedaei [PG
13. pp. 252-257 Proclus of Constantinople, Encomium S. Ioannis
Evangelistae [PG 65.800-05].
14. pp. 257-261 Cyril of Alexandria, Homilia Ephesi dicta [PG
15. pp. 261-323 Constantine Acropolites, Laudatio SS. Constantini et
Helenae [BHG^^3 368].
16. pp. 323-331 Theodore of Studium, Sermo de S. Ioanne Baptista
[BHG^^3 842].
17. pp. 332-361 John Stauracius, Encomium S. Theodosiae [BHG^^3
18. pp. 361-387 John Zonaras, Commentarius de Cyrillo ep. Alexandriae
[BHG^^3 2099].
19. pp. 387-426 Alexander the monk, Laudatio in apostolum Barnabam
[PG 87,3.4087-106, Latin only].
20. pp. 426-465 Nicolaus, Vita S. Petri Athonitae [BHG^^3 1505].
21. pp. 465-476 Antipater of Bostra, Homilia in S. Ioannem Baptistam
[PG 85.1763-76].
22. pp. 477-489 Aetius of Constantinople, Homilia in S. Ioannem
Baptistam [BHG^^3 861p; also attributed to Leontius of Constantinople].
23. pp. 489-529 Sophronius of Jerusalem, Oratio in S. Ioannem
Baptistam [PG 87,3.3321-54].
24. pp. 530-548 Nicetas David, Laudatio SS. Petri et Pauli [PG
25. pp. 548-557 John Chrysostom, In Petrum et Paulum Sermo [PG
26. pp. 558-574 Nicetas David, Laudatio Apostolorum et discipulorum
[BHG^^3 160].
27. pp. 574-580 John Chrysostom, In duodecim Apostolos Sermo [PG
28. pp. 580-609 Theodore, priest of Constantinople, Depositio vestis
in Blachernis [BHG^^3 1058].
29. pp. 610-630 Nicetas David, Laudatio S. Hyacinthi Amastreni [PG
30. pp. 631-646 Nicetas patricius, Vita S. Andreae Cretensis [BHG^^3
31. pp. 646-679 Constantine of Tium, Translatio S. Euphemiae [BHG^^3
32. pp. 679-718 Theophanes monachus, Vita S. Michaelis Maleini [BHG^^3
33. pp. 718-734 Nicetas philosophus, Passio SS. Ciryci et Iulittae
[BHG^^3 318].
34. pp. 734-747 Cyril of Alexandria, Encomium in S. Mariam Deiparam
[PG 77.1029-40].
35. pp. 747-789 Gregory of Cyprus, Oratio de S. Marina [BHG^^3
36. pp. 789-831 Anonymous, Commentarius de Elia et Elisaeo [BHG^^3
37. pp. 831-842 John Chrysostom, In Eliam Prophetam Sermo [PG
38. pp. 842-882 John Zonaras, Vita S. Eupraxiae [BHG^^3 631m].
39. pp. 882-910 Nicetas David, Laudatio S. Panteleemonis [BHG^^3
40. pp. 911-923 Timotheus of Antioch, In crucem et transfigurationem
[PG 86,1.253-66].
41. pp. 923-956 John Damascene, Homilia in transfigurationem [PG
42. pp. 957-986 Andrew of Crete, Oratio in transfigurationem Domini
[PG 97.931-58].
43. pp. 986-996 John Chrysostom, Oratio de transfiguratione Domini
[BHG^^3 1984b].
44. pp. 997-1005 John Chrysostom, Oratio de transfiguratione
servatoris [PG 61.713-16].
45. pp. 1005-1027 Anastasius of Sinai, Oratio de transfiguratione
Domini [BHG^^3 1999].
46. pp. 1027-1041 Ephraem, Oratio de transfiguratione Domini
[F. Assemani, ed., Ephraemi Syri Opera Omnia (Rome, 1732-46) v. 2,
p. 41].
47. pp. 1041-1061 John Chrysostom, Oratio de transfiguratione Domini
[BHG^^3 1980k].
48. pp. 1061-1132 John Damascene, Homiliae in dormitionem B. V. M.
[PG 96.697-762].
49. pp. 1132-1195 Andrew of Crete, Orationes in dormitionem B. V. M.
[PG 97.1045-110].
50. pp. 1196-1212 Germanus of Constantinople, Oratio in dormitionem
B. V. M. [BHG^^3 1130s].
51. pp. 1212-1228 Nicetas David, Laudatio S. Bartholemaei Apostoli
[PG 105.195-214].
52. pp. 1228-1239 Anonymous, Laudatio S. Moysis Aethiopis [BHG^^3
53. pp. 1239-1253 Theodore of Studium, Oratio in S. Ioannis Baptistae
decollationem [PG 99.757-72].
54. pp. 1253-1289 Andrew of Crete, Oratio in S. Ioannis Baptistae
decollationem [PG 97.1109-42].
55. pp. 1289-1315 Chrysippus presbyter, Laudatio S. Ioannis
Praecursoris [BHG^^3 851].
II. 56. pp. 1316-1323 John Chrysostom, Oratio de saltatione
Herodiadis [PG 59.521-26].
III. 57. pp. 1324-1334 Anonymous, Vita S. Mariae Magdalenis;
text begins:
on p. 1315 in hand of Scribe 2:]
[Greek] [Greek] [Greek]. [Added on p. 1315, in a later hand:]
[Greek] [Greek] [Greek].
[Colophon of Scribe 3 (Ioasaph), p. 1334:]
[Greek] p. 1335 inscriptions
(see Provenance)
The manuscript is composed of three parts; the second two serve to complete
a text that was either unfinished or damaged. Part I: pp. 1-1315
(skips 399); Part II:
pp. 1316-1323; Part III: pp. 1324-1334. The three sections were written on
sturdy paper with similar watermarks: anchor within a circle and surmounted
by a six-pointed star, all with assorted countermarks, ff. ii (paper)
+ 662 (paginated 1-1335) + ii (paper), 317 x 210 mm.
Part I: (215 x 125) mm. Written in 26 long lines; triple outer and double
inner vertical bounding lines, full length; two additional rulings in upper
and lower margins. Ruled in hard point. Executed by a single scribe (Scribe 1) in
large bold minuscule. A notice on p. 1315 in the hand of Scribe 2 (see colophon, art. 57)
states that this portion was completed by Cyrillus in 1585 at the monastery
of St. Simon Petras,
with the subvention of Constantinus (Vogel and Gardthausen, p. 240). Cyrillus'
own signature occurs on p. 1323. Intricate headpiece of vine-tendrils within
rectangular blocks, outlined in black and filled with red, yellow, and pale
gold (p. 9). Large initials, 10- to 8- line, of similar design and colors,
appear for each new text together with narrow headpieces. Some instructions
for the rubricator remain along upper and lower edges.
Part II: (220 x 125) mm. Written in 25 long lines; single inner and
double outer vertical bounding lines. Ruled lightly in hard point. Written
by Scribe 2 in a
smaller, more calligraphic minuscule than Part I. Simple headpiece in black
and red (p. 1316); one ornamental initial, 5-line, sprouting floral motifs on
same page, in red. 2-line initials in gold.
Part III: (220 x 133) mm. Written in 26 long lines; double inner and
triple outer vertical bounding lines, and additional ruling in lower margin.
Ruled in hard point. Executed by a single scribe (Scribe 3) who signed and
dated the section on
p. 1334: Ioasaph, 15 January 1651 (see colophon, art. 57). Headpiece of
plaited design, in red and burnt orange (p. 1324);
single decorative initial, 9-line, at beginning of text.
I^^4, II^^9, III-XIII^^10, XIV^^8, XV-XX^^10, XXI^^9,
XXII-XL^^10, XLI^^8,
XLII-L^^10, LI^^9, LII-LXIII^^10, LXIV^^9, LXV-LXVI^^10,
LXIX^^6. The tight binding does not allow a more detailed collation. Scribe
1 placed catchwords perpendicular to text near gutter, on verso.
Binding: s. xix. Half bound in purple calfskin with watered cloth sides.
"Lectionary. Greek MS. Mt. Athos 1555" on spine.
Written at the Monastery of St. Simon Petras, Mt. Athos, in 1585 and
1651 (inscriptions and colophons on pp. 1187, 1315, 1323, and 1335;
see above for scribes). Library of
Constantine Simonides (signature on f. ii recto); his sale to Sir Thomas
Phillipps (no. 13864, tag on spine). Purchased from L. C. Witten with funds
from the Jacob Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 25).
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 46, no. 251.
Ziskind Catalogue, p. 48.
R. Carter, Codices Chrysostomici Graeci (Paris, 1970) v. 3, pp. 18-19,
no. 16.
Barbara A. Shailor