Beinecke MS 241 Byzantium, s. XIII/XIV
Catena on Isaiah (in Greek)
ff. 1r-435v [Greek] [ornamental border below heading,
then Isaiah, I. 1:] [Greek]...[Isaiah, 66. 24:] [Greek]
[beginning of catena, from St. Basil's Commentary:] [Greek]
...[end of catena, from Eusebius and Cyrillus, badly mutilated:]
[Greek] [Cyrillus:] ...[Greek]. [Eusebius:] [Greek] [p. 437,
inscription, in same hand as text:] [Greek] // [page cut off] [p. 438,
inscription in another hand:] [Greek]****[Greek].
Two later scribes, apparently heeding Athanasius' request, added
brief notes, the first in red ink (ca. s. xv), referring to books which
Athanasius brought; the second, in black (ca. s. xvi), requesting
intercession for him and his relatives.
With few exceptions the text corresponds closely to the
"Stichproben zu Isaias" printed by M. Faulhaber, Die
(Freiburg, 1899) pp. 203-08, and taken from Vatican, Ottob. 452. None
of the five prologues he lists is in Beinecke MS 241, and the text
breaks off just before the end of the catena, omitting the last note
cited by Faulhaber and most of the preceding one (cf. R. Devreesse,
Introduction a l'etude des manuscrits grecs [Paris, 1954], p. 179).
Paper, ff. iv (paper) + 437 (nos. 433-443 are page numbers; the
preceding numbers are for folios) + iv (paper), 257 x 165 (202 x 120)
mm. Written in ca. 29 long lines (ff. 354r-356r, copied in a smaller
script, have 41 lines), ruled in hard point in no uniform format.
Sometimes the leaves appear to have been used sideways with the script
intersecting the guidelines rather than sitting on them (see ff. 303-
I^^6, II-XIV^^8, XV^^8 (1 f. missing and replaced by blank paper;
previously numbered 118), XVI-XXII^^8, XXIII^^8 (there are two folios
numbered 178), XXIV-XXIX^^8, XXX^^8 (1 f. missing), XXXI-XXXVI^^8,
XXXVII^^6, XXXVIII-XLII^^8, XLIII^^6, XLIV-XLV^^8, XLVI^^8 (1 f. missing),
XLVII-LVI^^8, + 1 additional folio. Because of the tight binding it is
not possible to collate the manuscript more accurately. Signatures are
later than text.
Written by a single scribe in a bold minuscule for the text of
Isaiah, and in a smaller, more compact script for the commentary.
One crude decorative headpiece in black and red on f. 1r. Initials
in red at beginning and end of text.
Binding: s. xx. Brick-red goatskin, title gold-tooled.
Written in Byzantium in the late 13th or early 14th century. Gift
of Athanasius to an unidentified monastery at the time of the
completion of the manuscript (mutilated inscription on p. 438; see
contents for complete text). Belonged to Frederick North, 5th Earl of
Guilford (1766-1827; no. 9, in sale catalogue and at bottom of f. iii
recto); to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 4930, tag on spine) through
Thorpe. Purchased from Laurence Witten with funds from the Jacob
Ziskind Charitable Trust in 1957 (MS 14).
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 45, no. 241.
Ziskind Catalogue, p. 47.
Barbara A. Shailor