Beinecke MS 224 Germany, s. XV^^med
Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea, etc.
1. front pastedown: Prima die eriget se mare xl cubitus super
altitudinem moncium...hec signa scripsit ysidorus xv.
Brief description of the 15 days before judgment; Stegmueller, v.
7, no. 10333.
I. 2. ff. 1r-52r Aduentus domini per quatuor septimanas agitur ad
significandum...Mox se terra aperuit et cunctos illos degluttiuit
Reliqui uero ad eum sunt conuersi.
T. Graesse, ed., Jacobi a Voragine Legenda aurea (Leipzig, 1846).
The legends in Beinecke MS 224 occur in the following order (with
numbers corresponding to chapters in Graesse): 1-11, 21-23, 28, 37, 45.
3. ff. 52r-54v Castissimum marie virginis vterum clausum ventris
sponse cubiculum signatum pudorem cenaculum plenissime...saluatoris
domini nostri ihesu christi qui cum deo patre viuit et regnat...Amen.
[followed by a short note beginning: Balthasar fuit etatum annorum
centum et xvj annos. Melchior...]ff. 55r-59v blank
Pseudo-Augustine, Sermo de annuntiatione beatae virginis
PL 39. 2107-10. This is perhaps the work of Ambrosius Autpertus (see L.
Scheffczyk, Das Mariengeheimnis in Frommigkeit und Lehre der
Karolingerzeit [Erfurt-Leipzig, 1959] pp. 48-53).
4. f. 60r-v In diebus rogacionum. [H]elyas orauit ut non plueret
super terram in die beati marci letania mayor peragitur...laudate
peregit etc. in christo quieuit [ends imperfectly?].
A similar selection on the litany appears in Munich, Universitaets
bibliothek 2^^o Cod. MS 128, f. 154.
II.5. ff. 61r-182v [no heading] De septem donis spiritus sancti de
quibus prius scire debes...Ad que inerrabilia bona eterne glorie
perducat dominus noster...seculorum secula. Amen.
Unidentified treatise, begins imperfectly? Includes the rubrics:
De statu ecclesie, De penitencia, De discipulo inobediente, De tribus
hostibus nostris, Ambidexter, De pace, De amore violento, De vita
contemplativa, De deo et efficibus eius, De purgatorio.
6. ff. 182v-186r [Alphabetical index to preceding treatise:]
Accessus hominis ad deum. 2^^o/ Abusio, de abusionibus.
7./...Christifideles et maxime Religiosi in vno statu permanere non
possunt 29. et ultra.
7. ff. 186v-192v Uidens pijssimus et misericordissimus deus hominem
quem ad sui ipsius fruicionem formauerat...Eterna gaudia et inferni
eterna supplicia valent ad resurrectendis peccatis.
This work (entitled elsewhere Tractatus de reparatione hominis
lapsi) also occurs in Klosterneuberg MS 205 (see H. Pfeiffer and B.
Cernik, Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum qui in bibliotheca
canonicorum regularium S. Augustini Claustroneoburgi asservantur
[Vindobonae, 1922] v. 1).
8. back pastedown A bifolium from an unidentified 15th century
German manuscript on paper, beginning: Zu dem raben dw solt mir chwnden
vnd sagen wo hestu den herren werleichen...[one leaf: 148 x 103 (93 x
60) mm., written in 14-15 long lines].
Composed of two distinct sections:
I. Paper (watermarks: unidentified bull's head), ff. 60, 207 x 147
(152 x 109) mm. 2 columns of ca. 30 lines; frame-ruled in lead; remains
of prickings. I-V^^12. Written in a neat running script by three
scribes: 1: ff. 1r-52r; 2: ff. 52r-54v; 3: f. 60r-v. Small, crude
initials in red, some with simple penwork designs; initials strokes, in
II. Paper (sturdy; watermarks buried in gutter), ff. 132
(contemporary foliation: 1-132; modern foliation: 61-192), 208 x 146
(165 x 105) mm. Folios 61r-182r: written in ca. 32 long lines; ff.
182v-192v: 2 columns of ca. 33 lines. Frame-ruled in ink; remains of
prickings. I-XI^^12. Quire signatures (primus, secundus, etc.) in center
of lower margin, on verso. Written by a single scribe in an elegant
running script. Portions of the marginal notes by original scribe have
been lost due to trimming. Headings, paragraph marks, and initial
strokes, in red, throughout.
Binding: s. xv-xvi. Original sewing on three thick, double,
vegetable fiber cords laced and pegged in grooves in wooden boards. The
grooves for the endband cores, which are also vegetable fiber, start on
the spine edge of the boards. The spine of the bookblock is cut off at
an angle at head and tail so the braided endbands extend very little
beyond the edges. The spine is square and lined all along with tawed
skin which extends to the inside of the boards. Covered in tawed skin,
originally pink, with two labels at the head of the upper board; on the
first, "Passionale ad aduentum domini usque ad festum mathie sancte [?]
sermonum collectio [?]," on the second, "G.27". Five round bosses on
each board and two strap and pin fastenings, the pins on the upper one.
Lower board detached, bosses and fastenings wanting.
Written in Germany in the middle of the 15th century; early
provenance unknown (see remarks on binding). Unidentified label on
spine and notation on f. 1r: "252/P5". Stamp of the Kingsley Trust
Association (f. 1r) which presented it to Yale in 1951.
secundo folio: ire parum
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 42, no. 224.
Barbara A. Shailor