Beinecke MS 220 England, s. XIV^^in
Psalter, etc.
1. f. 1r-v Portions of unidentified prayers, in Latin, beginning
imperfectly and ending "thus wrot Ion". //a periculo mortis et a
diabolicis insidiis amen. Sancte gabriel sancte michael omnes sancti
angeli et archangeli...[a version of the prayer printed in HE 125];
oracio. Succurre michi virgo virginum intercessionibus tuis
sacris...michi peccatrici...Elysabet famulam suam....
2. f. 2r blank, with miscellaneous notes; f. 2v Medical advice
associated with the signs of the zodiac (e.g., Aries tenet capud et
faciem. Taurus gutter et collum...Pisces pedes. Nota quod luna moratur
in qualibet signo...).
3. f. 3r Astrological table in red and black with title, but no
text: Tabula magistri petri de datia dicti philomena....
Thorndike and Kibre, 53.
4. f. 3v Astrological notes attributed to Bede: Dicit Beda quod tres
sunt dies in mense februarii in quibus si quis masculus natus
fuerit...hec uera sunt obseruet ea qui uult.
5. ff. 4r-9v Calendar, in red and black; has a large number of
columns (12) giving computation information. Includes entries for Oct.
S. Thomas (5 Jan.), Wulstan (19 Jan.), Queen Bathildis (30 Jan.), King
Edward "the Martyr" (18 March), Cuthbert (20 March), Resurrectio domini
(27 March), Elphege (19 April), Dunstan (19 May), Ethelbert (20 May),
Aldhelm (25 May), Augustine of England (26 May), translation of Edmund
Rich (9 June, in red), Botulph (17 June), translation of King Edward
(20 June), Alban (22 June, in red), Ethelreda (23 June), translation of
St. Thomas of Canterbury (7 July), translation of Swithin (15 July),
Kenelm (17 July), Anna (26 July, in red), Cuthburga (31 Aug.),
translation of Cuthbert (4 Sept.), translation of Edward the Confessor
(13 Oct.), Edmund archbishop (16 Nov.), Edmund King (20 Nov.), Thomas
of Canterbury (29 Dec.). f. 10r inscriptions, see below; f. 10v blank
6. ff. 11r-75v Biblical Psalter, with no later antiphons. Missing
Psalms 50.6-53.3, 100.5-102.6, 108.9-110.9.
7. ff. 75v-82r Six ferial canticles, Te deum, Benedicte, Benedictus,
Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, Quicumque uult.
8. ff. 82v-85r Litany and prayers. Among the 23 martyrs:
Austremonius (6), Thomas (10), Edmund (13), Leodegar (18); among the 26
confessors: Dunstan (14), Philibert (17), Columban (18), Odo (20),
Majolus (21), Odilo (22), Hugo (23), Germar (24), Gerald (26); among
the 19 virgins: Cyrilla (8), Ethelreda (11), Walburga (13), Florencia
(14), Consortia (15), Daria (16).
9. ff. 85r-94v Office of the Dead, use unidentified, with spaces
left for musical notation. Responses at matins: 1. Credo quod, 2. Qui
lazarum, 3. Domine dum, 4. Subuenite sancti, 5. Heu mihi, 6. Ne
recorderis, 7. Peccantem me, 8. Requiem eternam, 9. Libera me...de
10. f. 95r [Indulgence de ueronica] Fac mecum signum in bono...Deus
qui nobis signatis lumine uultis tui...[Leroquais LH 2. 58]; [added in
a later hand:] [D]eus cui proprium est misereris semper et
parcere...[Lyell Cat., p. 372, no. 85].
11. ff. 95v-96r Two prayers, in a later hand. Deus cuius
misericordie non est numerus suscipe pro animabus famulorum...[Sarum
Missal, p. 435]; Domine ihesu christe qui hanc sacratissimam
carnem...[HE 72, 177]. ff. 96v-98v blank, except for scribbles
12. f. 99r [back contemporary flyleaf] 2 prayers added in different
15th-century hands: Per verum omnium sanctorum angelorum archangelorum
patriarcharum prophetarum...meritum intercessionem...; Deus in cuius
manu corda.... f. 99v blank
Parchment, ff. 99 (the last a contemporary parchment flyleaf), 115
x 76 (80 x 52) mm. Written in 2 columns of 28 lines; double upper,
central, and lower horizontal bounding lines full across, single
vertical bounding lines; two additional rulings in all margins except
inner. Ruled in ink; prickings in upper, lower, and outer margins,
often at the intersecting points of additional pairs of guidelines.
I^^10, II^^12, III^^12 (-12), IV^^12, V^^12 (-12), VI^^12 (-6),
VII-VIII^^12, IX^^8 (-8). Catchwords in lower margin near gutter,
sometimes between horizontal rulings in lower margin.
Written by two scribes in tiny gothic textura. Scribe 1: ff. 2v-
91v; Scribe 2: ff. 91v (last folio of quire 8) - 95v. Several later
hands have added scribbles, prayers, and inscriptions on ff. 1r-2r,
10r, 95v, 96r, 97v, 98r, 99r.
Small (6-line) and rather crude historiated initials: f. 1r (Psalm
1) David harping; f. 21r (Ps. 26) David points to his eye; f. 28r (Ps.
38) David points to his lips; f. 40v (Ps. 68) David in the deep water;
f. 49r (Ps. 80) David at carillon; and f. 56r (Ps. 96) Cantors at
lectern. The initials for Ps. 52 (the Fool) and Ps. 109 (the Trinity)
are missing. In each initial, the figure drawn in black and colored
pink, green, and/or blue on a gold ground; the initials attached to
cusped, tapering bar border, blue, red, and gold, with white
highlights, with ivy terminal, black with red and green leaves. Gold
and blue calligraphic initials (2-line), with blue and red penwork
respectively; 1-line initials, alternating red and blue. KL monograms,
gold on red and blue, with white highlights. Because the initial I was
placed in the margin without an inset space in the text, the
illuminator often missed it (e.g., for Ps. 70 on f. 42r; for Ps. 113 on
f. 62r, and for Ps. 125 on f. 68v).
Binding: s. xv-xvi. Resewn on three two-layered tapes of tawed
skin attached to wooden boards. The endband cores are of tawed skin
with a tawed skin braid at the head, a new endband added at the tail.
The spine is square and the cover adhered to it. Covered in tawed skin,
originally pink, with corner tongues. Cover repaired at spine and two
corners and two silver clasps added. In a flexible grey leather pouch.
Written in England at the beginning of the 14th century. The
manuscript presents evidence of extensive use: prayers added in several
English hands (mostly of the 15th century, e.g., art. 1) and signatures
from the 16th century on f. 10r: K. Dunbar, Thomas Saunders, gent.,
Edmaunt [?] Parke. Belonged to George Dunn (1865-1912) of Woolley Hall,
Maidenhead; his note, in pencil, on f. 2r: "English Work/ Late 13th
Century/ Original Binding/ Silver fastenings, but one clasp gone/
[Greek] GD/ Jan 1902." His sale (Sotheby's, 11 Feb. 1913, v. 1, no. 630)
to Dobell. Davis and Orioli, Cat. 32 (1922) no. 3 (notice pasted inside
back cover). Sold by A. H. Reynolds (21 Dec. 1924) to Dawson's Book
Shop, Los Angeles, from whom it was purchased by Henry Fletcher. Gift
of Mrs. Henry Fletcher in 1953.
secundo folio: [text, f. 12] Neque habitabit
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, p. 1670, no. 2; Faye and Bond, p. 42, no.
Barbara A. Shailor