Beinecke MS 206 France, s. XIII^^ex
ff. 1r-450v Bible, in the following order (numbers in
parentheses refer to Stegmueller, v. 1): General prologue (284);
Pentateuch (285), Genesis, Exodus (leaf missing between ff. 21-22),
Leviticus, Numbers (leaf missing between ff. 46-47), Deuteronomy (leaf
missing between ff. 60-61); Joshua (311, leaf missing between ff. 73-
74); Judges (leaf missing between ff. 82-83); Ruth; 1 Kings (323; leaf
missing between ff. 93-94), 2 Kings (leaf missing between ff. 105-106),
3 Kings (leaf missing between ff. 115-116), 4 Kings; 1 Chronicles (leaf
missing between ff. 139-140), 2 Chronicles (327) + Prayer of Manasses;
1 Ezra (330); Nehemiah; 2 Ezra (= 3 Ezra, Stegmueller no. 94, 1; leaf
missing between ff. 174-175); Tobit (332); Judith (leaf missing between
ff. 184-185); Esther (341 + 343); Job (leaf missing between ff. 194-
195); Psalms (leaf missing between ff. 204-205); Proverbs (2 leaves
missing between ff. 224-225); [folios 231-253 have been misbound:]
Ecclesiastes (ff. 236-237; beginning missing); Song of Songs (f. 238;
beginning missing); Wisdom (ff. 239-243; beginning missing);
Ecclesiasticus (ff. 244-253, 231-235; beginning missing) Isaiah (leaf
missing between ff. 253-254); Jeremiah (leaf missing between ff. 271-
272); Lamentations (leaf missing between ff. 293-294); Baruch (491);
Ezekiel (492); Daniel (494); Minor Prophets (500): Hosea (507), Joel
(511, 510), Amos (515, 512, 513), Obadiah and end of Jonah missing
(leaf lost between ff. 334-335), Micah (526), Nahum and beginning of
Habakkuk missing (leaf lost between ff. 336-337), Zephaniah (534),
Haggai (538), Zechariah (539), Malachi (543); 1 Maccabees (547, 553,
551), 2 Maccabees; Matthew (590, 589), Mark (607), Luke (620, followed
by Luke 1.1-4 treated as a prologue), John (624); Romans (677), 1
Corinthians (leaf missing between ff. 414-415), 2 Corinthians (699),
Galatians and beginning of Ephesians missing (several [?] leaves
missing between ff. 421-422), Philippians (728), all of Colossians and
beginning of 1 Thessalonians missing (several [?] leaves missing
between ff. 423-424), 2 Thessalonians (752), 1 Timothy (765), beginning
of 2 Timothy and all of Titus missing (several leaves [?] missing
between ff. 425-426), Philemon (783), Hebrews (793); Acts (leaf missing
between ff. 429-430); Catholic Epistles (809; leaves missing between
ff. 413-414, 444-445); Apocalypse (beginning missing between ff. 444-
Parchment, ff. 450, 224 x 157 (162 x 111) mm. Written in 2 columns
of 51 lines; single vertical bounding lines full across, double
horizontal rulings in upper margin for running titles. Ruled in lead;
prickings in lower margins.
A precise collation is impossible due to extensive repair of the
binding; the contents given above indicate where leaves appear to be
wanting. Remains of signatures along center of lower edge, on verso, do
not reflect current construction of codex.
Written by a single scribe in small, neat, gothic bookhand; note
in his hand on f. 209r, too trimmed to be legible.
Approximately half the historiated initials have been excised. The
initials, 51- to 9-line, painted gold, red and blue with white
highlights and punctuated with gold dots, terminate in spiralling
floral serifs, often with biting animal heads, with long projecting
stems against cusped grounds. The figures are red, blue, orange and
grey, against red or blue grounds, some of them diapered and decorated
with groups of three white dots and gold dots. The subjects of those
surviving are as follow: f. 1r (Prologue) Three scribes; f. 4r
(Genesis) Creation, with only six days; f. 37r (Leviticus) Jews before
an altar; f. 92r (Ruth) Elimelech, Naomi and two children; f. 128r (4
Kings) Ahaziah on deathbed; f. 151r (2 Chronicles) Solomon praying; f.
166v (1 Ezra) Cyrus building tower; f. 180v (Tobias) Tobit and swallow;
f. 190r (Esther) Esther, Ahasuerus and Haman; f. 207r (Psalm 26)
Annointing of Samuel; f. 209v (Psalm 38) The Devil tempting the
psalmist (an unusual iconography, for which compare a Psalter, Paris,
B. N. nouv. acq. lat. 3104, Northern France, ca. 1270, f. 84v,
reproduced in Manuscrits a peintures offerts a la Bibliotheque
Nationale par le comte Guy du Boisrouvray [Paris, 1961] no. 7, pp. 39-
40 and pl. 18); f. 212r (Psalm 68) David in the deep waters, God the
Father above; f. 214v (Psalm 80) David at carillon; f. 217r (Psalm 96)
Cantors; f. 219v (Psalm 109) Christ in Majesty; f. 295r (Baruch) Baruch
as scribe; f. 298r (Ezekiel) The Vision of the Tetramorph; f. 318v
(Daniel) Daniel in the lions' den; f. 328v (Hosea) Hosea and Gomer on
throne; f. 331v (Joel) Joel with two Jews; f. 333r (Amos) Amos as
Shepherd; f. 335v (Micah) Micah before city; f. 338r (Zephaniah)
Zephaniah seated; f. 339r (Haggai) Haggai standing with king; f. 340r
(Zachariah) Annunciation to Zachariah; f. 344r (Malachi) Malachi with
two Jews; f. 345v (1 Maccabees) Execution of the idolatrous Jew, who
holds a pig's head; f. 359r (2 Maccabees) Delivery of letter; f. 368r
(Matthew) Tree of Jesse; f. 381r (Mark) Mark with lion; f. 389r (Luke)
Luke censing altar, angel; f. 402r (John) John with eagle; f. 419r (2
Corinthians) Angel with scroll, man in bed; f. 423r (Philippians) An
execution; f. 424v (2 Thessalonians) Paul with sword and standing man;
f. 425r (Timotheus) King with two soldiers; f. 426r (Philemon) Paul in
tower and standing man; f. 426r (Hebrews) Paul with two Jews; f. 443r
(James) Standing man.
Illuminated initials, 51- to 5-line, occasionally for books (f.
74v [Joshua] and f. 175r [Nehemiah]), for the most part for the
prologues, similar to the historiated initials, except infilled with
interwining and angular vines with biting head terminals, red and/or
blue against red or blue grounds with gold dots and set in frames of
painted gold. 2-line calligraphic initials for chapters, red or blue
with blue or red penwork, each attached to a column of superimposed
I's, red and blue, running the full length of the text column, with
penwork flourishes, especially at the terminals. Capitals for verses
stroked in red. Running headings and chapter numbers in alternating red
and blue letters or numbers.
Binding: Date? Resewn on four single, round, vegetable fiber cords
which are frayed out and adhered inside the oak boards. There are no
endbands, but traces of alum tawed endband cores and sewing supports
remain in the holes in the boards. The spine is square. Some lettering
in ink on the fore-edge. Covered in red-brown calf, with an
exceptionally large stamp of the Virgin and child in an aureole within
concentric frames, one with an inscription, on the upper board and
diamonds filled with crosses, roses and IHS in circles on the lower.
The latter ornaments are also stamped on the turn-ins underneath the
pastedowns. Rebacked and edges repaired. Upper board detached. Not the
original and possibly not an early binding. Rebacked in the Yale
Conservation Studio in 1982. The upper and lower covers are lined with
single leaves, pasted down, of a missale plenum (s. XI?). Portions of
Dominica VI post Pentecosten, Feria IV of that week (upper cover), an
unidentified mass of the Sanctorale, Dominica III post Pentecosten
(lower cover). Where they occur, the texts of the proper chants are
notated in German neumes in campo aperto. Some of the chants are cited
by incipit; these are usually not noted. The Alleluia for DMC III is
Domine in virtute; that for DMC VI is Eripe me. (We thank K. D.
Hartzell for his assistance with these fragments.)
Written probably in Northern France toward 1300; note of a
corrector along lower edge of f. 21v (partially trimmed) suggests that
the manuscript travelled to Avignon: "feci auinion. Non. Septembro anno
domini .M. CCC. xxii in ecclesia [?] fratrum augustinorum." Notes by at
least 2 hands of the 15th century. Unidentified booklabel, gold on pale
blue, inside front cover; unidentified paper label with "393" inside
back cover. Gift of Mrs. Bernard F. Gimbel in 1955.
secundo folio: [perscrip]ta sunt breuiter
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 40, no. 206.
T. E. Marston, "The Gimbel Manuscripts," Gazette 30 (1956) p. 152.
Barbara A. Shailor