Beinecke MS 205 Germany, ca. 1440
Processional, Dominican use (partly in Ger.)
1. ff. 1r-62v Noted processions for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday
with services for the washing of the altars (antiphon to Catharine of
Alexandria; altars of the Virgin, John the Evangelist, the Apostles,
the 10,000 Martyrs, Sigismund) and for the washing of feet, Good
Friday, Easter, Ascension, Corpus Christi, Dedication of a church,
Purification, Assumption, Reception of legates and prelates, and of
secular princes (includes an Antiphon to Dominic). f. 63r blank, with
only vertical bounding lines.
2. ff. 63v-66r Ordinarius de communione infirme [running title].
der communion einer siechen swester. Wenne ein siche swester die
heiligen communion empfahen sol...denne das das sacrament gottes
leichnam hin wider getragen wurde.
3. ff. 66r-76v Ordinarius de extrema vnccione [running title].
der heiligen olunge. Wenne ein swester das heilige oley enpfahen
sol...vnd angesanck sprechen Subuenite sancti dei et cetera als hernoch
geschriben ist.
4. ff. 76v-84r Ordinarius de transitu sororis [running title].
der hinfart der swester. Wenne ein swester gentzlichen zu dem tode
nehet...Libera me domine et cetera mit gesange.
Litany in this art. also includes several additions by a slightly
later hand: Peter as the last martyr; among the confessors: doubling of
Dominic, Thomas in the original hand, addition of Vincent, Bernard,
Henry, Louis, Beroald; among the virgins: Anna, doubling of Catharine,
Barbara, Ursula in the original hand, addition of Elisabeth.
5. ff. 84r-111v De commendacione anime [running title]. Commendacio
anime Responsarium. Subuenite sancti dei. Occurrite angeli domini
suscipientes animam eius...nach dem als der priorin vnd swestere
andacht denne vrteilt zetunen.
6. f. 111v-138v Ordinarius de officio sepulture [running title; the
burial service is noted]. Von dem ampt der begrebnusse. Wenne ein
gestorbenne swester sol zu grabe getragen werde...Sanctificat tibi
domine. Oremus deus noster pro et cetera. Als hie vorgeschriben stet et
Parchment, ff. i (contemporary parchment) + 138, 165 x 120 (108 x
78) mm. Written in ca. 17 long lines; single vertical bounding lines,
widely spaced double upper and lower horizontal bounding lines and two
additional rulings in upper margin for running titles (ff. 63v-138v),
all full across; ruled in ink. Prickings in upper margin.
I-XVII^^8, XVIII^^2. Catchwords along lower edge near gutter.
Written by a single scribe in well formed gothic textura.
Articles 1 and 6 have 4-line staves, in red, and black square notes.
Uninspired blue initial, 2-stave, on f. 1r, infilled and
surrounded by red penwork flourishes with blue accents. Similar plain
initials, 2-line, alternate in blue, red, and black with red
throughout. Running titles and headings in red.
Binding: s. xvi. Resewn, using original sewing holes, on three
double vegetable fiber cords laced into back-cornered and indented oak
boards. Endbands embroidered on a strip of vellum and adhered, the
vellum extending onto the outside of the boards. The spine is square
and lined all along with manuscript fragments extending to the inside
of the boards. Covered in vellum blind-tooled with concentric borders
containing heads in oval frames among foliage in the outer, and busts
of saints in the inner. Two brass fastenings, the catch on the upper
board, straps attached to the lower with a metal plate. Straps wanting
and a slight crack in one joint. See Festschrift Ernst Kyriss
(Stuttgart, 1961), p. 182, pl. 5, and H. Helwig, Handbuch der
Einbankunde v. 1, (n.p., 1953), pp. 74-75, pl. 75 for similar bindings
from Wittenburg, Augsburg and Nuremburg late in the 16th century.
Written apparently in Southern Germany as a gift for Barbara
Pfintzing, who entered a nunnery in 1441 at the age of 16; inscription
on f. i verso: "Item ich swester barbara pfinczingin wuerd geporn noch
unsers lieben herren ihesu christi gepurt. M. CCCC. und in dem xxv Iar
am achten tag vor weihen nahten. Vnd kom in das kloster an sant Erharsz
tag. M. CCCC. und in dem xlj iar." The text (see articles 1 and 4)
indicates that the manuscript was produced for use in a Dominican house
of nuns; liturgical directions are written in German (the feminine
forms in the antiphons and prayers often bear suprascript masculine
endings, in red). Acquired by Henry Fletcher from Dawson's Book Shop,
Los Angeles; gift of Mrs. Henry Fletcher in 1953.
secundo folio: dicens ite
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 40, no. 205.
Barbara A. Shailor