Beinecke MS 196 Lower Rhine, s. XV^^2
Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary
1. ff. 1r-12v Calendar in Latin, including the feasts of Basilius (1
Jan.), "Anniuersarium patrem et matrem ordinis nostri" (6 Feb.),
Translation of Augustine (28 Feb.), Suitbert (1 March), Heribert (16
March), Translation of Monica (9 April), Monica (4 May, in red),
Conversion of Augustine (5 May, in red), Michael archangel (8 May),
Canonization of Nicolas of Tolentino (5 June), "Anniuersarium fratrum
et sororum ordinis nostri" (7 July), "Festum niuis" (5 Aug.), Augustine
(28 Aug., in red), Octave of Augustine (4 Sept.), Nicolas of Tolentino
(10 Sept., in red), Michael Archangel (29 Sept., in red.), Translation
of Augustine (11 Oct.), 11,000 Virgins (21 Oct., in red), Cordula (22
Oct.), Cunibert (12 November).
2. ff. 13r-83r Hyer begijnt die prologijus van onser liever vrouwen
pselter. Den der heilige leirre Sanctus Bernardus gemacht hait...Here
doe op myn typpen ind mynen mont zo louer dynen abren helichsten ind
onsprechlichsten naeme...Primo nocturno. O Ioncfer marja salich is die
mynsch die lieff hait...[the 150 Psalms], Desen te deum hait gemacht
petrus damyanus. Dich moder gotz louen wir...[followed by a litany to
the Virgin and 2 prayers]. f. 83v ruled, but blank
3. ff. 84r-95r Dyt is onser lijever uer [?] pselter den begynt mon op
onser liever vrouwen dath als ir der engel die baetschaff bracht Ind
der salmen vort alle wechen eyns up den selven dach dat onser lieuer
vrouwen dach dat Iaer...Dyt Nae volgende gebet Mater sij pijssima ad me
miseram Gebet. O alre mijlste moder godes neige zo min onseliger dyn
oren...[followed by the pericope from Luke, Missus est angelus Gabriel,
in Ripuarian language, and then by prayers]. f. 95v ruled, but blank
4. ff. 96r-113v Hyer begynt der gulden Pselter den der gloriose
vader Sanctus Augustinus gemacht hait...Ind he hait ander half hondert
verssen Ind zo cynne eicklichen versse salmen eyn ave maria
sprecchen...Gegruetzet sijstu Iuncfrouwe eyn holtz des leuens werdich
alles loues du hais gehalden dyn geloifde...[150 short prayers,
beginning in like fashion, each preceded by an Ave Maria and with Pater
Noster added in the margin by a different hand after every 10 prayers].
f. 114r-v ruled, but blank
5. ff. 115r-177v Hyr begynt eyn suuerlich gebet van onser lieuer
vrauwen Ind is van al yrem heiligen leuen Ind van den leuen yrs lieuen
kyndes...Tzo loue ind zo eren der glorioser Iuncfferen ind moder godes
Maria. Die eyn moder is des uubeuleckden lemgens ihesus
christus...[numerous prayers, each followed by an Ave Maria, divided
into groups for the days of the week] f. 178r-v ruled, but blank
6. ff. 179r-220v Hyer begynnet die kroen des loefs marien Der alre
glorioster koenynckynnen des hemels ind der erden Wylche yi tzo offeren
is...O ewerdighe mich Dych tzo louen Beheiliche maget Maria myt onsen
heren ihesum christum Der gebenedider vrucht dyns buychs...[numerous
prayers arranged in 2 sections and quoting many authorities: Ubertinus,
Franco abbas luginensis, Bernardus, Anselmus, Johannes gerson,
Augustinus, ex horologio sapiencie, Salomonis, Petrus blesensis, Hugo
de sancto victore] f. 221r-v ruled, but blank
7. ff. 222r-238v Hyer Begynnent die gulden getzijde van onser liever
vrauwen seer suuerlichen. Maria Ioncfer Ontfanck die groisse die der
van dem heren by dem heiligen engel gabriel...[an office for the
Virgin; hymn at matins; Laist ons syngen dat goede ind dat suesse woert
die engelsche groitze...] f. 239r-v ruled, but blank
8. ff. 240r-256v Dijt syn die vii Pselmen van onser lieuer vrauwen
Die Ierste pselm. O Vrauwe Maria almechtich In der verbolgent heit gotz
en verhenge ons...[Penitential "psalms" and litany of the Virgin] f.
257r-v ruled, but blank
9. ff. 258r-266r Dijt is onser lieuer vrouwen krantz op die liter
das namen Maria. Gegruet sijstu sterne des mers hoge godes
moder...[translation in Ripuarian of 5 hymns, canticles or psalms,
beginning with Ave maris stella and the Magnificat, each followed by 2
prayers] f. 266v ruled, but blank
10. ff. 267r-273r Hyer Begynt dat gebet van den hondert. Ave. O
Maria suesse maget ich vermanen dich der groisser vrouden Eeren ind
werdicheit...[10 prayers to the Virgin beginning in like fashion to be
said after 10 Hail Marys] f. 273v ruled, but blank
11. ff. 274r-297r Hyer begynt eyn ynnych getzuede Van dem gloriosen
paschlichen hoechtzijde. Antiphona. O Heilige dach Ind eirlichen West
gegruest ewelichen In wijlchen dagen got verwonnen hait die helle...[an
office for Easter; hymn at matins: O here dyr si lof ind eere du die
vur ons betzaelt heues den ewigen vader...] f. 297v ruled, but blank
12. ff. 298r-320r Hyer begynt eyn ynnych getzijde Van der ewiger
wijsheit...Min siel hait dich begert in der nacht Ind myn geist in dem
ynresten myns hertzen...[office of the Eternal Wisdom; hymn at matins:
Ihesus soisse gedencknisse du geues waer achtige blijtscaf des
hertzen...] ff. 320v-321v ruled, but blank
13. ff. 322r-352v [Prayers as follow:] Dyt gebet sal men sprechen
err men die xxv benedixcien begint. O werde moder gotz des almechtigen
konynchs gewerdige dich tzo intfangen...Hier begynen die xxv
benedixcien van onser lieuer vrouwen...Ave maria. Gegrutzet systu Maria
vol gnaden sich erlichen wael vol ind gebene dyt vol van
gracien...[each of the 25 benedictions preceded by an Ave Maria]; (f.
331v) Men seget soe wie dese xv blijtschaffen alle dage leset xv dage
lanck...West gegruet in verblijt O Conynckynne des hemels blynckende da
gerat...Ave maria gracia. Verblijt dich heilige tempel godes serr
blynckende vas vol alre daechden...[an introductory prayer, then 15
others, beginning in like fashion to be said before an image of the
Virgin]; (f. 334v) Hyer begynnen die getzuede van den rouwe onser
lieuer vrauwen. Ave. O alre heilichste Ioncfer maria om dat swaer
versuchten daer dyn hertze...[a prayer for each of the canonical
hours]; (f. 339r) Eyn schoen gebet van unser lieuer vrauuen der
hemelscher konnyckyne. Gegroit sijstu schone hemelsche konynckynne Edel
Ionffrauwe Maria vol genaden eynbeslossen garden alre welden...; (f.
348r) Hier begynt eyn schon Gebet van onser lieuer vrouwen...O Gloriose
vrouwe Ind alre suesste maget heilige Maria moder gotz vol alre god
diensticheit.... f. 353r-v ruled, but blank
14. ff. 354r-376r [Prayers as follow:] Soe wer dit Gebet myt
ynnicheit syns hertzen van eynen Satersdach zoe dem anderen leset Der
hait eyn bede an onser lieuer vrouwen der suysser marien. Ich bidden
dich heilige Ionffrouwen suysse maria dorch die groisse genade die dir
got gedaen hait...[4 prayers beginning in like fashion, each followed
by a Magnificat and a Pater noster; the rubric at the end reads:] End
nu leyst magnificat inde pater noster Inde nompt die sach die du
begerste myt gansszen betrouwen Ind sy sal dyr gegeuen werden Amen; (f.
357r) Alsus plach der suysse leirre Bernart zoe sprechen zoe den
mynlichen hertzen der glorioser Ionfferen Marien...Ich sprechen zoe
dynen reynen hertzen O werdige Ionffer maria Inde anbeden dat als eynen
heiligen tempel godes...; (f. 360r) Dyt is eyn suuerlich Gebet van
onser lieuer vrouwen der hemelsche konnynckynnen. O Mylde Ionffrouwe
maria alre heilichste moder Eyn konnynckynne der engelen...; (f. 362v)
Dyt is Eyn schoen Gebet van onser lieuer vrouwen marien Inde hait
gemacht onse heilige vader Sanctus Augustinus. O lieue selige inde
heilige gebenedide Ionffrouwe maria du dochter des vaders du moder des
sones...; (f. 365r) Eeyn schoen gebet van unser lieuer vrouwen. O
Gloriose vrouwe inde mylde maget O heilige konnynckynne der hemelen
vrouwen der engelen Inde eyn moder des leuendigen godes...; (f. 367r)
Dyt gebet hait Sanctus Bernardus gemacht ind is van unser lieuer
vrouwen. Godt groisse dich maria eyn maget dei heiliger
driueldicheit...; (f. 368r) Hier begynt eyn schoyn Gebet van onser
lieuer vrauwen der suesser moder. O Maria hoege loefde gebenedide
hemelsche konynckgynne ich arme sun dich unnutze sundersche offer
dir...; (f. 370v) Wanne eyn mynsche sunderlynge sachen begert die sal
hie he nomen Gebet. O Maria vol genaden bewijse mir dyn oueroloidige
genade want ich sicherlichen weis...; (f. 371v) O Maria du op brechende
rode morgen van wilchen vort komen is die ewiche clair sonne der
gotheit...; (f. 375r) Dyt is eyn suuerlich Gebet van onser lieuer
vrauwen der suesser moder. Got gruys dich mynnentliche maget o moder
alre genaden des paradijs suyssicheit.... ff. 376v-380v ruled, but
Paper (watermarks similar to Briquet Armoiries 1656) and parchment
for leaves heavily illuminated, ff. ii (original paper, i verso and ii
recto ruled in ink for 19 lines, but blank) + 376 + iv (original
paper), 131 x 102 (93 x 61) mm., trimmed. Written in 20 long lines;
single vertical and double horizontal bounding lines, full across.
Ruled faintly in lead; a few prickings along outer edge.
Two original paper fly-leaves, connected to original parchment
pastedown; I^^12, II-IV^^8, V^^8 (-4, following f. 40), VI-XI^^8, XII^^10,
XIII^^8, XIV^^12 (-8, following f. 116), XV-XXI^^8, XXII^^12 (-1, following
f. 186), XXIII-XXVI^^8, XXVII^^10, XXVIII-XXX^^8, XXXI^^12 (-1, 10,
following folios 253 and 261), XXXII-XXXIV^^8, XXXV^^10, XXXVI-XLIV^^8,
XLV^^10 (-1, following f. 367), four original paper fly-leaves connected
to original parchment paste-down.
Text written in varying bookhands, most with batarde influence;
more formal scripts for some rubrics and portions of text on parchment.
Two historiated initials, 12- and 10-line, on parchment bifolios:
f. 15r (Primo nocturno) Mary as child before altar, and f. 84v (Prayer
to the Virgin) Kneeling angel with harp, the letters gold and blue with
brown and red penwork, the figures crudely drawn in pen and colored
brown, blue and green, against bright red grounds with white
highlights; brown and red calligraphic flourishes with red, green, blue
and yellow dots extending along upper and side edges of written space.
12-, 10-, and 9-line initials (ff. 13r, 96r, 115r, 179r, 222r, 258r,
322v) gold (or red for ff. 258r, 322v) and blue, filled with brown
floral penwork designs with calligraphic flourishes and dots, as above.
Floral borders for each 12- through 9-line initial (except ff. 15r and
258r), red, blue, and green flowers with gold dot centers, connected by
brown ink stems, arranged in rows or spirals; ff. 13r and 84v with a
vase and bird in the margins. Two 9-line initials, ff. 274r and 298r,
on parchment bifolios, in a markedly different style, green and blue
respectively, with yellow and white highlights, against gold grounds,
filled on f. 274r with a large flower, blue and red, on f. 298r with
short sections of curling pink and green acanthus. Borders large blue
or red flowers with gold dots and centers or short sections of blue and
red acanthus on spiraling brown stems with small green teardrop leaves.
Numerous 7- through 2-line initials, red and/or blue, with brown
penwork and flourishes, as above. I-initials, up to 13-line, red or
blue throughout. Some capital W's in text in blue or red. 2-line
monograms, alternating red and blue. Some portions of the text,
including proper names, underlined in red. Notes for rubricator in
gutter, perpendicular to text.
Binding: s. xvi. Original sewing on four supports attached to
wooden boards. Covered in dark brown calf with corner turn-in tongues.
Blind-tooled with concentric borders, an X, roses and small flowers in
the central panel, roses and rampant lions in the outer borders. Two
clasp-and-catch fastenings, the catch on the upper board. Rebacked and
the endbands probably added. Straps replaced. Covers lined with
fragments of unidentified scientific text, in Latin (s. XV).
Written in Cologne/Lower Rhine (Ripuarian language area) in the
second half of the 15th century for Augustinian use (see art. 1); early
provenance otherwise unknown. Belonged to Henri-Auguste Broelemann
(bookplate inside front cover; polygonal label, white with blue edging
and "A N^o 212/9x1" inside back cover); collection formed during the
early part of the 19th century by Broelemann and sold by order of his
great grand-daughter Madame Etienne Mallett (Sotheby's, 4-5 May l926,
no. 175). Booktag of the bookseller Menno Hertzberger of Amsterdam.
Acquired by Henry Fletcher and presented to Yale in 1955 by Mrs. Henry
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 39, no. 196.
Barbara A. Shailor