Beinecke MS 179 Italy, s. XV
Cicero, etc.
I.1. ff. 1r-30v Mar. Tulius Cicero de amicitia. [Q]uintus mucius
Augur sceuola multa narrare de C. lelio socero suo memoriter et iocunde
solebat...Nam quid ego de studijs cognoscendi semper aliquid// f. 31r-
v, a later addition, blank
De amicitia; K. Simbeck, ed., Teubner (1917) pp. 46c-85c. Text ends
abruptly in 26.104; also lacking a small portion of 9.32 [scribal
II.2. ff. 32r-53v Marci tulii ciceronis de senectute. [O] tite si
quid ego adiuto curam ueleuasso [sic] que nunc te coquit...ut ea que ex
me audiuistis re experti probare positis. M. T. Ciceronis. De senectute
Liber explicit Feliciter. ff. 54r-63v blank, except for a few notes
De senectute; Simbeck, op. cit., pp. 3c-43c.
III.3. ff. 64r-90v Cicero meo ut cernis et ipsum. [?] Cicero Lucio
Uenturio suo salutem. collegi ea que pluribus modis dicerentur quo
uberior promptiorque esset oratio...[3 columns] Vociferatur/ uitare
uellatur/ Operitur prestolatur. Finis. f. 91r-v blank; f. 92r-v
miscellaneous quotations
Pseudo-Cicero, Synonyma; GKW, v. 6, nos. 7031-40.
IV.4. f. 93r-v Per leonardum Aretinum Basilii Prologus et S.
Collucio. [E]go tibi hunc librum Colucij ex media vt aiunt Grecia
delegi...in quo animaduerte queso quanta grauitas sit. Vale.
Dedicatory epistle of Leonardo Bruni to Coluccio Salutati; H.
Baron, ed., Leonardo Bruni Aretino humanistisch-philosophische
Schriften (Leipzig, 1928) pp. 99-100.
5. ff. 94r-105v [Heading in a later hand:] Diui Basilij Capadocie
Aepiscopi ad Nepotes suos de liberalibus studijs et de ingenuis moribus
liber. [text:] Multa filij sunt que me hortantur ad ea uobis
consulenda...quod uos nunc non paciamini recta consilia aspernentes.
Basil, De libris gentilium legendis, Lat. tr. of Leonardo Bruni;
GKW, v. 3, nos. 3700-18.
Composed of four separate manuscripts:
I. Paper (watermarks: unidentified arrow, much worn) ff. 30 + i
(f. 31, modern paper, tipped in), 209 x 145 (134 x 78) mm. Written in
24 long lines; single horizontal and double vertical bounding lines;
ruled very faintly in hard point. I-III^^10. Clumsy humanistic cursive
by a single scribe. Spaces left for headings and decorative initials;
some letters stroked in red.
II. Paper (watermarks: similar in design to Briquet Tete de boeuf
14803 and unidentified mountain), ff. 32 (numbered 32-63), 210 x 145
(130 x 75) mm. Written in 27 long lines; double vertical and horizontal
bounding lines, full across; ruled in hard point. I-II^^10, III^^12.
Catchwords in center of lower margin. Inelegant fere-humanistic script.
Heading and one plain initial in red (later additions?).
III. Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Fleche 6285), ff. 28
(numbered 64-91), 210 x 144 (136 x 105) mm. Arranged in 3 or 4 columns
of 23 lines; single vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full
across. Ruled in lead; some prickings in upper and lower margins.
I-II^^10, III^^8. Catchwords in center of lower margin. Italian script.
Initial strokes, in red, for ff. 64-83.
IV. Paper (watermarks: unidentified balance in a circle), ff. 14
(numbered 92-105), 210 x 143 (124 x 85) mm. Written in 22-23 long
lines; double vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full across;
ruled in hard point. A single gathering of 14 leaves, written in an
angular humanistic bookhand.
Binding: Date? Resewn on three tawed, slit straps laid in beech
boards bevelled on the inside. Quarter covered in dark brown goatskin.
Two clasp-and-catch fastenings. The boards do not fit the bookblock
very well, the off-printing on them does not match the writing on the
first and last leaves, and the marginal notes have been partially cut
away. Edges of paper tinged with red.
Written in Italy at various times in the 15th century; all four
sections owned at the end of that century or the beginning of the next,
by an individual whose notes, in a careful humanistic cursive, appear
throughout. Unidentified circular label with perforated edge on spine:
"S II J/ Cicero/ MS XV/ 4^^o 69503". Purchased in 1949 from C. A. Stonehill
by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate); his gift to Yale in 1952.
secundo folio: [f. 2] [dispu]tantem Quia
[f. 33] obripit
[f. 65] Adiscite
[f. 94] Multa filij
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 37, no. 179.
Barbara A. Shailor