Beinecke MS 165 Italy, s. XV^^3/4
Terence, Comoediae
See R. Kauer and W. M. Lindsay, eds., OCT (1926) for arts. 1-6.
1. ff. 1r-19r Publij Tirentij Afri Andria incipit. Natus in
excelsis tectis cartaginis...leget sic puto cautus erit [Walter,
Initia 11627]. Prologus. Sororem falso...coniugem. Argumentum. Poeta cum
primum animum ad scribendum appulit id sibi negotij...si quid est quod
restat. Vos ualete et praudite [sic]. Ego caliopius recensui. Publij
Terenthij Afri Andria explicit.
2. ff. 19r-40r Eunuchus feliciter incipit. Acta ludis
Megelensibus...Meretrix adolescentem cuius...inluditur.
Sororem falso
dictam...audiente parmenone seruo suo. Prologus. Si quisquam est qui se
studeat placere bonis...Ite hac, vos valete et plaudite ego caliopius
3. ff. 40r-60r [Heautontimorumenos] Acta ludis
megalensibus...Argumentum. In militiam profisci gniatum...clitipho
uxorem accipit. Prologus. Ne cui sit uestrum mirum cur partes seni
poeta dederit...fiat. Vos valete et plaudite caliopus recenssui.
4. ff. 60r-77r Pvblij Terrentij Afri Incipit adelfos. Acta ludis
funebribus...Duos cum haberet Demea adolescentulos...patre duro demea.
Prologus. Posquam [sic] poeta sensit scripturam suam ab iniquis...Istuc recte
est. Valete....
5. ff. 77r-93r [Hecyra] Acta Ludis Romanis...Argumentum. Uxorem
duxit Pamphilus phylomenam...pamphylus cum filio. Prologus.
Hechyra est
huic nomen fabule hec cum hec data est...ante hunc diem umquam valete
et praudite....
6. ff. 93r-112r Acta Ludis Romanis...Formio. Cremetis frater aberat
peregre...a patruo agnitam. Prologus. Postquam poeta vetus poetam non
potest retrahere a studio et tradere hominem socium...Iam faxo aderit.
Vos valete...Finis. Finis. f. 112v blank
Parchment, ff. i (paper) + i (parchment) + 112 + ii (parchment) +
i (paper), 195 x 120 (130 x 73) mm. Written in 31 long lines; double
vertical bounding lines; ruled in ink.
I-X^^10, XI^^12. Catchwords along lower edge of verso near gutter;
remains of leaf signatures, in red, on recto.
Written by a single scribe in well-formed italic.
On f. 1r an elaborate floral border, with large bulbous flowers
and broad leaves in blue, red, yellow, and green sprouting
symmetrically from tall stalks, with birds, dogs, putti, and harpies in
pairs; in the lower corners two busts softly modelled of a man
(profile) and woman (3/4 view) on blue grounds and lobed gold frames;
in lower center a wreath for a coat of arms (effaced) supported by two
putti, the entire border filled with gold dots and fine brown
hairspray. Also on f. 1r, two 6-line initials in gold, with white vine
ornament infilled with pink and green, on blue grounds decorated with white
dots; and one 3-line initial in gold, filled with pink and green, on a
blue ground. 4- to 2-line initials in blue.
Lower part of f. 112 (with colophon?) cut off, and replaced with
modern parchment.
Binding: s. xix. Brown diced calf, blind- and gold-tooled.
Written in Florence ca. 1465-75 by a scribe who also wrote Oxford,
Bod. Lib. D'Orville 161 (we thank A. C. de la Mare for this
information); effaced arms of early owner on f. 1r. Unidentified
shelfmark inside front cover: "II: C: 164". No. 331 in a sale
catalogue. Unknown Sotheby sale: partially erased note on front flyleaf
has not been completely deciphered "15 May 19 [?]". Belonged to Charles
Butler; his sale (London, 19 July 1921, no. 522) to Edwards. J. T.
Adams sale (Sotheby's, 8 Dec. 1931, no. 270) to Davis and Orioli (cat.
56, Feb. 1932, no. 236) from whom it was purchased by David Wagstaff.
Gift of Mrs. David Wagstaff in 1943.
secundo folio: iusta et clemens
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 2, pp. 1903-04, no. 12; Faye and Bond, p.
36, no. 165.
E. T. Silk, "The Wagstaff Collection of Classical and Mediaeval
Manuscripts," Gazette 19 (1944) p. 1.
Barbara A. Shailor