Beinecke MS 152 Italy, s. XV^^1
Cicero, Tusculanae disputationes
ff. 1r-66v Cum deffensionum laboribus senatorijs muneribus
aut omnino aut magna ex parte...et undique circumfusis molestijs
alia nulla potuit inueniri leuatio. Marci Tulij ciceronis
Tuschulanarum disputationum liber quintus et ultimus explicit. deo
gratias amen. Scriptus eugubii per Petrum visnadellum cremonensem.
M. Pohlenz, ed., Teubner (1918) pp. 217-459.
Paper (watermarks: similar to Briquet Huchet 7682 and Briquet
Monts 11719), ff. i (paper) + 66 + i (paper), 270 x 203 (200 x
105) mm. Written in 37 long lines; double vertical bounding lines,
with additional single lines in upper, inner, and outer margins;
upper horizontal bounding line full across. Ruled in lead; remains
of prickings in upper margins.
I^^14 (-l), II^^12, III^^10, IV-V^^12, VI^^7 (structure
uncertain). Catchwords in center of lower margins surrounded by
dots and flourishes, and preceded by red paragraph mark.
Written in fere-humanistic script by Petrus Visnadellus
Cremonensis who added neat marginal notes (see contents for
Large ornamental pen-and-ink initial on f. 1r, with drawing
of scribe seated at desk; foliage border, also in pen-and-ink,
extends into upper and inner margins. Red penwork initials mark
beginning of Books II-V; rubrics throughout. Paragraph marks, in
red; many letters stroked in red, ff. 1r-14r.
Binding: s. xix-xx. Vellum stays in center and outside of
quires. Rigid vellum case.
Written in Italy probably in the first half of the 15th
century at Gubbio by Petrus Visnadellus Cremonensis; early
provenance unknown. Tag with number "33" inside front cover.
Belonged apparently to the Marquis de Bou (note on end flyleaf not
verified). Collection of Henry Allen (acquired ca. 1800,
bookplate); Samuel Allen sale (London, 30 Jan. 1920, no. 54) to
Quaritch. Coella L. Ricketts (note inside back cover: "This ms.
was in the library of C. L. Ricketts, Chicago, great collector,
scholar, successful businessman, master scribe in the 19-20th
centuries - extraordinary American civilized man. - Feb. 1942.
Note by one who knew and understood his greatness."). Parke-Bernet
sale (22-23 April 1942, no. 134, notice pasted to front fly-leaf).
David Wagstaff (bookplate); gift of Mrs. David Wagstaff in 1943.
secundo folio: dicendi studium
Bibliography: De Ricci, v. 1, p. 651, no. 221; Faye and Bond, p.
32, no. 152.
Barbara A. Shailor