Beinecke MS 128 Spain, s. XVI^^ex
Hernan Perez de Oliva, Historia de la invencion de las Yndias
ff. 1r-33v Historia de la inuencion de las Yndias, y de la
conquista de la nueua Espana que escreuia el maestro Fernan Perez de
Oliva natural de Cordoua...[f. 1v blank; f. 2r:] Narracion primera.
Cristoual Colon, Genoues, natural de Saona, fue ombre de alto animo...a
los hijos de los Reyes, para que en las fiestas las cantassen, y destos
las oyan los otros. Fin de la ystoria de Colon.
J. J. Arrom, ed., Hernan Perez de Oliva, Historia de la Inuencion
de las Yndias (Bogota, 1965) pp. 39-126. L. Olschki, "Hernan Perez de
Oliva's 'Ystoria de Colon,'" Hispanic American Historical Review 23,
no. 2 (1943) pp. 165-96. J. J. Arrom, "A Sixteenth-century Account of
the Voyages of Columbus," Gazette 19, no. 2 (1944) pp. 21-22.
Paper (thin and brittle, with a slight gloss; watermarks: Briquet
Croix latine 5678), ff. ii (later paper) + 33 + i (later paper), 210 x
155 (170 x 100) mm. Written in 28 long lines, frame-ruled in hard
I-III^^8, IV^^8 ( + 1 at end, f. 33). Catchwords for each folio below
written space, at right.
Written in italic by one hand.
Headings on ff. 1r and 2r in square capitals and round humanistic,
executed in brown ink, as text.
The ink has eaten through the paper at some points, but has not
seriously affected the text.
Binding: s. xix-xx. Narrow spine of mottled brown leather with
marbled paper sides. Printed on the upper cover: "Fernan Perez de
Oliva. Narracion Cristobal Colon. Historia inedita muy interesante.
Written in Spain, probably in the last quarter of the 16th
century, judging from the watermarks (Briquet gives examples of this
type for 1576 and 1579); there appears to be no mention in the manuscript itself
of the date 1583, printed on the front cover, although Arrom considers
it accurate ("An Early Unpublished Manuscript on the Discovery of
America," Texas Quarterly 3, no. 2 (1960) p. 170). Note in cursive (s.
xx) inside front cover: "If lost please return to G. S. Hellman, 331 W.
71st." (Probably George Sidney Hellman, author born in New York, N.Y.,
14 Nov. 1878, who often served as a consultant on rare books for the
Morgan, Widener and Schiff collections.) Presented by Frank Altschul in
1944, in memory of Prof. William Lyon Phelps.
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 32, no. 128.
Barbara A. Shailor