Beinecke MS 110 Flanders, ca. 1480
Hours use of Rome (partly in Flemish)
1. ff. 1r-12v Calendar in Flemish; among the entries, Adelgundis (30
Jan.), Gertrude (17 March), Medard (8 June), Basil (14 June, in red),
10,000 Martyrs (22 June), Amalberga (10 July), Wilgefortis (19 July),
Audomar (9 Sept.), Lambert (17 Sept.), Bavo (1 Oct., in red), Gereon
(10 Oct.), Hubert (3 Nov.), Lievin (12 Nov.), Maclovius (15 Nov.).
2. ff. 13r-16r Short Hours of the Cross. f. 16v ruled, but blank
3. f. 17r blank; ff. 17v-26v Short Hours of the Virgin, immediately
followed by the Seven Joys of the Virgin [HE 64-66] and the prayer,
Dulcissime domine ihesu christe qui beatissimam dei genitricem uirginem
mariam... [Leroquais, LH 1. 282]. f. 27r blank
4. ff. 27v-105v Hours of the Virgin, use of Rome, with psalms
designated for the days of the week at Matins; the Advent Office begins
at f. 92r. Center bifolium missing in quire 9, with loss of the end of
5. f. 106r blank; ff. 106v-131r Penitential Psalms and Litany. Among
the 18 martyrs, Nicasius (14); among the 20 confessors, Basilius (12),
Amandus (9), Vedast (10), Donatianus (11); among the 20 virgins,
Gertrude (11), Aldegundis (12), Petronilla (17). f. 131v blank
6. ff. 132r-176v Office of the Dead, use of Rome.
7. ff. 177r-178r Gospel of John 1. 1-14. f. 178v ruled, but blank
8. ff. 179r-185v Salutatio ad uirginem. Obsecro te...[masculine
forms; Leroquais, LH 2.346-47]; Salutatio ad uirginem. O
intemerata...[Wilmart 488-90].
9. ff. 186r-207v Various prayers. Eene minlic ende zeere deuot
ghebet vander maghet marie die min heere sinte bernaert macte. O domina
glorie regina leticie. O fons pietatis...; (f. 187r) Snuchtes alstu up
staes zo teekent hu met den teeke des heilichs crucen. Gratias tibi ago
omnipotens pater qui me in hac nocte custodire dignatus es...; (f.
187r) Oremus. Domine sancte pater omnipotens eterne deus qui nos ad
principium...[Leroquais LH 1.100, 183]; (f. 187v) Salua me domine rex
eterne glorie...; (f. 188r) Benedicat me deus pater...; (f. 188r)
Oremus. Oratio. Actiones nostras quesumus domine aspirando
preueni...[Sinclair, p. 407]; (f. 188v) Dit zijn de viii versen van
sinte bernaert. Psalmus. Illumina domine oculos meos...[RH 27912]; (f.
189v) Oremus. Oratio. Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui
ezechie...[Leroquais, LH 1.32]; (f. 190r) Vanden heilighen gheest. Ueni
creator spiritus mentes...[RH 21204]; (f. 191r) Oremus. Oratio. Deus
qui corda fidelium sancti spiritus illustratione docuisti...[Lyell
Cat., p. 65, art. 9]; (f. 191v) Desen bedinghe salmen lesen naer
sanctus ter eeren vander heiligher triniteit. Auxiliatrix esto michi
sancta trinitas gloriosa...[Leroquais LH 1.111, 119]; (f. 192v)
Salutacie toot den heilighen sacramente seer deuot. Aue salus mundi
uerbum patris hostia sacra...[RH 35720]; (f. 193r) Eene deuot salutatie
tot den helighen bloet. Aue sanguis qui fluxisti de preclara carne
christi...; (f. 193v) De sacramento. Anima christi sanctifica me. copus
[sic] christi salua me...[RH 1090]; (f. 194r) Vanden heleghe
In presentia ueri corporis et sanguinis tui preciosissimi...[Leroquais,
LH 1.329]; (f. 195r) Tot den helich sacrament. Aue principium nostre
creationis. Aue precium nostre redemptionis...[Wilmart pp. 23, 366, 377
n.]; (f. 196r) Oremus. Oratio...Deus qui nobis sub sacramento mirabili
passionis...[Sinclair, p. 255]; (f. 196v) Dit siin de bedinghe van der
passie ons heere ihesu christi. Mundi creator et redemptor ihesu
christe qui ad passionem iturus...; (f. 197v) Deprecor te pijssime
domine ihesu christe propter illam...; (198v) Domine ihesu christe per
amaritudinem mortis tue...; (f. 199r) Benignissime domine ihesu christe
respice super me...; (f. 199v) Vanden .vij. Woorden die ons heere sprac
an t'cruce. Domine ihesu christe qui septem uerba...[Prayer of the
Venerable Bede; Leroquais, LH 2.342]; (f. 202r) Dese naer uolghende
bedinghen mactet mijn heere sinte gregoris doe ons heere ihesus
christus...[rubric gives 20 thousand years and 23 days of indulgence by
Gregory, confirmed by Pope Calixtus III] Domine ihesu christe adoro te
in cruce pendentem...[Seven Prayers of St. Gregory; Leroquais, LH
2.346]; (f. 203r) Dese bedinghe maectet mijn heere sinte bernaert ter
eeren vander soete namen van ihesus. O bone ihesu. O dulcissime ihesu.
O pijssime ihesu...[Leroquais LH 2.345]; (f. 205v) Oremus. Oratio. Deus
qui manus tuas et pedes tuos et totum corpus tuum...[Leroquais, LH
1.34]; (f. 206v) Van sinte baerbele. Antiphona. Aue martir gloriosa
barbaraque generosa...[RH 1915].
10. ff. 208r-215r Devotions on the Passion of Christ, in Latin, with
rubrics in Flemish. So wie beghert dat sine bede ghehort oort van
gode...Adoramus te christe et benedicimus tibi...[followed by a psalm
and an antiphon; this pattern is repeated 4 more times]. f. 215v ruled,
but blank
11. ff. 216r-220v Prayers in Flemish. Aue maria gratia plena dominus
tecum benedicta tu. O vlietende borne in der eewicheit...[Meertens
6.293]; (f. 217r) Dit es een deuote bedinghe van onse lieue
vrauwe. O
vrauwe maria moeder gods uwe helighe gratie...; (f. 219v) Noch een
ander van maria. O maria ghegroet si di in der helegher drie
voudicheit...; (f. 220r) Men vint bescreuen dat onse lieue vrauwe drie
weruen reip doe ons lief heere sine cruce drouc...Ten eersten male
riepsi. O Wee een gheboren sone troost dijn eneghe moeder....
12. f. 221r-v Apostles' Creed and the Confiteor; the latter
incomplete, ending with "consensu tactu uisu". The phrase "ego infelix
peccatrix" in the Confiteor indicates that the book was written for use
by a woman.
Parchment, ff. i (paper) + 221 + i (paper), 130 x 94 (85 x 56)
mm., trimmed. Written in 17 long lines in the calendar, 16 in the text,
ruled in pale red ink; single vertical and horizontal bounding lines,
full across.
I-II^^6, III^^8 (+ 1 leaf for miniature after f. 16), IV^^6 (-1),
(+ 1 leaf for miniature before f. 28), VI-VIII^^8, IX^^8 (-4, 5), X-XIV^^8,
XV^^8 (+1 leaf for miniature before f. 107), XVI^^8, XVII^^8 (+1 leaf
after f. 130), XVIII^^8 (3, 4, 5, 6 single leaves), XIX-XXII^^8, XXIII^^8
(-8), XXIV^^8, XXV^^6, XXVI-XVIII^^8, XXIX^^6.
Written in liturgical gothic bookhand by one scribe.
Three full-page miniatures of mediocre quality: f. 17v (Short
Hours of the Virgin) Annunciation; f. 27v (Hours of the Virgin, Matins)
Agony in the Garden; f. 106v (Penitential Psalms) Last Judgment. Each
miniature set in a narrow frame of gold, black, pink, and white; full
border of blue and gold acanthus leaves, red, pink, and blue flowers
and strawberries, and black pen flecks. One 7-line historiated initial
on f. 216r (Flemish Prayers): Pieta, pink with white highlights on
gold; full border as above; text separated from border by a narrow band
attached to initial of gold and pink, edged in black. Illuminated 5-
line initials with full borders (eg. ff. 13r, 18r, 28r), pink or blue
with white highlights on gold, filled with blue or pink trilobe leaves.
2-line initials, gold on pink and blue with white highlights, one on f.
92r (Advent Office) with a band attached, as above, and small sections
of border, as above; one 3-line initial on f. 179r (Obsecro te) in
similar manner. 1-line initials, blue with red penwork and gold with
black penwork; initials within text washed in yellow. KL monograms as
2-line initials; Latin names of months and important feasts in red.
Line fillers: oblique lines with dots attached, stylized plant motifs,
dots, etc., in blue or gold. Rubrics in faded red.
Binding: s. xix. Brown, originally black, sheepskin; stamped in
gold on the spine: "Psaterium." Red edges.
Written in or near Bruges ca. 1480, according to J. Marrow; early
provenance unknown. Signature on f. 1r: "Hanelle" (s. xviii). Belonged
to Russell G. Pruden. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Prentis in 1949.
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 31, no. 110.
Barbara A. Shailor