Beinecke MS 109 Flanders [?], s. XV^^2
Hours, use of Sarum [?]
This manuscript has nearly the same contents as Beinecke MS 310
and London, Dulwich College MS 25 (Ker, MMBL, v. 1, pp. 46-48).
1. f. ii recto-verso Catalogue of contents, in Latin, in a later
cursive hand.
2. ff. 1r-26v Hours of the Virgin, probably use of Sarum, but now
lacking the beginning of Matins, all of Terce, and the end of Sext
through to the Nunc dimittis of Compline. After Lauds, suffrages to the
Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Michael, John the Baptist, Andrew, Lawrence,
Stephen, Thomas of Canterbury, Nicolas, Mary Magdalen, Catharine,
Margaret, All Saints and for peace; Short Hours of the Cross worked in;
Compline followed by the Salve Regina with its set of 7 versicles,
Virgo mater ecclesie... and its prayer, Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui
gloriose uirginis et matris marie...[HE 62-63]; [G]aude uirgo mater
christi...Oremus. [D]eus qui beatam uirginem mariam in conspectu
[sic] et partu...[HE 63-64]; [G]aude flore uirginali...[HE 64-65]
Oremus. [O] clementissime domine ihesu christe pro tua infinita
pietatis misericordia.... Leaves at the end of Lauds (f. 16v), Prime
(f. 20v) and the Office itself (f. 27r-v) ruled, but blank
3. ff. 28r-34r Has videas laudes qui sacra uirgine gaudes...Salve
uirgo uirginum... [a farcing of the Salve Regina, attributed to
Bonaventure, Opera, 1668 ed., 6. 466-67] and its prayer, Deus qui de
beate marie uirginis utero.... f. 34v ruled, but blank
4. ff. 35r-37r O intemerata...[masculine forms; Wilmart 488-90]. f.
37v ruled, but blank
5. ff. 38r-41v Obsecro te...[masculine forms; Leroquais, LH 2.346-
6. ff. 41v-56v Various prayers. Quicumque hec septem gaudia [heading
gives 100 days of indulgence from Pope Clement]...Uirgo templum
trinitatis...[RH 21899]; Oratio a nostra domina oratio [sic] Te precor
sanctissima maria mater dei pietate plenissima...[masculine forms]; Ad
ymaginem christi crucifixi bona oratio. Omnibus consideratis...[verse
prayer in 10 parts referring to the wounds of Christ, with the 9th to
the Virgin and the 10th to John the Evangelist, attributed to Jean de
Limoges; see Wilmart 527 and 584] with its prayer, Omnipotens
sempiterne deus qui unigenitum filium tuum....
7. ff. 57r-71r Penitential Psalms and Litany. Among the 12 martyrs,
Thomas (9); among the 14 confessors, Bavo (3), Gildard (8), Medard (9),
Hubert (11), Ghislain (12); among the 17 virgins, Genevieve (13),
Zuwarda (16), and Afra (17).
8. ff. 71v-91r Office of the Dead, use unidentified; the responses
at Matins are: 1. Credo quod, 2. Qui lazarum, 3. Domine quando, 4. Heu
michi, 5. Ne recorderis, 6. Ne tradas, 7. Peccantem me, 8. Domine
secundum, 9. Libera me domine de morte. f. 91v ruled, but blank
9. ff. 92r-102v Commendationes animarum with Ps. 118 only, and the
prayer, Misericordiam tuam domine...; f. 102 misbound and should follow
f. 97.
10. ff. 103r-114v Psalmi de passione, all in full, with Ps. 23 not
copied and with the order of Pss. 25 and 26 reversed.
11. ff. 115r-130r Psalterium sancti ieronimi, preceded by the
prayer, Suscipere dignare domine deus omnipotens...[HE 116-22]. f. 130v
ruled, but blank
Parchment, ff. iv (paper) + 130 + iii (paper), 111 x 77 (62 x 37)
mm., trimmed. Written in 19 long lines, ruled in pale red ink; single
bounding lines full across except on ff. 23-27, where the upper
horizontal lines are double and the lower single or double; some
prickings visible in outer margins.
Bound too tightly for accurate collation.
Written in two sizes of liturgical gothic by two scribes. Scribe
1: ff. 1r-22v and 28r-130r; Scribe 2: ff. 22v-26v. Many later marginal
notes throughout, including titles at the top of each page.
One very crude full-page miniature on f. 71v (Office of the Dead):
mourners at a bier. Set in a narrow arched frame of gold edged in
black, in a border of pink, blue, and green acanthus leaves
(concentrated at corners), flowers in same colors, infilled with black
ink hair-spray with gold dots; the whole rather carelessly done. 6- and
5-line initials (ff. 57r and 72r): blue with white highlights, on gold
ground, infilled with blue, green, and pink trilobe leaves, with
segmented bar border (strapwork corners) in blue, white, pink, black,
and gold; full border as for miniature. Other illuminated initials (5-
to 2-line, as above) with segmented bar borders without strapwork, and
full borders as for full-page miniature. 5-line initials (ff. 35r and
38r) gold, on pink and blue ground with white highlights; in inner
margin, a simple bar border sprouting black hair-spray with gold leaves
at top and bottom. 2-line initials: gold on pink and blue grounds with
white highlights. 1-line initials within text sometimes marked with a
red stroke. Line fillers: occasionally a red cable after a rubric or,
in the litany, oblique red and blue strokes with dots attached (perhaps
added later, as colors do not match those of 1-line initials). Rubrics
in orange-tinted red.
Mold at bottom of ff. 122-130; text not damaged.
Binding: s. xix. Brown calf, blind- and gold-tooled.
Written in Flanders [?] in the second half of the 15th century,
probably for the English market (cf. Ker, MMBL, v. 1, p. 46); early
provenance unknown. On f. 27r, "William Harriman his booke." On f. 27v
signatures of John Browne and Robert Browen [?]; on f. 11r: "Robert
Laing, is my nam and with my pen." Inscription (s. xix?) of J. Kendall
(inside cover and on f. 1r). From the Russell G. Pruden Collection;
donated by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Prentis in 1949.
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 30, no. 109.
Barbara A. Shailor