Beinecke MS 88 England, s. XV^^med
Carta de foresta, etc.
1. f. i recto blank; f. i verso Note in English (s. xv^^2) on 1
January as the beginning of each year for the Golden Number, beginning:
Euermore prime schal chaunge the furste day of new yere scilicet in
circumsisio [sic] domini....
2. f. 1r blank; f. 1v [same hand as art. 3:] In marche after the
furste C/ loke the prime Where hit be/ the thride Sonday....
IMEV 1502, couplets on finding the date of Easter.
3. ff. 2r-7v Graded calendar in red and black, including the
following feasts: David (1 March, 9 lessons), Chad (2 March, 9
lessons), "Resurrectio domini" (27 March, in red), Richard of
Chichester (3 April, 9 lessons), Translation of Richard of Chichester
(16 June, in red), Ethelreda (23 June), Anna (26 July, in red).
4. ff. 8r-17r [E]dwardus dei gratia Rex...salutem. Inspeximus cartam
domini henrici quondam Regis...[f. 8v] In primis omnes foreste quas h.
annis...duodecimo die Octobris Anno regni nostri vicesimo quinto.
Explicit Carta de fforesta.
SR, v. 1, Charters of Liberties, pp. 42-44, altered at the end to
conform to text printed on p. 36.
5. ff. 17r-20r Incipit Sentencia [Excommunicationis] lata super
Cartam. [A]nno domini Millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo tercio ydus
Maij in maiori aula...Nos signa nostra presentibus duximus apponenda.
Explicit sentencia lata super Cartam.
SR, v. 1, pp. 6-7.
6. ff. 20r-26r [E]wardus dei gratia Rex...salutem. Dum
imbecillitatis humane conspicimus imperfectum ac onera longe lateque
diffusa...apud Westmonasterium xxvij die Maij Anno regni nostri
tricesimo quarto.
SR, v. 1, pp. 147-49.
7. ff. 26v-28r Statuta de malefactoribus in Parcis. Ut malefactores
in parcis forestis chaceis et Warennis de cetero plus timeant in eisdem
intrare...et secundum consuetudinem regni fuerit faciendum etc.
SR, v. 1, pp. 111-12.
8. ff. 28v-30r Incipit ordinacio de fforesta. Come astimes gentz qui
sount hors de fforeste par la purale et par le grant...en lour baillies
en la forme auantdite.
SR, v. 1, p. 144.
9. 30v-33v Incipiunt Capitula de regardis faciendis etc. [V]idenda
sunt assarta facta post principium secundi anni primi coronacionis
domini henrici Regis...vel aliquod aliud ingenium ad malefaciendum
domino Regi de feris suis etc.
These are the articles in Calendar of Patent Rolls in Public
Record Office (1225-32) pp. 286-87 (13 Henry III).
10. ff. 34r-36v Statutes Edwardi tercij Anno Primo de fforesta. Et
pur ceo que pluseurs gentz sont disherites et destruez par les
souereins gardeins...par vewe de foresters eodem Anno status etc.
SR, v. 1, p. 254; the end of the text differs somewhat from the
printed version.
11. ff. 37r-38v Statutes de fforesta Anno vij Ricardi Regis. Item a
la greuouse pleint que est ore fait des Ministres...de hoc in addicione
fforeste Anno primo Regis Eduardis tercij capitulo vj^^to.
12. ff. 39r-46r Assisa fforeste. Si quis fforestarius iuratus facere
attachiamenta inuenerit aliquem attachiabilem...al Roy dj mars etc.
SR, v. 1, pp. 243-45; Latin version ends at n.2 in printed text,
p. 244; text continues in French.
13. ff. 46v-57v Onus Articulorum foreste super Swanymote tenendum
per sacramentum. First sirs ye shul do vs to Witte yf all tho men that
owen to sue to this Swanymote...And of all other defautes that been
forte presente.
Selections similar to those in J. Manwood, A Brefe Collection of
the Laws of the Forest (London, 1592) pp. 114-20.
14. ff. 58r-67v [R]egardum factum in fforesta de Rokyngham et de
C^^1yue ab octauo die Maij Anno regni Regis Edwardi fili Regis Edwardi
quintodecimo vsque....f. 68r blank
Cf. Lyell Cat., p. 80, art. 24.
15. ff. 68v-69r henricus dei gratia etc. vic. Sutht. salutem
precipimus tibi quod sine aliqua dilatione conuenire facias...Capitula
videnda sunt assarta facta in foresta etc.
Breve de regardis faciendis to the Sheriff of Hampshire; cf. Calendar
of Patent Rolls in Public Record Office (1216-1225) pp. 402-03 (7 Henry
Parchment, ff. ii (contemporary parchment) + 68 (foliated 2-69),
115 x 82 (70 x 47) mm.; ff. i-7 smaller in size. Written in 14 long
lines; frame-ruled in ink. Numerous prickings for art. 3; prickings in
upper, lower, and outer margins for remainder.
I^^6, II-VIII^^8, IX^^6. Some gatherings signed with letters of the
alphabet under written space, on recto.
Arts. 4-14 written in a neat chancery script with Anglicana
influence; arts. 1 and 15 in similar, but less elegant hands; arts. 2-3
are in gothic textura.
Plain initial, in red, with crude ink penwork flourishes on f. 1v;
KL monograms and portions of calendar also on red.
Some stains on ff. 2r-7v render text illegible.
Binding: s. xix-xx. Rebinding in quarter pigskin, tanned, not
tawed, with a strap and pin fastening. The oak boards, cambered on all
four outer edges and with rectangular pegs, are probably contemporary
with the manuscript. Front pastedown composed of a small fragment of
prayers in Latin (s. xv).
Written in England in the middle of the 15th century; early
provenance unknown. Inscription (s. xvi) on front pastedown: "Tho.
Martin". Unidentified shelf-mark on back pastedown: "AE/2095". Slip
from an unidentified Sotheby sale catalogue affixed to f. i recto. Gift
of David Wagstaff (bookplate) in 1944.
secundo folio: [text, f. 9] et si boscum
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 27, no. 88.
Barbara A. Shailor