Beinecke MS 82 France, s. XIII^^med
The codex is probably a normal French Bible (See Ker, MMBL, v. 1,
pp. 96-97), but is so badly bound, with lacunae throughout, that we
cannot be certain. Numbers in parentheses refer to prologues listed in
Stegmueller, v. 1.
l. ff. 11-19 Exodus 2.3-36.15; Leviticus 13.30-23.13 with gaps
between ff. 12 and 13, 13 and 14, 15 and 16, 16 and 17, and 18 and 19.
2. ff. 68-164 followed by ff. 1-10 1 Chronicles 15.12 to
Ecclesiastes 3.10, with gaps throughout (see collation below).
Prologues remaining: 2 Chronicles (327), 1 Ezra (330), Tobit (332),
Judith (335), Esther (341 + 343), Job (344, 357), Proverbs (457),
Ecclesiastes (462).
3. ff. 20-67 Matthew 7.26 to Hebrews 3.18 (with gaps). All of
Thessalonians, Acts, Catholic Epistles, Apocalypse missing. Prologues
remaining: Mark (607), Luke (1.1-4 treated as a prologue, followed by
620), John (624), 2 Corinthians (699), Galatians (707), Ephesians
(715), Philippians (728), Timothy (765), Philemon (783), Hebrews (793).
Parchment, ff. i (parchment) + 164 + i (parchment), 296 x 197 (197
x 139) mm., trimmed. Written in two columns of 45 lines. Double outer
and inner vertical bounding lines, with extra ruling between columns.
Horizontal bounding lines, all full across: two in upper and lower
margins (some trimmed); three at top, bottom, and center of written
space; additional two in upper and lower halves of written space. Ruled
in lead; remains of some prickings in outer margins.
Present state of the codex (Roman numerals represent signatures of
the original scribe): fragmentary quires consisting of one bifolio (ff.
11-12), two bifolios (ff. 13-16), and one bifolium (ff. 17-18 + 19,
glued in); XVII^^12 (-1, 9; ff. 68-77), XVIII^^12 (ff. 78-89), XIX^^12
(-6, 7; ff. 90-99), XX-XXIV^^12 (ff. 100-159), XXV^^6 (-6; ff. 160-64, no
loss of text), XXVI^^12 (-6, 7; ff. 1-10), XVII-XLI missing, XLII^^12
(only two outer bifolios remaining, ff. 20-23), XLIII^^12 (-5, 8, 9, 10,
12; ff. 24-31), XLIV missing, XLV^^12 (ff. 32-43), XLVI^^12 (-3, 4, 9,
10; ff. 44-51), XLVII^^12 (ff. 52-63), XLVIII^^12 (two bifolios, ff. 64-
67). Signatures located in the center of the lower margin, on verso.
Written by a single scribe in a neat, but slightly round, gothic
bookhand, on the top line. Notes for initials and chapter numbers in
margins, in an informal cursive script. Numerous corrections between
rulings in lower margin; the corrections were then written in a neat
gothic bookhand next to the text.
The surviving historiated initials, 8-, 7-, 6-, and 5-line, are of
varied design, and are all badly damaged. In type and style they are
somewhat comparable to initials in mid-13th century Parisian
manuscripts, for example, those assigned by R. Branner to the Mathurin
and Grusch ateliers (Manuscript Painting in Paris during the reign of
St. Louis [Berkeley, 1977] figs. 167-73, 212-43). For the most part,
the initials are red or blue, with white highlights; the body of the
letter on a dark blue, pink, or grey ground, with white dots; curling
floral and dragon serifs, some with cusps (orange, red, and green);
descenders (up to 2/3 of text column) same color as body of letter,
with adjoining strips of pink, blue, or grey, often with cusped floral
terminals, rampant dragons; all sections thickly edged in black. Other
historiated initials, blue or pink, with cusped serifs, against a brown
ground with delicate floral filigree in white; thick black edging.
Three historiated initials (ff. 25r, 90v, and 117v) in architectural
settings, in dark blue, blue, red, pink, and gold, with elaborate
floral pendants below. Subjects as follows: f. 9v (Ecclesiastes)
Judgment of Solomon; f. 25r (Mark) Mark as scribe; f. 55v (2
Corinthians) Paul with sword and book; f. 59v (Galatians) Paul
preaching; f. 61v (Ephesians) Paul preaching; f. 65r (Timothy) Paul
with a book; f. 66r (Titus) Paul with a book; f. 66v (Laodiceans) Paul
with banderole; f. 66v (Philomen) Paul with banderole; f. 67r (Hebrews)
Paul disputes with three Jews, identified by Judenhutte; f. 74v (2
Chronicles) Solomon on a throne, vitually effaced; f. 90v (Ezra) King
Cyrus; f. 100r (2 Ezra [=3]) Josias with soldier; f. 106v (Tobit) Tobit
and the swallow; f. 111v (Judith) Judith and Holofernes; f. 117v
(Esther) King Ahasuerus above, Haman hanging below, Esther outside the
initial between the text columns; f. 124v (Job) Job on dunghill; f.
136r (Psalm 1) David harping; f. 140v (Psalm 26) subject illegible,
Unction of David[?]; f. 143v (Psalm 38) David pointing to eyes, with
nimbed figure of Christ[?]; f. 146v (Psalm 52) Fool; f. 149v (Psalm 68)
David in deep waters; f. 152v (Psalm 80) David at carillon; f. 156r
(Psalm 97) Cantors at lectern; f. 159v (Psalm 109) Trinity. The
historiated initials for two books, f. 1r (Proverbs) and f. 63v
(Philippians) were cut out; script and decoration have been restored
with unusual care (s. xv); large floral buds (green, orange, yellow,
and/or pink) on short green stems against purple or black grounds.
Illuminated initials, 4- to 2-line for prologues, pink or blue
with white highlights, occasionally with gold; otherwise, diminutive
versions of historiated initials types (f. 63 [Prologue to Philippians]
with a small bird); one initial of this type f. 35v (John), originally
historiated, has also been restored. 4- to 2-line initials for
chapters, set into text columns, red and blue with blue and red penwork
flourishes running along column into margins, some with animal-head
terminals; some initials in bottom line with unusual penwork pendants.
Capitals in text stroked in red. Chapter numbers, red and blue, often
with flourishes; running headings, red and blue; rubrics in red
throughout; corrections surrounded by undulating red lines,
occasionally with trailing penwork flourishes.
Binding: s. xviii-xix, vellum case. Paper boards are composed of
fragments of several French legal documents of the 16th and 17th
Written possibly in Southern France toward the middle of the
thirteenth century; early provenance unknown. Inscription on f. 86v (s.
xvi): "Jacoby d'Hormier [?]". From the library of Hubert A. Newton
(Yale 1850). Gift of Mrs. John Porter in 1949.
Bibliography: Faye and Bond, p. 27, no. 82.
Barbara A. Shailor